FOT Forum

The Best Show on WFMU => Show Discussion => Topic started by: Guy Whitey Corngood on February 17, 2011, 02:09:22 AM

Title: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Guy Whitey Corngood on February 17, 2011, 02:09:22 AM
I finally decided to make a Twitter account a few days ago, basically to read musings from alt-comedians and rappers during class/work, etc. It's as entertaining as I imagined; way more fun on a phone than a computer, where the regular Internet is a bit more compelling.

Anyway, of course Tom Scharpling was the first person I started following, and now I NEED to know who this name-dropping hack is that he has been cryptically referring to! Let's review what Tom has said, straight from the source:

-"Who is the least talented successful writer I have ever worked with? Oh, man. I wish I could tell you his name. But he is a FRAUD."
-"This writer has been associated with some REALLY respectable things and gets credit for things that he stood next to. He's crafty but AWFUL."
-"He's a comedy guy but NEVER said one funny thing in the dozen-plus times I've spent with him. Did PLENTY of name dropping though."
-"Remember the talentless writer I was talking about yesterday? I forgot to mention that hes a SNOB and treats those 'beneath him' like trash!"
-"And the guy is a 'legend'. But trust me - he made sure he was next to the right people. Major league ass kisser."

My educated guess? It rhymes with Flood Zapato. Whose work/stuff he's associated with contains lots of great stuff...although I really took umbrage when he bashed Ricky Gervais post-Golden Globes, even though I agree 'Invention of Lying' stunk! Fellow FOTs, your thoughts?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: James W on February 17, 2011, 06:09:28 AM
Apatow got a "funny" when Tom ran down the Huffington Post's 50 funniest (,7552.msg165898.html#msg165898). Michael Ian Black was mentioned in reference to Tom's appearance on WTF (;topic=7680.0;num_replies=0), and there's some project crossover ( there, but he's surely not a 'legend'.

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve in North Hollywood on February 17, 2011, 06:13:43 AM
I don't think it could possibly be Judd Apatow. 

  Exhibit A)
-"Who is the least talented successful writer I have ever worked with?"
     Has Tom really ever worked with him?  I've heard him mention on older episodes that he'd love to work with him, and I know Tom's a fan of his work.

  Exhibit B)
-"This writer has been associated with some REALLY respectable things and gets credit for things that he stood next to. He's crafty but AWFUL."
     Apatow isn't "associated" with respectable things. He's EXECUTIVE PRODUCED AND DIRECTED really respectable things.  That doesn't count as having "stood next to."  That is "grabbed the bull by the horns and wrangled it to the dirt."

  Exhibit C)
-"He's a comedy guy but NEVER said one funny thing in the dozen-plus times I've spent with him. Did PLENTY of name dropping though."
     Why would Apatow need to drop any names?  He's been a name since 2005 and was already writing and producing stuff that is now turning out to be legendary.  He's deciding who gets to be a name these days.  Also, Apatow is an extremely busy man. I can't imagine Tom got to spend a "dozen-plus times" with him, and is now throwing him under the bus.  Chances are, if you're working on a project with that guy and it goes beyond three or four meetings, things are probably going pretty good for you.

  Exhibit D)
-"Remember the talentless writer I was talking about yesterday? I forgot to mention that hes a SNOB and treats those 'beneath him' like trash!"
     I have been in the same room with Apatow several times and I can assure you, he's no snob.  He was amazed that I even knew who he was and was very shy and polite ... and that was on a project that he was executive-producing well after becoming a household name, so he was basically the biggest deal in the room.

  Exhibit E)
-"And the guy is a 'legend'. But trust me - he made sure he was next to the right people. Major league ass kisser."
    Apatow is definitely a legend and can pretty much greenlight anything he wants, but that's after YEARS of hard work and due diligence. A lot of people don't realize that he's been behind some of the funniest stuff going all the way back to the early 90s, possibly earlier.  He's paid his dues.

  Plus, Tom seems to only refer to the guy as a writer and comedian.  Apatow is more well known for being a producer and director.  Of course he does write and has dabbled in stand-up, but I have a feeling that whoever Tom is talking about here is either someone a lot older, or someone quite a bit newer but really making a name for himself.

  I wonder if Tom will ever spill the beans.

Also ... I really enjoyed The Invention of Lying, but mostly for the fact that it was very quietly funny, and the scene when Gervais is telling his mom about heaven was very moving.  But I do agree that Ricky deserves a spanking after the Golden Globes, and he could stand to take it easy on Karl Pilkington... But that guy sure does set himself up for Gervais' attacks.

Finally, Guy Whitey Corngood is a terrific name.  If I'm not mistaken, was he the one giving out Mississippi Fun Bucks?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: James W on February 17, 2011, 06:32:03 AM
[Gervias] could stand to take it easy on Karl Pilkington... But that guy sure does set himself up for Gervais' attacks.
I wouldn't worry, Pilkington seems perfectly happy with his meal ticket.

[EDIT #2: Sorry for the stealth edit Steve I got mind problems]
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve in North Hollywood on February 17, 2011, 06:33:05 AM
he could stand to take it easy on Karl Pilkington... But that guy sure does set himself up for Gervais' attacks.
I wouldn't worry, that guys seems perfectly happy with his meal ticket.

That's a very good point.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 17, 2011, 07:00:50 AM
Boy, you guys are dense:  it's obvious Tom is talking about Jon Wurster. 
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 17, 2011, 07:01:39 AM
Great post, Steve. I believe you are right.

