FOT Forum
FOT Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tim K in DC on February 02, 2009, 03:03:41 AM
I'm at
And I'm following the following FOT/FMU affiliates and fans:
Anybody I'm missing here?
On Twitter, I am "
I am now JonFrmMaplewood. Note the missing "o" in "from."
namethebats (formerly deathtowords)
I just signed up last week but haven't used it much yet. I don't see how it's better than Facebook.
I am not very good at it yet.
Its kind of cool though.
- (
my twitter has a 65% satisfaction guarantee.
I have a TwitterGrade of 95! Out of I don't know how many.
I have a TwitterGrade of 95! Out of I don't know how many.
I got a 79. I still don't understand what they're basing it on.
I have a TwitterGrade of 95! Out of I don't know how many.
I got a 79. I still don't understand what they're basing it on.
Strangely, 79 is my Q rating.
scharpling: 99.7
omar4life: 97.3
APMike: 96.9
I have an 88! I am pretty happy with that. B+!
i'm thekidcolin if anyone's interested.
i don't really post that often but i'd be nice to internet stalk more of you.
I got a 72. >:(
I still don't understand what they're basing it on.
According to their website:
"It is calculated as a percentile score. A grade of means that @ scores higher than percent of the users that have been graded.
* The number of followers you have
* The power of this network of followers
* The pace of your updates
* The completeness of your profile
* ...a few others"
I'm "oilcantim." Sometimes I twitter from the truck I drive at work. Those tweets say "Truck tweet!" at the beginning. Interesting stuff, right?
A few of my blog's contributors are on twitter too
sean_massapeq (follow him if you want angry denunciations of every move the Mets make)
skitchhanson (longtime sportswriter; nice fella but a bit technology challenged)
Twitter award ceremony :-\ (
A twit is born!
Please note: I am not all of these people.
Those are three quality twitter feeds!
OMG, Ramsey is some of those people!
But I am not most of those people.
So far I have only twat once
this thread peer pressured me into it!
I am trying so hard to like twitter
So far I have only twat once
huh huh. grunt. huh huh. (no seriously, huh huh.)
We should all twitter about how we all barely twit.
waxdustcoat (
I'll take one late pass please.
twitter sucks donkey balls.
Who you gotta impress to get Tom to follow you? Perks of being caller of the year, I guess, huh? I am jealous Laurie. But happy.
Where's yr Undertones quote from? I haven't heard that.
Who you gotta impress to get Tom to follow you? Perks of being caller of the year, I guess, huh? I am jealous Laurie. But happy.
Hey now! I think you should change your twitter name to DaveFromKnoxville. More recognizable! Also you should tweet about things you can put Karo syrup on.
I'm pretty damn proud of this thing.
Who you gotta impress to get Tom to follow you? Perks of being caller of the year, I guess, huh? I am jealous Laurie. But happy.
Hey now! I think you should change your twitter name to DaveFromKnoxville. More recognizable! Also you should tweet about things you can put Karo syrup on.
You can change your name?
Who you gotta impress to get Tom to follow you? Perks of being caller of the year, I guess, huh? I am jealous Laurie. But happy.
Hey now! I think you should change your twitter name to DaveFromKnoxville. More recognizable! Also you should tweet about things you can put Karo syrup on.
You can change your name?
I am now davefromknoxvil on Twitter
I am
for what it's worth...
I don't do it very often. But, when I do, I do like 5 at a time. It's awesome.
For your corny joke needs, I offer the sporadically updated Bigcheeseburger ( (pre Twitter Titters, but more groan-inducing) and Indielaffs (
You posted the same link twice chrysta, although I will admit I laughed at more than a few of those (I actually sang/read the TLC one too).
How have I not posted in this thread? I'm on there, most of you probably know that since like 85% of my followers are FOT. I talk about my morning gastro issues more than Laurie from Miami'd like, but she talks about talentless gay dudes a lot so I think that evens us out (snap!). ME (!
Sweet tweets from SXSW! Spurlock! Oswalt! Knowles! And that was just day one!
@hugman (once again)
- (
Where's yr Undertones quote from? I haven't heard that.
It was something Tom said a couple of weeks ago, after back announcing the music.
Where's yr Undertones quote from? I haven't heard that.
It was something Tom said a couple of weeks ago, after back announcing the music.
Aw man. I didn't mean to finance the fourth Reich. I just wanted to hear 'Teenage Kicks'.
- (
I'm still getting used to this thing.
have I already posted on here? if so, apologies. if not, bonniewins is my twitter name.
I am so disappointed.
I wanted to mention this, but I didn't think creating a new thread was entirely necessary.
Anyway, I was driving down the road today on the way to school, and I saw a billboard (one of those fancy eee-lectron-ic ones that change every few seconds) that said "Follow Ashton Kutcher on Twitter!"
I just thought it was random for a small town in GA. Are there a lot of these around?
apparently he was going to donate mosquito nets if he got a million followers before CNN. all i could think was, 'and people are dumping tom for fuel dump?!'
they run all kinds of shit on those lcd billboards that are not paid ads just to grab your attention.
I found a new platform with which I can profess my love for Julie from Cinci
oh man, that's good stuff.
that Shaq response it great. i would have also accepted 'yo why u yellin?'
Given that most of my LEGIONS* of Twitter followers are Best Show fans, I changed my name to "JonFrmMaplewood."
Note the "o" missing from "From."
last night i had the pleasure of meeting a few FOT in person during my brief NYC visit. as we waited in line at the UCB Jr, there was a
"who can update their twitter the fastest" race which i'm proud to say, i had no involvement in.
