FOT Forum
FOT Community => Links => Topic started by: Emerson on January 26, 2007, 12:54:28 PM
Which is more unappealing? CBGB chocolates, or Vincent Gallo chocolates? ( When my friend had her bachelorette party in the Mandarin Suite at the Mandarin Oriental a couple of years ago, we had the opportunity to eat the very phallic Vincent Gallo chocolates before the set had its name changed to Collezione Italiano ( I know the ingredients sound weird, but they were surprisingly good, especially the Rooster, Sale del Mar, and Finocchio chocolates. The ones made with olives I could've done with out. And I fucking hate balsamic vinegar, so the fact that it's aged for ten years and paired with roasted Sicilian hazelnuts and dark chocolate isn't going to make me like it.
Which is more unappealing? CBGB chocolates, or Vincent Gallo chocolates? ( When my friend had her bachelorette party in the Mandarin Suite at the Mandarin Oriental a couple of years ago, we had the opportunity to eat the very phallic Vincent Gallo chocolates before the set had its name changed to Collezione Italiano ( I know the ingredients sound weird, but they were surprisingly good, especially the Rooster, Sale del Mar, and Finocchio chocolates. The ones made with olives I could've done with out. And I fucking hate balsamic vinegar, so the fact that it's aged for ten years and paired with roasted Sicilian hazelnuts and dark chocolate isn't going to make me like it.
The Vosges exotic candy bars ( are damn good. My current fave is the Black Pearl.
Also -- if you scroll down on this recap (, you can view some pretty hott box art for the Gallo truffles.
Which is more unappealing? CBGB chocolates, or Vincent Gallo chocolates? (
You just got me curious. Has Gallo ever been discussed on the show?
he's been discussed on the show as a possible subject for a documentary by the guy who did the daniel johnston documentary - sorry, can't remember his name. Btw, vincent gallo was recently spotted at the LA fashion week diesel show.
edit to say: diesel makes nice fitting jeans.
he's been discussed on the show as a possible subject for a documentary by the guy who did the daniel johnston documentary - sorry, can't remember his name. Btw, vincent gallo was recently spotted at the LA fashion week diesel show.
edit to say: diesel makes nice fitting jeans.
And cute sneakers. Their ad campaigns in the past, however, have been horrifying. Nightmare-inducing, even.
Okay, one more question. Who is less appealing?
Prince Vince?
Or... Oh crap, don't do a Google image search for pictures of Terry Richardson. TRUST ME, OKAY? It's not pretty. Why is he a Noted Fashion Photographer? His photos are poorly-lit and look like crap! I take better pictures with my camera phone! UGH! I hate him more than Damien Hirst!
i think gallo would be a great subject for discussion. i'd call and suggest this to Tom if i wasn't busy with work every tuesday evening.
I, Vincent Gallo, star of such classics as Buffalo 66 and The Brown Bunny have decided to make myself available to all women. All women who can afford me, that is. For the modest fee of $50,000 plus expenses, I can fulfill the wish, dream, or fantasy of any naturally born female. The fee covers one evening with Vincent Gallo. For those who wish to enjoy my company for a weekend, the fee is increased to a mere $100,000. Heavy set, older, red heads and even black chicks can have me if they can pay the bill. No real female will be refused. However, I highly frown upon any male having even the slightest momentary thought or wish that they could ever become my client. No way Jose. However, female couples of the lesbian persuasion can enjoy a Vincent Gallo evening together for $100,000. $200,000 buys the lesbos a weekend. A weekend that will have them second-guessing.
paypal shut his account down over this.
I think Gallo is so over-the-top, in-your-face-on-purpose that Tom shouldn't even honor him by engaging in a discussion about him.
I think Gallo is so over-the-top, in-your-face-on-purpose that Tom shouldn't even honor him by engaging in a discussion about him.
Tom once told Jake and Jackie that he loved Vince Gallo talk, but I think the great Gallo conversation with Jeff Feurzeig is all the Gallo The Best Show needed ... at least for now. Hopefully JF makes the Gallo doc at some point.
The Gallo chocolate has been described as "having a thready texture, with a hint of pube." Later in the review, the esteemed author, Reginald DuBeaux, speaks of the "heady, musky aroma" and concludes that "although... the white chocolate is sometimes said not to be a real chocolate, it is rumored that Gallo is developing a new line of dark chocolate that will replace cocoa solids with his own waste. After the success of this ethnically-cleansed sweet, we can't wait to get a shaving of that sinfully decadent brew!"
Reprinted from Chocolate Devotee magazine, totally without permission, and reprinted in the New York Time Magazine.
You know, whenever Purple runs a Terry Grossman photo spread or a Prince Vince photo spread shot by Terry Grossman, I tear out the pages and use it to line my cats' litter box. I think my cats appreciate it.
Okay, I keep calling Terry Richardson by the surname "Grossman" for some reason. I think it's because he's gross, man.
Vincent Gallo and Mike Tyson.
Who will be the our next great celebrity-male-prostitute?
My predictions:
1. Robert Iler of the Sopranos
2. Nick Carter
3. Donald Sutherland
Rumor has it that Vincent Gallo was a gigolo. That's how he got so filthy rich and can afford to live in the Meier building. I think it was old, wealthy Greek women who found him appealing for some unknowable reason.
Who will be the our next great celebrity-male-prostitute?
Daniel Radcliffe?
Oh my god, Harry Potter fucks a horse. JUST IN TIME FOR MY BIRTHDAY!