  Exhibit C)
-"He's a comedy guy but NEVER said one funny thing in the dozen-plus times I've spent with him. Did PLENTY of name dropping though."
     Why would Apatow need to drop any names?  He's been a name since 2005 and was already writing and producing stuff that is now turning out to be legendary.  He's deciding who gets to be a name these days.  Also, Apatow is an extremely busy man. I can't imagine Tom got to spend a "dozen-plus times" with him, and is now throwing him under the bus.  Chances are, if you're working on a project with that guy and it goes beyond three or four meetings, things are probably going pretty good for you.

I would support this; I have heard Apatow in interviews, and he seemed funny enough to me.

I think Tom may have been talking about Jack Benny.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: DJ Clem on February 17, 2011, 07:21:35 AM
Clearly it's Bud Abbott.

ps: You're pronouncing zapato incorrectly.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: James W on February 17, 2011, 07:39:31 AM
Boy, you guys are dense:  it's obvious Tom is talking about Jon Wurster.
The guy from Soup or Chunk? Have they worked together?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: cavorting with nudists on February 17, 2011, 07:46:26 AM
It's obviously Andy Breckman.  Tom carried that guy for years.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Paul DeLouisiana on February 17, 2011, 07:58:11 AM
It's obviously Andy Breckman.  Tom carried that guy for years.

Yeh his show isn't funny at all!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 17, 2011, 08:14:45 AM
[Gervias] could stand to take it easy on Karl Pilkington...[.] But that guy sure does set himself up for Gervais['s] attacks.
I wouldn't worry, Pilkington seems perfectly happy with his meal ticket.

[EDIT #2: Sorry for the stealth edit Steve I got mind problems]

Hey, might as well go all out while you're at it. 

What are your tricks for standing Internet English, by the way?  Me, I find teeth grinding useful.

NB:  I had to put the apostrophe after "Gervais" in the brackets to circumvent the formatting rules.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: catass on February 17, 2011, 08:51:21 AM
I'm sort of less than impressed with Tom talking s hit about someone he's not going to actually name.  Blind-Item/twitter/comedy-industry beef seems beneath him.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JustNicole on February 17, 2011, 09:22:10 AM
He could also just be making it up. He said on the WTFcast that he liked to be super vague about someone or something he was upset about just to start something and liked hearing people wonder, "Who is he talking about?" I wouldn't be surprised if it was no one and this thread is making him very happy right now.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: James W on February 17, 2011, 09:38:17 AM
What are your tricks for standing Internet English, by the way?  Me, I find teeth grinding useful.
Ha! Depends what you mean by Internet English, but I'm probably guilty of too much myself to be bothered by it (See: my weird, unpunctuated apology). Not that certain things don't drive me crazy - my gut boils whenever I read/hear an adjective preceded by the definite article, for instance.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Shaggy 2 Grote on February 17, 2011, 09:41:14 AM
I think he's talking about Watson, that computer that was on Jeopardy.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: gordon! on February 17, 2011, 11:17:23 AM

My educated guess? It rhymes with Flood Zapato.

Hmm, is it John Leguizamo?

What, he's done some comedy. You can wiki it.

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dcgut on February 17, 2011, 11:52:38 AM
Bob Odenkirk is certainly a legend but I can't imagine its him.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Guy Whitey Corngood on February 17, 2011, 12:21:54 PM
Thanks, Steve. I wasn't THAT committed to my guess it was Apatow, and I probably should've written "completely uneducated" instead of "educated guess." Also, your citing of Tom's take on the Huffington Post research is some crack research!

President Guy "Whitey" Corngood was Commander in Chief when the country was in the midst of "Blow Up The Moon" fever. I think he has just one tiny line in that bit, but his ridiculous name left an indelible mark on my psyche nonetheless.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: James W on February 17, 2011, 12:25:56 PM
Also, your citing of Tom's take on the Huffington Post research is some crack research!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 17, 2011, 12:43:51 PM
Bob Odenkirk is certainly a legend but I can't imagine its him.

From what I know about Bob Odenkirk, he is the nicest guy on the planet.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Stupornaut on February 17, 2011, 12:53:54 PM
Bob Odenkirk is certainly a legend but I can't imagine its him.

From what I know about Bob Odenkirk, he is the nicest guy on the planet.

It couldn't be David Cross, could it? I mean, I didn't really like his last album that much because it seemed more antagonistic than I expected, but other than that I don't know too much about his whole behind-the-scenes personality and I always assumed he was a solid guy.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: yesno on February 17, 2011, 01:13:23 PM
I get the impression that we're more talking writer than comedian/actor.

ps:  I don't like any of David Cross's standup.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Denim Gremlin on February 17, 2011, 01:46:35 PM
Tom's trying to vent not potentially fuck his career up. If he wanted to be clear he'd be clear.

let it be vague
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 17, 2011, 02:03:16 PM
Tom's trying to vent not potentially fuck his career up. If he wanted to be clear he'd be clear.

let it be vague

I bet a fiver Tom's yanking your chains to see how you will react to it. Either that or it's Red Skelton.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 17, 2011, 02:22:06 PM
Gee, maybe he's talking about himself!  Remember that sleeping cry for help? 
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Pregnant Pause on February 17, 2011, 02:37:55 PM
All signs point to Henny Youngmen
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Th
Post by: Steve in North Hollywood on February 17, 2011, 03:12:13 PM
Thanks, Steve. I wasn't THAT committed to my guess it was Apatow, and I probably should've written "completely uneducated" instead of "educated guess." Also, your citing of Tom's take on the Huffington Post research is some crack research!