Given that most of my LEGIONS* of Twitter followers are Best Show fans, I changed my name to "JonFrmMaplewood."
Note the "o" missing from "From."
I am glad you clarified that. I was afraid it was JohnFromageMaplewood
I added you already! Now say entertaining stuff!
I, like Jon From Maplewood, changed my twitter name to BonnieFromGA. This is also my name, though I have yet to really figure out the ropes on that site.
I, like Jon From Maplewood, changed my twitter name to BonnieFromGA. This is also my name, though I have yet to really figure out the ropes on that site. doesn't have any ropes. Just start playing songs. They can go straight to twitter, too! Then everyone can find out how much you rock!
If anyone's interested. Just joined, and not sure what i think yet.
Thanks to those who have added me. If you tried to and I declined you, try again. I booboo'ed.
Thanks to those who have added me. If you tried to and I declined you, try again. I booboo'ed.
this goes in the Thanks FOT thread, pastor josh. keep up.
*kidding, of course
I cry easily, IAmBaronVonTito.
Just sent you an add request, PJ.
I'm at . (I know that my two calls, six months apart, have hundreds of fans, but I will likely not be changing my name to "PeteFromRichmond")
I, like Jon From Maplewood, changed my twitter name to BonnieFromGA. This is also my name, though I have yet to really figure out the ropes on that site.
Jon From Maplewood changed his name to BonniefromGA?
I, like Jon From Maplewood, changed WFMU'd my twitter name to BonnieFromGA.
I've really come around to twitter ever since I figured out that I can post every shitty thought that comes into my head.
I, like Jon From Maplewood, changed ]WFMU'd WMFU'd my twitter name to BonnieFromGA.
I've already added many of you, especially victims of my sporadic chat banter.
I know, kind of obvious.
Hey, I just added everyone in this topic that I wasn't already following and had updated in the last week. I'm absurdemest.
No pressure (unlike SOME people in who's honor this entire message board has been created and is run), but I try to stay pretty active on Twitter, and you can find me at @tedleo if you're interested.
I also have recently gained an impostor, who is often pretty funny, and so far not mean, so if you're interested and aren't already following this person, I'd encourage you to check out @teddleo, as well.
Tom misspelled my name in one missive of our Twitter war, and it apparently spontaneously generated into a whole new sentient Twitter account of it's own.
The future is upon us.
you should set your twitter up to also update your status on facebook.
you should set your twitter up to also update your status on facebook.
Eventually I will, but first I think I need to re-tool my Facebook into more of a "professional" thing. I've always tried to keep it personal, but I kinda can't do it anymore - I had to leave Myspace because of a really weird experience with a stalker, and while I enjoyed Facebook for a while, it just became too much - too much pressure. I can only really use it casually, and not everybody seems to understand that. It's part of why I like Twitter - it's there as a simple way to connect (or just vent), and there's always e-mail if there needs to be a bigger conversation. Maybe I should add a forum to my web site. Anybody have opinions on that?
it's funny, I've had the exact opposite experience with facebook/twitter, but I honestly had to take a month long break from both recently.
I say add that forum, TL! My guess is that you'd attract the right crowd.
(Also, you probably shouldn't let Tom join until he Twitter surrenders. Give no quarter!)
No pressure (unlike SOME people in who's honor this entire message board has been created and is run), but I try to stay pretty active on Twitter, and you can find me at @tedleo if you're interested.
I also have recently gained an impostor, who is often pretty funny, and so far not mean, so if you're interested and aren't already following this person, I'd encourage you to check out @teddleo, as well.
Tom misspelled my name in one missive of our Twitter war, and it apparently spontaneously generated into a whole new sentient Twitter account of it's own.
The future is upon us.
Personally, I'm following @teddleo for the profile image alone.
No pressure (unlike SOME people in who's honor this entire message board has been created and is run), but I try to stay pretty active on Twitter, and you can find me at @tedleo if you're interested.
People say there's no wrong way to use twitter but if there's a right way it's the @tedleo way. Actually I've yet to run into an FOT on Twitter who hasn't been great. I follow a whole bunch of you including the real and impostor Ted Leo and will eventually add everyone else. You don't need to follow me back but if you feel like it I'm at @betheboy. My wife who, is a silent FOT is @slackmistress in addition my pitbull is on as @daisyjdog. Yes my dog is on Twitter.
Personally, I'm following @teddleo for the profile image alone. (
I just added a bunch of youse guys. I need actual people to twat to. I promise to be super-interesting.
No pressure (unlike SOME people in who's honor this entire message board has been created and is run), but I try to stay pretty active on Twitter, and you can find me at @tedleo if you're interested.
People say there's no wrong way to use twitter but if there's a right way it's the @tedleo way. Actually I've yet to run into an FOT on Twitter who hasn't been great. I follow a whole bunch of you including the real and impostor Ted Leo and will eventually add everyone else. You don't need to follow me back but if you feel like it I'm at @betheboy. My wife who, is a silent FOT is @slackmistress in addition my pitbull is on as @daisyjdog. Yes my dog is on Twitter.
I love your Tweets, but I'm a little offended that your dog doesn't follow me. I'm considering officially unfollowing her. Officially and judicially.
Eventually I will, but first I think I need to re-tool my Facebook into more of a "professional" thing. I've always tried to keep it personal, but I kinda can't do it anymore - I had to leave Myspace because of a really weird experience with a stalker, and while I enjoyed Facebook for a while, it just became too much - too much pressure. I can only really use it casually, and not everybody seems to understand that. It's part of why I like Twitter - it's there as a simple way to connect (or just vent), and there's always e-mail if there needs to be a bigger conversation. Maybe I should add a forum to my web site. Anybody have opinions on that?
