- Wrestlemania 27: Triple H (No Holds Barred)
- Wrestlemania 26: Shawn Michaels (No Disqualification, No Countout, Streak vs. Career)
- Wrestlemania 25: Shawn Michaels
- Wrestlemania 24: Edge
- Wrestlemania 23: Batista
- Wrestlemania 22: Mark Henry (Casket Match)
- Wrestlemania 21: Randy Orton
- Wrestlemania 20: Kane
- Wrestlemania 19: Big Show and A-Train (Handicap Match)
- Wrestlemania 18: Ric Flair (No Disqualification)
- Wrestlemania 17: Triple H
- Wrestlemania 15: Big Boss Man (Hell in a Cell)
- Wrestlemania 14: Kane
- Wrestlemania 13: Sycho [sic] Sid
- Wrestlemania 12: Diesel
- Wrestlemania 11: King Kong Bundy
- Wrestlemania 9: Giant Gonzalez
- Wrestlemania 8: Jake "The Snake" Roberts
- Wrestlemania 7: "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka
Cool thread to start, Josh. I can't see why they'd have Taker lose, especially when it's a possible 20-0. I really think a best 2 of 3 falls would've been better than HIAC. These 2 are too old and not known for taking enormous bumps, so the Cell will just be decoration really. 2 out of 3 would've given HHH a pinfall victory over Taker at WM without actually giving him a loss, too, which it seems HHH would dig. Nonetheless, should be fun to watch.
If HHH got any kind of pinfall over Taker the outrage of the "smart" fans would be insane. I'm looking forward to a HitC match and I'm wondering if we'll see blood in this match. I know they've banned blading, but if there's ever going to be an exception it'll be in a HitC match at the biggest show of the year between the boss' son-in-law and an all time legend.
Vince loves HHH, but not as much as he loves Taker. For example, I heard Vince took HHH aside after last year's match and berated him for giving Taker too many chair shots to the head. The weird part is that Vince gave them permission to use chair shots. That may just be a rumor though, but it's believable considering how Taker's been booked in his career and how much he's been protected.
And speaking of blading, I believe it will be brought back for this year's match since chair shots were brought back last year. After all, because of the high risk of concussions, chair shots are the more dangerous of the two (unless you slice an artery in your forehead like Eddie did at Judgment Day '04):
NSFW (also don't watch if you can't stand blood)
Fifteen of the Bloodiest Minutes in WWE History: Eddie Guerrero vs. JBL (Judgment Day 2004)