President Guy "Whitey" Corngood was Commander in Chief when the country was in the midst of "Blow Up The Moon" fever. I think he has just one tiny line in that bit, but his ridiculous name left an indelible mark on my psyche nonetheless.

That was all James W
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: amiright?? on February 17, 2011, 05:55:26 PM
It couldn't be David Cross, could it? I mean, I didn't really like his last album that much because it seemed more antagonistic than I expected, but other than that I don't know too much about his whole behind-the-scenes personality and I always assumed he was a solid guy.

Watch "Let America Laugh"...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Tom Scharpling on February 17, 2011, 06:07:00 PM
It's not a cry for help and I didn't make it up.

I WAS venting. And I can say for a fact that nobody named the person in question here....

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Stupornaut on February 17, 2011, 06:15:50 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure if all this speculation is doing any good anyhow. Blind items can be kind of interesting to theorize about sometimes but it can complicate a situation when the subject probably shouldn't be named.

(Unless the person's dead, and then all bets are off.)
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: fonpr on February 17, 2011, 06:23:35 PM

(Unless the person's dead, and then all bets are off.)

That's cruel.


Jerry Garcia
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Shaggy 2 Grote on February 17, 2011, 06:26:39 PM
I agree with Fredericks, it's Jerry Garcia
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 17, 2011, 06:35:52 PM
It's not a cry for help....

What?  I'm astonished.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: effecT on February 17, 2011, 06:39:26 PM
I thought of Adam McKay, i heard an interview with him on WTF and hated his attitude and his political bravado.
But maybe that is just me.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Percy Thrills on February 17, 2011, 06:41:24 PM
This is driving me nuts now.  The 'legend' thing is what gets me.  A legend to who? TV writing people, alt-comedy people? Who has Tom been working/meeting with on his unproduced TV projects?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 17, 2011, 06:51:08 PM
I agree with Fredericks, it's Jerry Garcia

I never found him funny, either, but the kid next store would put on his records, open the window and just giggle and giggle.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Jason from Huntsville, AL on February 17, 2011, 07:33:47 PM
It's not a cry for help....

What?  I'm astonished.

Well, we should know by now how this not how Tom cries for help. Ask Sparkiepop.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 17, 2011, 08:01:49 PM
You're right:  he would have said "please."
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rhea from Winnipeg on February 18, 2011, 12:03:09 AM
I'm with effecT. My gut tells me that it's Adam McKay.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Tom Scharpling on February 18, 2011, 12:10:52 AM
Oh, man. It is DEFINITELY NOT Adam McKay. He is a brilliant guy.


Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve in North Hollywood on February 18, 2011, 12:45:31 AM
Oh, man. It is DEFINITELY NOT Adam McKay. He is a brilliant guy.


Tom's right.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Chris L on February 18, 2011, 01:00:41 AM
I thought it might be someone from early SNL like Tom Davis. Is that guy really a "legend" though? Or still active?

2nd guess is Dick Ebersol *ducks*
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: heliumsocket on February 18, 2011, 01:02:35 AM
My guess is either David Wain or Tom Lennon.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve in North Hollywood on February 18, 2011, 01:36:00 AM
My guess is either David Wain or Tom Lennon.

I have a feeling you're way off base.  Do I need to tell my "Tom Lennon stops and talks to me every time I see him" stories?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: heliumsocket on February 18, 2011, 02:01:15 AM
Yeah, and I guess neither one of them are "legends." And Wain is more of a director than a writer these days...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: mackro on February 18, 2011, 02:51:20 AM
It's Eric Idle.

OK, it's not a serious guess at all, but combining all accounts of former Python colleagues, these rants describe someone very much like Eric Idle.  (Although, I thought Eric Idle wrote funny stuff, but was the lone writer, whereas the other Python members collaborated?)
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Christina on February 18, 2011, 05:11:05 AM

2nd guess is Dick Ebersol

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: effecT on February 18, 2011, 06:43:31 AM
Oh, man. It is DEFINITELY NOT Adam McKay. He is a brilliant guy.


Tom's right.

Duly noted...
I was going on one instance of exposure to him and so i can't say i'm surprised that i was wrong.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: cavorting with nudists on February 18, 2011, 08:46:39 AM
Hmmm, notice Tom did not deny that it was Andy Breckman.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: yesno on February 18, 2011, 09:15:10 AM
Robert Benchley.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rhea from Winnipeg on February 18, 2011, 09:51:02 AM
I thought that Andy Breckman was off the list? He was one of the first people mentioned. I can't imagine Tom saying that about the guy who gave him his first big break.

David Koechner?

I give up. It sure is fun to guess, though. :-)
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: CSW on February 18, 2011, 10:12:43 AM
Fun guessing game!

Who were the people who got meh or not funny on the HuffPo 50 list?

Ricky Gervais, Dave Chappelle, Craig Ferguson, Ellen DeGeneres, Tracy Morgan, Bill Maher, Mitch Hurwitz, Trey Parker/Matt Stone, Anderson Cooper, Jimmy Kimmel, Wierd Al.

I'm gonna assume it wasn't Carlin or Betty White as Tom seems to classy to diss a dead guy or an old lady.

Of those, not many could truly, truly be a legend.