In general, I assume that if i don't see you in my FB newsfeed, you've got me on a restricted list ... you're posting "real" stuff only to your close friends and your entire friend list only sees really general stuff or nothing at all. I expect this is doubly true for famous types. After all, I've done the same ... I have some friends that I had to hide from my feed -- peaceandlove, peaceandlove as Richard Starkey said, but these people spend the evening drunk-quizzing, or they play every single game - and those games poop up your newsfeed really quickly. The occasional quiz I don't mind but some people really go nuts.
(Fave quiz I saw a friend do: "which shitty Williamsburg bar are you?")
What I"m getting at is that I didn't want to delete my friends, but I have unfriended a few famous people b/c what they were selling on FB, I wasn't buying, know what I mean? So TL if you're only using FB casually Twitter is probably the way to go. You'd have to moderate a forum - or have someone do it for you.
No pressure (unlike SOME people in who's honor this entire message board has been created and is run), but I try to stay pretty active on Twitter, and you can find me at @tedleo if you're interested.
People say there's no wrong way to use twitter but if there's a right way it's the @tedleo way. Actually I've yet to run into an FOT on Twitter who hasn't been great. I follow a whole bunch of you including the real and impostor Ted Leo and will eventually add everyone else. You don't need to follow me back but if you feel like it I'm at @betheboy. My wife who, is a silent FOT is @slackmistress in addition my pitbull is on as @daisyjdog. Yes my dog is on Twitter.
I love your Tweets, but I'm a little offended that your dog doesn't follow me. I'm considering officially unfollowing her. Officially and judicially.
I will ask my dog to remedy that but she pretty much does only what she wants.
The situation has been remedied. There is no need for further action. Good day.
I've joined the 21st Century. (
My tweets got me in twubble.
Yeah, but after you posted the pic of the guy I was like "she has a point".
No pressure (unlike SOME
I also have recently gained an impostor, who is often pretty funny, and so far not mean,
i noticed this and began following him/her. i thought it was great. i do not follow @tedleo.
I have a Twitter account, I think it's @reeleyes but I barely ever tweet.
i just started twittering, myself...
My corporate overlords have blocked twitter and facebook on my work computer!
At least they don't know what this website is, so they could block this.
My corporate overlords have blocked twitter and facebook on my work computer!
At least they don't know what this website is, so they could block this.
luckily, my work hasnt blocked twitter yet. or hulu. but the other good stuff is blocked: myspace, facebook, youtube, any instant messaging, etc.
Richard Moll is following me. I've never been more flattered.
I'm on twitter. It's kinda how I found this place ( thru PFT's twitter) just kept following people and somehow I found myself here!
I don't tweet very often, I mostly enjoy reading others.
went through a provisional/trial period on twitter. i think i'm getting the hang of it. let's be friends!
If anyone would like to follow me you can find me @andrewdsmith. Tweetz 4ever!!
ive added all of you. enjoy?
I do enjoy, and will continue to do so.
I don't actually use Twitter for much and I tend to delete my old twiths.
But I'd appreciate if anyone would follow me, so I have a more even follower/followee ratio (and thus become more "important").
I do enjoy, and will continue to do so.
ditto for you and @slackmistress.
I don't actually use Twitter for much and I tend to delete my old twiths.
But I'd appreciate if anyone would follow me, so I have a more even follower/followee ratio (and thus become more "important").
just added you & whoever I missed on the last who-ha. I"m AuntieChristina over there too if anyone wants to add me.
I'm starting a new contest: if you can tweet to me who my hair reminds me of each morning (Jo Anne Worley, Suzi Quatro, or Jane Fonda in Klute), the prize is I won't tweet anything boring for the rest of the day.
I don't actually use Twitter for much and I tend to delete my old twiths.
But I'd appreciate if anyone would follow me, so I have a more even follower/followee ratio (and thus become more "important").
I followed you, yesno.
I have never regretted following a FOT on Twitter. Never once.
I have never regretted following a FOT on Twitter. Never once.
You will soon.
I only regret it when they unfollow me, which I never catch. So: have never regretted it.
I only regret it when they unfollow me, which I never catch. So: have never regretted it.
I have been unfollowed by FOT's but I'm not for everyone. Still I like to think they will regret the decision to unfollow me someday.
Hang on that sounds like a wonder no one likes me on Twitter.
I don't really know why I'm on Twitter. I think I mainly use it as an outlet for bad one-liners.
I don't really know why I'm on Twitter. I think I mainly use it as an outlet for bad one-liners. (
I'm on twitter. I don't post too often, though, so if you do follow me, the likelihood of you finding me annoying is pretty low.
I only regret it when they unfollow me, which I never catch. So: have never regretted it.
I have been unfollowed by FOT's but I'm not for everyone. Still I like to think they will regret the decision to unfollow me someday.
Hang on that sounds like a wonder no one likes me on Twitter.
I'm still following you...
I don't really know why I'm on Twitter. I think I mainly use it as an outlet for bad one-liners. (
Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the tuna melt.
I only regret it when they unfollow me, which I never catch. So: have never regretted it.
I have been unfollowed by FOT's but I'm not for everyone. Still I like to think they will regret the decision to unfollow me someday.
Hang on that sounds like a wonder no one likes me on Twitter.
I'm still following you...
Thanks for standing by me Steve. I'll remember that.
I am AndrewVDill over there, too. And everywhere on the internet. Branding!
you are so dedicated to branding that you changed your name to AndrewVDill IRL?! that's commitment.
you are so dedicated to branding that you changed your name to AndrewVDill IRL?! that's commitment.
Much better than my birth name, Andrew V. Dill.
- (
Follow me and I will follow you back (isn't that a lame old Genesis song?)
I switched my FOT name over to my Twitter name. I apologize for misleading you into believing I was regular, it was supposed to be ironic.
If you can see past this mistakle, hit me up on Twitter. I promise it will get very good very soon!
you should all be following my cat: @professrmurder
- (
This is my new Twitter. I hope you like it.
Part of me wants to follow the_real_hurley but he (she?) has an anti-kitty image on his (her?) page. As a proud cat owner, I cannot abide such a thing. Of course, I'm not a dummy and I know the dog didn't actually put the twitter page together for itself, because dogs cannot type, which leads me to believe the owners are just terrible people.
Yeah, I said it.
Part of me wants to follow the_real_hurley but he (she?) has an anti-kitty image on his (her?) page. As a proud cat owner, I cannot abide such a thing. Of course, I'm not a dummy and I know the dog didn't actually put the twitter page together for itself, because dogs cannot type, which leads me to believe the owners are just terrible people.
Yeah, I said it.
Umm... begs to differ with your assertion that dogs can't type.
Part of me wants to follow the_real_hurley but he (she?) has an anti-kitty image on his (her?) page. As a proud cat owner, I cannot abide such a thing. Of course, I'm not a dummy and I know the dog didn't actually put the twitter page together for itself, because dogs cannot type, which leads me to believe the owners are just terrible people.
Yeah, I said it.
Umm... begs to differ with your assertion that dogs can't type.
Begging I believe. Typing? NOT BUYING IT.
Part of me wants to follow the_real_hurley but he (she?) has an anti-kitty image on his (her?) page. As a proud cat owner, I cannot abide such a thing. Of course, I'm not a dummy and I know the dog didn't actually put the twitter page together for itself, because dogs cannot type, which leads me to believe the owners are just terrible people.
Yeah, I said it.
the_real_hurley's owners are OK with who they are.
I have been assured that Hurley is only opposed to cats that are in his house. Therefore, I,as a cat person, feel comfortable following him.
Actually, Hurley hasn't had time to chase cats or change his twitter page art as he is too fixated with the possum that comes in our yard every night. We call it "The Mean Kitty".
See, I don't care for that at all. Just more cat oppression is what that is. Consider Hurley BLOCKED!
(that new puppy of yours gets a page though, I'm gonna be his/her's first follower - so effing CUTE!)
See, I don't care for that at all. Just more cat oppression is what that is. Consider Hurley BLOCKED!
(that new puppy of yours gets a page though, I'm gonna be his/her's first follower - so effing CUTE!)
I gave my dumber cat a twitter account, and I had her follow a number of celebrities ... when I"m bored I tweet in response posing as my silly cat. You guys, the Kardashian sisters? .... they're dumber than I thought. Dumber than you can imagine. It's actually worn me down and i haven't had the heart to do anything with the account in a while because I couldn't take it any more.
Also, Danny De Vito talks about his balls a LOT. I'm not sure why.
See, I don't care for that at all. Just more cat oppression is what that is. Consider Hurley BLOCKED!
(that new puppy of yours gets a page though, I'm gonna be his/her's first follower - so effing CUTE!)
I gave my dumber cat a twitter account, and I had her follow a number of celebrities ... when I"m bored I tweet in response posing as my silly cat. You guys, the Kardashian sisters? .... they're dumber than I thought. Dumber than you can imagine. It's actually worn me down and i haven't had the heart to do anything with the account in a while because I couldn't take it any more.
Also, Danny De Vito talks about his balls a LOT. I'm not sure why.
I'm thinking the lady what pretends to be a kitty on nem interwebs lives in a house a bit too glassy to talk smash about two people famous for how big their butts are, yeah? ;)
I keep meaning to follow De Vito though, but forget to hit the button.
I am
I'm thinking the lady what pretends to be a kitty on nem interwebs lives in a house a bit too glassy to talk smash about two people famous for how big their butts are, yeah? ;)
Hey shrek, you don't judge me. You know why?
See, I don't care for that at all. Just more cat oppression is what that is. Consider Hurley BLOCKED!
(that new puppy of yours gets a page though, I'm gonna be his/her's first follower - so effing CUTE!)
I gave my dumber cat a twitter account, and I had her follow a number of celebrities ... when I"m bored I tweet in response posing as my silly cat. You guys, the Kardashian sisters? .... they're dumber than I thought. Dumber than you can imagine. It's actually worn me down and i haven't had the heart to do anything with the account in a while because I couldn't take it any more.
Also, Danny De Vito talks about his balls a LOT. I'm not sure why.
To be fair, *A LOT* of people talk about his balls.
See, I don't care for that at all. Just more cat oppression is what that is. Consider Hurley BLOCKED!
(that new puppy of yours gets a page though, I'm gonna be his/her's first follower - so effing CUTE!)
I gave my dumber cat a twitter account, and I had her follow a number of celebrities ... when I"m bored I tweet in response posing as my silly cat. You guys, the Kardashian sisters? .... they're dumber than I thought. Dumber than you can imagine. It's actually worn me down and i haven't had the heart to do anything with the account in a while because I couldn't take it any more.
Also, Danny De Vito talks about his balls a LOT. I'm not sure why.
To be fair, *A LOT* of people talk about his balls.
I did a twelve-part sermon series on his balls. It was so positively received that I was asked to present it at Annual Conference next year.
Also, Danny De Vito talks about his balls a LOT. I'm not sure why.
To be fair, *A LOT* of people talk about his balls.
I did a twelve-part sermon series on his balls. It was so positively received that I was asked to present it at Annual Conference next year.