I'm gonna guess at Hurwitz. People think he's a legend, and he was surrounded by the "right people" during Arrested Development.

With that said, I have no idea who Tom has and hasn't worked with, so I could be way off. And I guess there's also every chance it's not someone on that list.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 18, 2011, 10:35:04 AM
You mean he's not talking about someone from Consolidated Cardboard?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: thom on February 18, 2011, 10:37:01 AM
All signs point to Hurwitz.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 18, 2011, 10:44:11 AM
This game is stupid. 

I'm going to go drink a beer in the shower instead.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Martin on February 18, 2011, 10:57:20 AM
Please keep this thread going! Let's get it to 100 pages!  8)
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: thom on February 18, 2011, 11:18:48 AM
This game is stupid. 

I'm going to go drink a beer in the shower instead.
POWER SHOWER TIP: avoid stouts and IPAs.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: amiright?? on February 18, 2011, 11:40:53 AM
This game is stupid. 

I'm going to go drink a beer in the shower instead.
POWER SHOWER TIP: avoid stouts and IPAs.

Interesting... Go on.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 18, 2011, 11:57:51 AM
Ha  The joke's on you:  I will be taking a bath, accompanied by a small glass of Jack Daniels.

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: yesno on February 18, 2011, 12:06:12 PM
 S. J. Perelman? Jerome K. Jerome? Jonathan Swift?

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JohnG on February 18, 2011, 12:30:44 PM
Benny Bell.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Matt on February 18, 2011, 12:46:54 PM
If I had to guess, I would guess Al Franken.

But really, WHO CARES.*

* I kinda care.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Senator Gothman (D-OR) on February 18, 2011, 12:54:08 PM
This is quite an investigation!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 18, 2011, 12:54:50 PM
If I had to guess, I would guess Al Franken.

But really, WHO CARES.*

* I kinda care.

Glenn Beck?

Sacha Baron Cohen?

Wally Whackiman?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Jason from Huntsville, AL on February 18, 2011, 01:34:25 PM
I cracked it. It's Andy the Observatory with the candlestick.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 18, 2011, 02:18:26 PM
Jon Stewart?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sarah on February 18, 2011, 02:23:19 PM
AP Mike.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: masterofsparks on February 18, 2011, 02:43:32 PM
Whoever guessed David Koechner, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sashamak on February 18, 2011, 04:51:57 PM
It could be Hurwitz because that Guardian( At least I think it's the Guardian) article recently could've triggered the bashing.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: amiright?? on February 18, 2011, 05:15:04 PM
Mel Brooks.

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sploops on February 18, 2011, 07:27:36 PM
Alan Zweibel?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 18, 2011, 09:08:57 PM
Paula Poundstone, Peter Sagal, and Mo Rocca.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Percy Thrills on February 18, 2011, 10:11:53 PM
Alan Zweibel?
Yeah, I think it's this one.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Chris L on February 18, 2011, 10:34:34 PM
Alan Zweibel?
Yeah, I think it's this one.

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Guy Whitey Corngood on February 18, 2011, 11:01:46 PM
I am glad Tom has posted in this thread to somewhat validate that he isn't messing with all of us. But I DID just listen to his appearance on the WTF Podcast (delightful, profound) and I have totally fallen for his Twitter goading, whether he's pranking or not!

Also, can I just say the trio of Patton Oswalt, PFT and Tom all on recent WTF Podcast episodes: Incredible. Just straight up super-fascinating conversation and reaffirmations of everything I love about those three guys. Podcasting pantheon shit right there!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Chloe inChicago on February 19, 2011, 02:18:17 AM
It's obviously Ray Romano.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: heliumsocket on February 19, 2011, 05:15:49 AM
Alan Zweibel?

After looking at his IMDB...definite candidate.

In other news, Tom Scharpling's IMDB STARmeter is up 161% this week!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: masterofsparks on February 19, 2011, 11:30:31 AM
Alan Zweibel?

After looking at his IMDB...definite candidate.

In other news, Tom Scharpling's IMDB STARmeter is up 161% this week!

Zweibel co-wrote North. Show him some respect.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Pidgeon on February 19, 2011, 11:45:36 AM
Alan Zweibel?

After looking at his IMDB...definite candidate.

In other news, Tom Scharpling's IMDB STARmeter is up 161% this week!

Zweibel co-wrote North. Show him some respect.

Ahh yes, the movie known more for its Siskel & Ebert review than anything else.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: joe on February 19, 2011, 04:39:45 PM
It's gotta be James L. Brooks.  Tom accidentally said his name on last week's show when he meant to say James Ellroy.  He clearly had Brooks on the brain.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on February 21, 2011, 05:46:49 PM
Mel Brooks?

Tim Conway?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: stephen on February 21, 2011, 07:31:10 PM
It's gotta be James L. Brooks.  Tom accidentally said his name on last week's show when he meant to say James Ellroy.  He clearly had Brooks on the brain.

I figured that was just because he was talking about Mel Brooks right before and that got mixed up with the "James L" of James Ellroy.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Alex_from_the_woods on February 22, 2011, 03:31:21 PM
I'm pretty sure it's me.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: gravy boat on February 22, 2011, 03:49:51 PM
Has anyone guessed Andy Breckman?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: davidgoeschatting on February 23, 2011, 10:02:45 AM
So after last night's show, it's Justin Timberlake, right?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Spike on February 23, 2011, 12:41:24 PM
It is that talentless Stacy Morgan. I was watching DEATH AT A FUNERAL   and Danny Glover hitting Stacy Morgan with the cane was more funnier than anything that came out of Stacy's mouth.   
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on February 23, 2011, 12:59:12 PM
Who's Stacey Morgan?