He has a brand of limoncello, yeah? and sure enough, there's a drawing of his balls on the label. You'd think he'd put a picture of a lemon on there.
I can't say much about Danny's balls but his limonchello isn't half bad.
See, I don't care for that at all. Just more cat oppression is what that is. Consider Hurley BLOCKED!
(that new puppy of yours gets a page though, I'm gonna be his/her's first follower - so effing CUTE!)
I gave my dumber cat a twitter account, and I had her follow a number of celebrities ... when I"m bored I tweet in response posing as my silly cat. You guys, the Kardashian sisters? .... they're dumber than I thought. Dumber than you can imagine. It's actually worn me down and i haven't had the heart to do anything with the account in a while because I couldn't take it any more.
Also, Danny De Vito talks about his balls a LOT. I'm not sure why.
To be fair, *A LOT* of people talk about his balls.
I did a twelve-part sermon series on his balls. It was so positively received that I was asked to present it at Annual Conference next year.
Jesus called me and left a message for you, he hates that joke... and DeVito's balls.
I don't have any friends who use Twitter, but I feel compelled to join. Plus, I need an outlet for my one-liners. I'll follow all of you if all of you follow me, deal?
EDIT: I just joined, and already I'm following Danny Masterson! This is great! (! Tweets to come!
EDIT 2: Less than a minute in, I have two spam followers. I'm considering shutting this thing down.
EDIT 3: (Almost) Everyone in this thread is now +1. Do the right thing, guys. Like @bergmayer and @BrianFromBklyn, my first two followers! Thanks guys!
by the way, I changed my twitter username to @dbDanBall if you want to follow me, but you probably don't.
Started my own one, not going through the band one anymore.
if ya feel like finding me.
I'm sure I can be humorous.
Started my own one, not going through the band one anymore.
if ya feel like finding me.
I felt like it!
Twitter has already become 800% better to me since some FOTs started following me today. Thanks folks.
Twitter has already become 800% better to me since some FOTs started following me today. Thanks folks.
800% is a lot. That's awesome.
Twitter has already become 800% better to me since some FOTs started following me today. Thanks folks.
Yah, it's super boring unless you have people to interact with. It's like Facebook Cliff's notes or something.
I notice there are something like 15 FOT lists out there.
If only we could merge them all into the definitive FOT list.
Twitter has already become 800% better to me since some FOTs started following me today. Thanks folks.
Yah, it's super boring unless you have people to interact with. It's like Facebook Cliff's notes or something.
I quit Facebook the day my mom friend-requested me. Before that, I was already on the fence when co-workers started getting on Facebook. Twitter is much better for me, although I have friends who still prefer the Book.
Co-workers on Facebook are a horrorshow. Or maybe it means you just need another job. One of these.
i like facebook better now that i have fot friends on that thing. it was descending into a weird passive-aggressive comment thread between randoms-type abyss. then i friended a buncha fot and now we make jokes. jokes are funny.
Co-workers on Facebook are a horrorshow. Or maybe it means you just need another job. One of these.
I should have stayed my course on that rule, but I broke and added a few. One of them got fired on Monday, and I came home to find she had deleted me off her FB and Twitter. Little brat, I even let her stay at my house for like 2 weeks for free over the summer when she got kicked out of her apartment for being a looooonatic.
Some people. ::)
I have a ton of co-worker friends on FB as well, and many of the kids I teach. There used to be a "no-kid" rule at my theatre, which was awesome because I could freely express myself but once they realized that social networking is like free advertisement, FB became my PG palace and Twitter became where I say what I want. I have all the kids on high account profile security on Facebook but I will never add any of them to my Twitter.
I sort of do the same thing, but the general policy is:
Linked In: Hard G
Facebook: PG
Twitter: This movie has not been rated
Facebook friend me, dear God, my life has no meaning without you.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
For what it's worth, I'm @LogFlume.
Still avoiding Facebook, though.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
I read your tweets, Neel. Actually, someone said that the verb is to "tweet" and the noun is "twit." But I think that's dumb.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
Oh, I read your stuff. Somehow I've kept up so far.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
I miss TRG, whatever happened to him?
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
I miss TRG, whatever happened to him?
I don't know...such a nice guy. Even though I never read his tweets.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
I miss TRG, whatever happened to him?
I wondered the same thing. I miss him. {They don't have a teary face}
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
I miss TRG, whatever happened to him?
Yeah. He was a great guy, the kind of person you would want to share a beer with. A real gift to humanity.
For those who care, I changed my Twitter handle to @neelc13.
You're kind of hard to keep up with lately...
I don't know why I even bothered. I suspect that most people don't read my tweets anyway.
I miss TRG, whatever happened to him?
Yeah. He was a great guy, the kind of person you would want to share a beer with. A real gift to humanity.
This is why I love this board.
Thanks a lot, Bonnie. I'm all choked up now. :'(
On a side note, what better way to show appreciation for your fellow man than by putting his former username on a tombstone. I'm touched.
Is the tombstone-carving guy on here? Making one of those for real would be a nice secret Santa thing.
Is the tombstone-carving guy on here? Making one of those for real would be a nice secret Santa thing.
Who could cover the postage?
For what it's worth I'm @hugel on twitter.
I just made a new twitter list the FOT might be interested in:
I don't think I've posted in this thread- apologies if I have in the past:
I'm on the Twitter: ChrisNeri
Feel free to add me if you like pure silliness.
@sprinklesrine for all your Shitty attitude cat needs
Did anybody get into that Nick Douglas book 'Twitter Wit'? No way I am buying that to find out who did. I got a sample on my Kindle, and it was mostly Favrd snobs.
I told my followers to follow @fonpr, and some have. I wonder what they will make of him outside of any context.
345 FOTs, or FOTS and people who FOTS follow, or something.
I told my followers to follow @fonpr, and some have. I wonder what they will make of him outside of any context.
Thank you, Doctor. I have no idea either.
Apologies for all the work tweets on @bergmayer. I had to.
I enjoy them.
Only just getting caught twitter influenza. @scallemang, and enjoying the ultimate FOT list.
Only just getting caught twitter influenza. @scallemang, and enjoying the ultimate FOT list.
Any friend of Larry's is a friend of mine.
OK, I'm making this really easy for all you FARTS who haven't voted for Ted Leo yet:
and make sure you type something after "because..."
And vote for these fine folks too:
OK, I'm making this really easy for all you FARTS who haven't voted for Ted Leo yet:
and make sure you type something after "because..."
And vote for these fine folks too:
As of 9:27am 1/13/10, Ted Leo is 35 votes away from being in 2nd place in the music category. In humor, Scharpling is one vote away from sharing a spot in the top 20 (he's got 57 votes), PFT is in a tie for 28th with 40 votes, Jon Wurster is in a tie for 55th with 7 votes. C'mon.
Please add me everybody!
- (
I can't promise any insights, but sometimes I manage to post something funny and/or worthwhile.
I protect my tweets because I got sick erasing Pornbots, but don't let that deter you.
Again, I implore you (implore of you?): click this: and say why you like Ted Leo. It takes 5 seconds.
I would love to have you follow me if you don't already. If you will let me know you are FOT, I will reciprocate.
I'm davefromknoxvil, currently posting the worst recordings of the last decade, one per day, among other ephemera.
I have no reason to believe he's a FOT, but Eddie Pepitone has one of the most consistently funny twitter feeds.
Tom is so close to 10K, I think we could totally get him there by at least the end of tomorrow. He's only 894 away! He did it for Ted Leo, let's DO IT for him. (I'm preaching to the choir but still...)
Tom is so close to 10K, I think we could totally get him there by at least the end of tomorrow. He's only 894 away! He did it for Ted Leo, let's DO IT for him. (I'm preaching to the choir but still...)
Make that 697 away! That's 200 people in approx. 5+ hours!
Gonna be all needy, but I really want to reach 200.
Shoutouts to Pastor Josh... I mentioned my twitter on the show in January but here it is:
not safe for work or play really...but I do retweet Noreaga occasionally.
I have no reason to believe he's a FOT, but Eddie Pepitone has one of the most consistently funny twitter feeds.
I fucking love this guy. The only good thing about Los Angeles (loose statement) is the fact that Pepitone is a hard working man & you can generally catch him performing somewhere three nights a week.
I realize that I may be a few years late in joining Twitter, but I just created an account. While I am not very active on the boards, I am an avid Best Show listener. If any fellow FOT's would follow me, I would gladly follow you in return!
(I may have met some of you at the Gathering in September. If you met an Amanda from Wilmington, DE, that's me.)
hey guys, i'm new here...
*it feels like it anyway. i miss the board. :(
Many of you now that I can be found at:
but you can also find me at
The first one is my personal account, the second is my uncomfortably personal account.
I also manage like 384324 other Twitter accounts as other people. But that one's all me.
Please feel free to follow me - it's like going at a thousand miles an hour when you follow my tweets. Last one was about laundry.
Please feel free to follow me - it's like going at a thousand miles an hour when you follow my tweets. Last one was about laundry.
I VOUCH FOR AUNTIE CHRISTINA. And she's not even my aunt.
Please feel free to follow me - it's like going at a thousand miles an hour when you follow my tweets. Last one was about laundry.
I VOUCH FOR AUNTIE CHRISTINA. And she's not even my aunt.
I'm somebody's aunt, that's for sure.
Hi all! The FOTs have inspired me to FINALLY get a twitter account! You can find me @bad_grammer. If you're listed in this thread I will slowly, but surely try to follow you once I get my bearings on the site. Thanks! :D
Andy(?), what happened to @SandwichBear? Will you resurrect him anytime soon?
Here is mine. It's just my random attempts at comedy.
Andy(?), what happened to @SandwichBear? Will you resurrect him anytime soon?
which Andy are you talking to?
Isn't that one of your accounts on twitter? Who is it then?
It's not me.
See you there!
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
Letting it go is probably best. It's probably more awkward for you to unfollow someone, then regret it a couple weeks later and follow them again, therefore guaranteeing they'll pick up on the fact that you unfollowed them in the first place.
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
I encourage it.
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
I would just let it go. On a couple of occasions I've unfollowed people who were in a Twitter slump and re-followed later. In other cases, some people don't like me, that's fine.
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
I would just let it go. On a couple of occasions I've unfollowed people who were in a Twitter slump and re-followed later. In other cases, some people don't like me, that's fine.
Steve, I'm curious as to what would you consider a "Twitter slump".
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
I would just let it go. On a couple of occasions I've unfollowed people who were in a Twitter slump and re-followed later. In other cases, some people don't like me, that's fine.
Steve, I'm curious as to what would you consider a "Twitter slump".
Lots of posts about a conference you are attending is probably the worst offense.
Hey look Marc Maron is here! #maxfuncon
I just got my picture taken with Jesse AND Jordan #maxfuncon
Why is the Tron guy here? #maxfuncon
Ooh, that got me to unfollow him for awhile, not that I don't still like TSOYA and all, but "twitter slump" is a very nice way to put it.
I will bulk up my twitter followings with FoT.
my twitter is: waltkellysghost
The honor of being my 15th follower could belong to you!