I bet it's not James Brooks. Probably somebody closer to Tom's age, in their late 50s or at most early 60s.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JoeThird on February 23, 2011, 12:59:26 PM
So after last night's show, it's Justin Timberlake, right?

I was thinking that, but Tom mentioned a writer, and I think he considers himself more of an "actor". I could be wrong though.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Spike on February 23, 2011, 01:09:33 PM
Who's Stacey Morgan?

I bet it's not James Brooks. Probably somebody closer to Tom's age, in their late 50s or at most early 60s.

One of the stars of 30 ROCK.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on February 23, 2011, 03:14:06 PM
Who's Stacey Morgan?

I bet it's not James Brooks. Probably somebody closer to Tom's age, in their late 50s or at most early 60s.

One of the stars of 30 ROCK.

Oh, ho ho!  I never would have gotten this one.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 23, 2011, 04:40:13 PM
Who's Stacey Morgan?

I bet it's not James Brooks. Probably somebody closer to Tom's age, in their late 50s or at most early 60s.

One of the stars of 30 ROCK.

Oh, ho ho!  I never would have gotten this one.

Sorry, Spike, but I believe that Stacey Morgan was a female panelist on the Gong Show.  She and Jamie Farr used to dance together and then simultaneously bang the gong when a really bad musician performed.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Christina on February 23, 2011, 05:40:23 PM
'Member her spangly berets?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 23, 2011, 10:49:25 PM
'Member her spangly berets? clearly as I remember Charles Nelson Reilly's pipe.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on February 23, 2011, 10:57:51 PM
'Member her spangly berets? clearly as I remember Charles Nelson Reilly's pipe.

He is missed.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 24, 2011, 10:26:56 AM
Judah Friedlander
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Paul DeLouisiana on February 24, 2011, 10:39:37 AM
Judah Friedlander

This is a good guess. I think he is funny on 30 Rock sometimes but I imagine he is a jerk in real life. Especially when you have to look at those hats everytime you talk to him.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 24, 2011, 10:51:59 AM
Judah Friedlander

This is a good guess. I think he is funny on 30 Rock sometimes but I imagine he is a jerk in real life. Especially when you have to look at those hats everytime you talk to him.

Although I did find the hat that said "Half Centaur" pretty funny.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on February 24, 2011, 11:03:43 AM
Judah Friedlander

This is a good guess. I think he is funny on 30 Rock sometimes but I imagine he is a jerk in real life. Especially when you have to look at those hats everytime you talk to him.

Although I did find the hat that said "Half Centaur" pretty funny.

This was one possibility I had guessed, although I decided not to count him as a writer and ruled it out. Which I guess supports the theory.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on February 24, 2011, 11:50:21 AM
Judah Friedlander

This is a good guess. I think he is funny on 30 Rock sometimes but I imagine he is a jerk in real life. Especially when you have to look at those hats everytime you talk to him.

I can't watch 30 Rock because of the chance that That Thing might show up on camera.  For some reason, he's much more repulsive to me than a thousand things that are supposed to be Internet gross outs.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: davidgoeschatting on February 24, 2011, 02:44:01 PM
Judah Friedlander

This is a good guess. I think he is funny on 30 Rock sometimes but I imagine he is a jerk in real life. Especially when you have to look at those hats everytime you talk to him.

I can't watch 30 Rock because of the chance that That Thing might show up on camera.  For some reason, he's much more repulsive to me than a thousand things that are supposed to be Internet gross outs.


What do they do? Cast his hat too? I think my overwhelming love for American Splendor made me forget it was him for a couple hours, but everything else he's showed up in that I've seen is bad. It's like his hat is the punchline, then every line of dialogue he has after you see the hat is some lazy victory lap. Anti-punch line. Or something like that. Men of wisdom...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Pidgeon on February 24, 2011, 02:45:14 PM
I want to see what that dude looks like shaved, hair cut, and wearing adult clothes.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Omar on February 24, 2011, 02:50:56 PM
Judah Friedlander is a "legend"?!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rick in Salt Lake on February 24, 2011, 03:12:03 PM
Sorry, Spike, but I believe that Stacey Morgan was a female panelist on the Gong Show.  She and Jamie Farr used to dance together and then simultaneously bang the gong when a really bad musician performed.

You're thinking of Jaye P. Morgan...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rick in Salt Lake on February 24, 2011, 03:13:16 PM
'Member her spangly berets? clearly as I remember Charles Nelson Reilly's pipe.

Who doesn't remember Reilly's pip. It was the major weapon he used to do battle with Spangly Beret Summers...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 24, 2011, 03:19:31 PM
Sorry, Spike, but I believe that Stacey Morgan was a female panelist on the Gong Show.  She and Jamie Farr used to dance together and then simultaneously bang the gong when a really bad musician performed.

You're thinking of Jaye P. Morgan...

The banker? Bah!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Terry From Cleveland on February 24, 2011, 03:54:21 PM
I could see it being Judah Friedlander. Although he's not a legend, he fits the bill for everything else. Saw him at the East Village Comedy club and he made fun of the way I clapped (out of obligation, for one of his dumb jokes and the two drink minimum which became a four drink minimum because of my teetotalling girlfriend). I haven't clapped for anything since...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: B_Buster on February 24, 2011, 05:29:42 PM
AP Mike.

I see you still got your claws out, Kitty.

Here's my candidate for a literary hack: Donald Barthelme.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: CSW on February 25, 2011, 04:24:07 AM
I want to see what that dude looks like shaved, hair cut, and wearing adult clothes.

Check the Harry & The Hendersons episode, I think it's in season 3.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Paul DeLouisiana on February 25, 2011, 07:47:04 AM
I could see it being Judah Friedlander. Although he's not a legend, he fits the bill for everything else. Saw him at the East Village Comedy club and he made fun of the way I clapped (out of obligation, for one of his dumb jokes and the two drink minimum which became a four drink minimum because of my teetotalling girlfriend). I haven't clapped for anything since...

I laughed so hard at this. Imagining someone offended at someone clapping weioerd. Imagining someone clapping weird. How the hell can someone clap weird?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Spike on February 25, 2011, 09:33:42 AM

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on February 25, 2011, 10:11:45 AM
I like Barthelme's short stories.  He can get precious, but so can they all.

Call screener Steve never would have knocked the great DB.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on February 25, 2011, 10:14:02 AM
AP Mike.

I see you still got your claws out, Kitty.

Here's my candidate for a literary hack: Donald Barthelme.

Uh oh, just checked out one of his books on a recommendation from Amazon
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on February 25, 2011, 10:19:59 AM
AP Mike.

I see you still got your claws out, Kitty.

Here's my candidate for a literary hack: Donald Barthelme.

Uh oh, just checked out one of his books on a recommendation from Amazon

Try Forty Stories.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: cavorting with nudists on February 25, 2011, 10:24:00 AM
Mike is an unforgiving critic.  Barthelme may not be to everyone's taste, but "hack" isn't something it would occur to me to call him.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on February 25, 2011, 10:54:50 AM


Sorry, but I believe that is Stacy Keach.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Shaggy 2 Grote on February 26, 2011, 12:58:52 AM
I'll stand by both Donald Barthelme and Stacey L. Keach.

I think Tom's talking about Chaim Levine, if you know what I'm saying.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on February 26, 2011, 10:37:10 AM
Whoever it is, I'd recommend staying out of Tom's octagon.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Guy Whitey Corngood on March 20, 2011, 05:06:39 PM
Interesting update to share with you all. I was listening to the episode: September 25, 2007: A Continuation Of The Legendary 'The Best Show On WFMU's 100 Top Movie Quotes'! It's Epic And It Makes Everyone Who Hears It Happy, So Listen! this afternoon when an interesting thing happened. A caller suggested a quote from the movie "Stripes." Tom, normally a Bill Murray lover, apologized to the caller and said he could not accept a quote from that movie for "personal reasons."

"You wanna know what? For personal reasons, 'Stripes' will never make the list. I had a problem with someone who co-wrote 'Stripes'...creep." - Tom

You know who co-wrote Stripes? Comedy "legend" Harold Ramis! I hereby change my official guess to Harold Ramis. Based on Tom's tweets + this new insight, it now seems totally reasonable and believable.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Chris L on March 20, 2011, 06:17:01 PM
You know who co-wrote Stripes? Comedy "legend" Harold Ramis!

... and at least two other guys.

It was Zweibel.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sashamak on March 20, 2011, 11:33:02 PM
Did Ghostbuster get omitted from that list too?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rhymes with Don Draper on March 21, 2011, 12:38:16 AM
I remember a line from Groundhog Day, which was directed and co-written by Harold Ramis, being accepted onto that list.

Furthermore, I take offense of the scare quotes around legend when discussing Ramis.  Sure, the guy's directorial resume isn't the strongest list of credits, but he was Egon Spangler, was at one point apart of SCTV and he made Groundhog Day.  That's enough for me to give the guy his due.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on March 21, 2011, 09:04:53 AM
I doubt it was Ramis. I seem to remember a comment from Tom about this guy kissing up to people, and Ramis hasn't had to kiss up to anybody since the 80s.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Sashamak on March 22, 2011, 12:21:31 AM
Harold Ramis as Mo Green in Dialing for Dollars was classic stuff.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: nec13 on March 23, 2011, 12:37:33 AM
It's Mike Francesa.

/thread closed.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Guy Whitey Corngood on March 23, 2011, 11:15:55 PM
I only put Ramis in quotes because Tom used the word. I have respect for him and his career.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Zach on March 25, 2011, 01:13:27 AM
My guess is Scott Aukerman
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: not that clay on March 25, 2011, 02:42:09 AM
My guess is Scott Aukerman

I don't think it's Scott Aukerman, but since you brought it up, what's the deal with that guy? He gets all these amazing people on CDR but always steps all over their jokes.   His own jokes sound deliberately bad, like a dad telling jokes to a 5 year old. The unfunny comedian thing, the irony of the bad joke, I get it, but every week for years and years? Has he ever been actually funny?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rhymes with Don Draper on March 25, 2011, 03:28:46 AM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on March 25, 2011, 04:30:12 AM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.

So sayeth Rhymes with Dodney Ding!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on March 25, 2011, 10:58:58 AM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.

I don't like anybody, so I've avoided guessing.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: yesno on March 25, 2011, 11:07:56 AM
My guess is Scott Aukerman

I don't think it's Scott Aukerman, but since you brought it up, what's the deal with that guy? He gets all these amazing people on CDR but always steps all over their jokes.   His own jokes sound deliberately bad, like a dad telling jokes to a 5 year old. The unfunny comedian thing, the irony of the bad joke, I get it, but every week for years and years? Has he ever been actually funny?