It's kind of awkward when people you really like quit following. Are you allowed to ask why, or do you just let it go?
I would just let it go. On a couple of occasions I've unfollowed people who were in a Twitter slump and re-followed later. In other cases, some people don't like me, that's fine.
Steve, I'm curious as to what would you consider a "Twitter slump".
Lots of posts about a conference you are attending is probably the worst offense.
Hey look Marc Maron is here! #maxfuncon
I just got my picture taken with Jesse AND Jordan #maxfuncon
Why is the Tron guy here? #maxfuncon
I've never actually unfollowed anyone because of it, but I'm pretty sure no one has ever enjoyed any "livetweeting" of anything. With the clear exception of Human Giant's MTV Movie Awards twittering (
Does anyone have a ( account? Sometimes things get interesting on there.
'Livetweeting' does suck, but sometimes it's fun to follow a hashtag during an event (big game, the Oscars, etc). At least then there is some back-and-forth communication going on.
When there's a discussion going on, it can be interesting- probably what really soured me on the concept was when someone I know at school "livetweeted" a student senate meeting in excruciating detail.
I don't mind Livetweeting - I've done it myself from time to time ... I think its probably way worse if you follow a number of people that are tweeting the same event (like Maxfuncon) rather than just one person.
I'm definitely aware of who and when people unfollow me, but I try not to sweat it too much. You're free to craft your own twitter experience, know what I mean? You have to get the mix right for yourself.
I don't mind Livetweeting - I've done it myself from time to time ... I think its probably way worse if you follow a number of people that are tweeting the same event (like Maxfuncon) rather than just one person.
I'm definitely aware of who and when people unfollow me, but I try not to sweat it too much. You're free to craft your own twitter experience, know what I mean? You have to get the mix right for yourself.
Auntie Christina, you will never leave me, will you?
I don't mind Livetweeting - I've done it myself from time to time ... I think its probably way worse if you follow a number of people that are tweeting the same event (like Maxfuncon) rather than just one person.
I'm definitely aware of who and when people unfollow me, but I try not to sweat it too much. You're free to craft your own twitter experience, know what I mean? You have to get the mix right for yourself.
Auntie Christina, you will never leave me, will you?
I certainly won't, Dave. You have one of the best Twitter feeds around.
I don't mind Livetweeting - I've done it myself from time to time ... I think its probably way worse if you follow a number of people that are tweeting the same event (like Maxfuncon) rather than just one person.
I'm definitely aware of who and when people unfollow me, but I try not to sweat it too much. You're free to craft your own twitter experience, know what I mean? You have to get the mix right for yourself.
Auntie Christina, you will never leave me, will you?
Lord, no! I think you were one of the first FOTs who swapped follows with me, too.
Sorry, I am one of those pathetic, needy, begging for approval types.
I will never unfollow a FOT. Unless you get weird. Real weird.
Can I have your phone number?
I'm not using Twitter as much as I once did.
Probably because I've run out of things to say.
I'm not using Twitter as much as I once did.
Probably because I've run out of things to say.
Has that stopped anyone else? I tweet about what color nail polish I'm wearing for chrissakes.
Does anyone have a ( account? Sometimes things get interesting on there.
No. I checked it out after reading a "moral panic" type story about it on the NYT. I discovered that it looks like it justifies the moral panic. The users all seem to be under 16 years old (though presumably there are also some middle-aged creeps pretending to be 14 year old girls, too.) It's not for me, that's all I know.
I'm not using Twitter as much as I once did.
Probably because I've run out of things to say.
Has that stopped anyone else? I tweet about what color nail polish I'm wearing for chrissakes.
But I don't paint my nails.
personally, 99% of FOT tweets, i'm interested in. no matter what.
unfortunately, i am unable to reciprocate.
Does anyone have a ( account? Sometimes things get interesting on there.
No. I checked it out after reading a "moral panic" type story about it on the NYT. I discovered that it looks like it justifies the moral panic. The users all seem to be under 16 years old (though presumably there are also some middle-aged creeps pretending to be 14 year old girls, too.) It's not for me, that's all I know.
...which can be said for any other social networking site....
Anyway, my friends and I follow each other on there and it's a lot of fun to ask the most bizarre/interesting/thought provoking questions to each other. Of course, there is that anonymous option, which allows for some weird questions. i can differentiate between the ones I know are spammers/creepers and the ones from my friends, so I just don't answer the questions I think are weird. Easy peasy.
Hey Doodlejump, I didn't mean to come off as a judgmental jerk. (Even though I am one.) I just meant to say that it made me feel really old, and that it isn't for me - which, as you say, could be said of any other social networking site!
There was discussion last night of Spike being on Twitter. Hey Spike, if you're reading this: who are you on Twitter?
supposedly it's a fake. :-\
I'm pretty sure the @weirdosexposed one was a fake.
Actually it's hard to imagine Spike tweeting.
Hey Doodlejump, I didn't mean to come off as a judgmental jerk. (Even though I am one.) I just meant to say that it made me feel really old, and that it isn't for me - which, as you say, could be said of any other social networking site!
Sorry if I came off sounding like I viewed you as a judgmental jerk, for I really didn't! As far as the social networking stuff goes, to each his own! *cyber-handshake offered*
*cyber-handshake returned*
Isn't civility glorious?!
fuck both of you.
and the social networking app you rode in on
I have enjoyed chatting with other FOTs via Twitter. But I also feel apologetic half the time because truthfully I use Twitter mostly to talk about design with other web designers in my industry. I can only imagine this bores to tears the FOTs who still follow me :-[ I guess I could sign up for a separate FOT-friendly account and use TweetDeck to manage the peer groups? These complicated times we live in.