He's very funny on stage.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: JonFromMaplewood on March 25, 2011, 01:40:28 PM
Who was that funny southern lady who always had the price tag hanging from her hat?  I think it's her.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rhymes with Don Draper on March 25, 2011, 01:44:41 PM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.

So sayeth Rhymes with Dodney Ding!

Hey, aren't you suppose to be a nice guy, Dave From Knoxville?

But really-- just change this thread to "Comedians We Don't Like" and it'll be more accurately portrayed.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Paul DeLouisiana on March 25, 2011, 01:56:18 PM
But really-- just change this thread to "Comedians We Don't Like" and it'll be more accurately portrayed.

Or just keep it to yourself and start a thread called "Comedian We Love." Because I rather be told who to check out than who to stay away from. Less time.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on March 25, 2011, 03:20:54 PM
Who was that funny southern lady who always had the price tag hanging from her hat?  I think it's her.

He's obviously talking about Bennett Cerf. I never got that guy either.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on March 25, 2011, 08:18:04 PM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.

So sayeth Rhymes with Dodney Ding!

Hey, aren't you suppose to be a nice guy, Dave From Knoxville?

But really-- just change this thread to "Comedians We Don't Like" and it'll be more accurately portrayed.

It was supposed to be a joke, Rhymes With Mouse Caper
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: nec13 on March 25, 2011, 08:30:30 PM
Who was that funny southern lady who always had the price tag hanging from her hat?  I think it's her.

That's Grand Ole Opry regular Minnie Pearl.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on March 25, 2011, 08:40:30 PM
Who was that funny southern lady who always had the price tag hanging from her hat?  I think it's her.

That's Grand Ole Opry regular Minnie Pearl.

Had lunch with her. Nice enough, not at all funny.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Rhymes with Don Draper on March 25, 2011, 11:50:46 PM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.

So sayeth Rhymes with Dodney Ding!

Hey, aren't you suppose to be a nice guy, Dave From Knoxville?

But really-- just change this thread to "Comedians We Don't Like" and it'll be more accurately portrayed.

It was supposed to be a joke, Rhymes With Mouse Caper

I was joking too. :-)
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on March 26, 2011, 05:47:57 AM
This thread is just turning into a excuse for people to project their own dislike of a certain comedian or comedy writer onto Tom. Furthermore, I get the feeling that some people have already guessed who was being referred to correctly.  So please: because Tom can't really confirm anything and because this thread has the potential to be seen by the wrong people, let's stop stoking this fire and let the very transparent mystery be.

So sayeth Rhymes with Dodney Ding!

Hey, aren't you suppose to be a nice guy, Dave From Knoxville?

But really-- just change this thread to "Comedians We Don't Like" and it'll be more accurately portrayed.

It was supposed to be a joke, Rhymes With Mouse Caper

I was joking too. :-)

Well, I was joking first! Rumors of my niceness have been greatly exaggerated.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Patrick on March 26, 2011, 11:14:09 AM
Surprised no one has mentioned Jerry Seinfeld yet.  i think Jerry fits all of the categories.  makes sense to me.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: buffcoat on March 26, 2011, 06:24:04 PM
That bee's a jerk, isn't he?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on March 26, 2011, 09:31:17 PM
What is the deal with that bee?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Pidgeon on March 26, 2011, 09:43:18 PM
That bee's a jerk, isn't he?


Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: daveB from Oakland on March 27, 2011, 12:57:12 PM
My guess is Scott Aukerman

I don't think it's Scott Aukerman, but since you brought it up, what's the deal with that guy? He gets all these amazing people on CDR but always steps all over their jokes.   His own jokes sound deliberately bad, like a dad telling jokes to a 5 year old. The unfunny comedian thing, the irony of the bad joke, I get it, but every week for years and years? Has he ever been actually funny?

He's very funny on stage.

Yes.  I love Hot Saucerman. 

I would also like to register my appreciation of Clock SoccerMom. At first listen, it might sound like he's stepping all over brilliant comics. But if you go thru the archives, i think it's the nature of his goading that has coaxed out some of the best-ever work from people like PFT, Seth Morris, Nick Kroll, Andy Daly, Eddie Pepitone, and many others. As for his own dumb jokes ... sure, they're pretty dumb. But they make me laugh. I dunno, just something about the way he delivers them.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Eric Fishlegs on March 27, 2011, 01:04:14 PM
My guess is Scott Aukerman

I don't think it's Scott Aukerman, but since you brought it up, what's the deal with that guy? He gets all these amazing people on CDR but always steps all over their jokes.   His own jokes sound deliberately bad, like a dad telling jokes to a 5 year old. The unfunny comedian thing, the irony of the bad joke, I get it, but every week for years and years? Has he ever been actually funny?

He's very funny on stage.

Yes.  I love Hot Saucerman. 

I would also like to register my appreciation of Clock SoccerMom. At first listen, it might sound like he's stepping all over brilliant comics. But if you go thru the archives, i think it's the nature of his goading that has coaxed out some of the best-ever work from people like PFT, Seth Morris, Nick Kroll, Andy Daly, Eddie Pepitone, and many others. As for his own dumb jokes ... sure, they're pretty dumb. But they make me laugh. I dunno, just something about the way he delivers them.