Anyone find that Spike twitter account yet? And do we want to find it? The Horror, The Horror :)
I feel like it'd be outing Spike if I said it here publicly.
Spike didn't want to give his @ out over the air, is it the same thing here? I don't know ... Spike you wanna weigh in?
I was surprised that he refused to divulge it over the air... he doesn't really strike me as a guy who dislikes attention. But then, maybe he uses it for "real life" friends and suchlike.
Fake or not, I'm following some sort of Spike-related account on Twitter... ???
I was surprised that he refused to divulge it over the air... he doesn't really strike me as a guy who dislikes attention. But then, maybe he uses it for "real life" friends and suchlike.
true, but Spike likes being "mysterious" even more.
I can be followed at jeremy_donelson... not that that's my real name or anything :P
I went to Donelson Junior High; you guys need to get your educational objectives together.
I can be followed at jeremy_donelson... not that that's my real name or anything :P
I have been having trouble finding people on Twitter. Mahgeetah followed me, so it was really easy to follow him back. Could anyone interested follow me, so I cn find you? If you don't like my tweets, unfollow me soon after. I just want to find you people.
I went to Donelson Junior High; you guys need to get your educational objectives together.
I'm going to hazard a guess that your school may have been named after Tennessee statesman Andrew Jackson Donelson. Confusingly, he was the nephew of President Andrew Jackson. He was, however, no relation to me.
He was then made Minister to Prussia in 1846, a position he would hold until President Polk's Democratic administration was replaced by the Whig administration of Zachary Taylor in 1849 (Donelson's constant complaining about his personal finances and desire for a higher salary probably had more to do with the change than partisan differences.).
@therealratbaby if you want to keep up with the day to day misadventures of a plush cat toy
I say funny stuff sometimes I guess.
I say funny stuff sometimes I guess.
I like your avatar pic too. On twitter I mean. I don't see one here.
Well I've posted before because on twitter I'm Snogrog, but I just created a joint account with my buddies @brokenfuses and @luckycloud whom I do a (semi)weekly TV themed podcast with. If you want to follow us @HellovisionShow we'd really appreciate it as we'd love to get a good amount of listeners and we love doing it and are hoping for some interaction with listeners going forward. And feedback is always welcome!
@CurtisGrill Non sequiturs and wordplay add at your own risk.
This fake John Boehner feed is worth following. It's not me, BTW: (
My favorite recent tweet:
"Of course we voted down aid for the middle class. I'm against spending Federal money to support endangered species."
Nobody's registered '@themangerine' as a fake Boehner account?
Decided to leave my previous Twitter account just for work-related stuff, and start a new one for FOT / music / jokey stuff - (
i am @disc0p
I get real creative with those screen names. Watch out.
I just went through this thread and added a bunch of yinz guys.
If you're interested, follow me here: (
Although, if you don't want to follow me, I won't be offended.
- (
Mine's at @batzradio (
I should probably use it more.
FYI: You can try to win tickets to see YO LA TENGO if you follow them on Twitter for their current Spinning Wheel Tour. (Travel not included)
I'm ( !
Some to all of you will soon be followed by my dear friend, Fish (AFishInASweater). If you have room in your life for another puppet friend besides Mr. Wackiman, please feel free to follow him back. Please don't mention to Fish that he's a puppet. Or that he's a fish. He has no idea.
*not me... as far as I know.
I have seen AFishInASweater. Is this the guy that was in that video with you involving a fish driving a car?
I have seen AFishInASweater. Is this the guy that was in that video with you involving a fish driving a car?
Yessir! I promise he'll be entertaining and far from overbearing.
I liked that video. I didn't realize the character was more than a one-time thing.
OK, I was wondering where the FoT connection was.
Since you vouch for him, Hugman, he's fine by me.
I wish there were more aquatic creatures on Twitter.
It's really catching on with puppets, anyway. @WallyWackiman, @AFishInASweater, @focusdoug....
He's not calling in much, but he has become obsessive about the show, which is a good thing. If you have a twitter account, surprise him with a birthday greeting. He is @andyfknoxville
Your pal,
Is there any way to make your signature pic any bigger, Smelodies?
- (!/coolhandflick
started an account for the label: @latidarecords
-!/noiseandlight (!/noiseandlight)
I'm back on the Twitter. I don't use it very often but I'm no One Tweet Pete (!/onetweetpete).
I joined not too long ago and go use it sporadically.
for the love of God
Lower your expectations.
I'm kind of new to tweeting, but love tweeting with other FOTs during the shows. Thanks!
for the love of God, Montresor.
Yes, for the love of God.
I'm not ashamed to bump this back to the first page in the name of self-promotion: @MeaganSnyder
Really, though, connecting with FOTs on Twitter is the best part of the internet.
just joined...added a few big-name FOTs amongst others and lo and behold can currently count AP Mike as 25% of my current follower base.
Buffcoat, are you not on the network of tweet?
Buffcoat, are you not on the network of tweet?
Not in any useful form. I considered actually posting what I had for breakfast every day, but I thought posting the same thing every day would be even more boring than I intended it to be.
This Board is my Twitter.
Buffcoat, are you not on the network of tweet?
Not in any useful form. I considered actually posting what I had for breakfast every day, but I thought posting the same thing every day would be even more boring than I intended it to be.
This Board is my Twitter.
In that case I feel compelled to request that you re-submit this post as two separate messages.
Tweet Cop
I think you mean, "I don't get this Tweeter thing, when is Matlock?"
Does anyone know who is behind @clarencethomas?