I think he's more interested in playing the host than in being "the funny one" himself. He's as funny as he needs to be. Any more and he'd be butting in on his guests and they're the real stars of the show.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on March 27, 2011, 10:05:32 PM
I also have to come to Hot Soccermom's defense. I love the show, and his delivery makes even the corny jokes work. As Eric points out, I think for the most part he does let the guests do their thing and takes a support role, which is a good thing for a host to do.

Actually, though, one of my favorite Comedy Death Ray moments was when PFT as Danny Glover gave a vague answer to 'how old are you now, Danny?', and Scott commented that 'you'd think you would have wiki'ed yourself before you called in'.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: heliumsocket on March 28, 2011, 06:16:04 AM
Tom said that the guy he hates has been associated with tons of great projects. Aukerman has really only done Mr. Show, Between Two Ferns and Sarah Silverman Program. Plus, I really doubt TS would go on his Comedy Death Ray podcast just a few days before or after publicly calling him a hack.

So, I feel comfortable saying it's not him.

I've listened to Comedy Death Ray Radio since it debuted, and although he can be a forehead-slapworthy pun machine, he's great at getting guests, and his show's games are usually entertaining. The first Bob Odenkirk edition of "Would You Rather" had me crying.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: CaptKarl on March 28, 2011, 11:55:44 AM
Aukerman is good and original. CDR both live and podcast is just eff off space that people develop stuff, characters and improv experience. The exchanges Scott has with Brett Gelman, Andy Daly, Harris Wittels, and Seth Morris is top-shelf funny.

Fairly certain Hot Saucerman is appreciated by most everyone in "the biz", and as much as Tom has talked down the comedy procedural podcast I doubt he would take umbrage with something going for the actual funny like CDR.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Eric Fishlegs on March 28, 2011, 01:08:33 PM
Tom said that the guy he hates has been associated with tons of great projects. Aukerman has really only done Mr. Show, Between Two Ferns and Sarah Silverman Program. Plus, I really doubt TS would go on his Comedy Death Ray podcast just a few days before or after publicly calling him a hack.

So, I feel comfortable saying it's not him.

I've listened to Comedy Death Ray Radio since it debuted, and although he can be a forehead-slapworthy pun machine, he's great at getting guests, and his show's games are usually entertaining. The first Bob Odenkirk edition of "Would You Rather" had me crying.

Last week's episode with Jon Hamm actually annoyed me by not taking the game seriously enough. Which is weird for a comedy podcast, but it's the one game they play that I actually enjoy as a game in it's own right.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Spalding on March 28, 2011, 01:16:46 PM
Had lunch with her. Nice enough, not at all funny.

Did she bring wrestler guests to the Opry cafeteria as well? Wasn't she an upper class type in real life (went to college, played tennis, etc)?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: cavorting with nudists on March 28, 2011, 01:57:14 PM
Had lunch with her. Nice enough, not at all funny.

Did she bring wrestler guests to the Opry cafeteria as well? Wasn't she an upper class type in real life (went to college, played tennis, etc)?

I'm bored, so let's wiki that!

Sarah Colley [Minnie Pearl] was born in Centerville, in Hickman County, Tennessee, about 50 miles (80 km) southwest of Nashville. She was the youngest of the five daughters of a prosperous lumberman in Centerville. She graduated from Ward-Belmont College (now Belmont University), at the time Nashville's most prestigious school for young ladies, where her major was theater studies and dance was a particular interest. After graduation she taught dance for several years.

Oops, check this out:

Pearl's comic material derived heavily from her hometown of Centerville, which in her act she called Grinder's Switch. Grinder's Switch is a community just outside of Centerville that consisted of little more than a railroad switch. Those who knew her recognized that the characters were largely based on real residents of Centerville.

Without Minnie Pearl, no Garrison Keebler!
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: cavorting with nudists on March 28, 2011, 02:13:39 PM
It can also be argued that her infallibly laff-getting signature phrase, "How-DEEEEEE!" was a big influence on Bobby "HOWAHHH-YA?" Bittman.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: not that clay on March 29, 2011, 12:41:57 AM
Aukerman is good and original. CDR both live and podcast is just eff off space that people develop stuff, characters and improv experience. The exchanges Scott has with Brett Gelman, Andy Daly, Harris Wittels, and Seth Morris is top-shelf funny.

Fairly certain Hot Saucerman is appreciated by most everyone in "the biz", and as much as Tom has talked down the comedy procedural podcast I doubt he would take umbrage with something going for the actual funny like CDR.

OK, that makes sense. It's garbage time he doesn't take seriously. I think I got it now.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Lemon Session on March 30, 2011, 12:49:29 AM
My guess? Bruce Vilanch
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: VealCutlet on March 31, 2011, 12:24:48 AM
Perhaps I missed the context, or didn't pick up on a the true intention of the comment, but I think that Tom recently made a less-than-complimentary allusion to Jay Mohr on the show? Not a legend by any means, but meets some of the other criteria. He's been involved in a slew of great projects...Jerry McGuire... Suicide Kings...The Jim Rome Show...
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: dave from knoxville on March 31, 2011, 05:21:59 AM
Perhaps I missed the context, or didn't pick up on a the true intention of the comment, but I think that Tom recently made a less-than-complimentary allusion to Jay Mohr on the show? Not a legend by any means, but meets some of the other criteria. He's been involved in a slew of great projects...Jerry McGuire... Suicide Kings...The Jim Rome Show...

The Jim Rome Show is a "great project"?

This has been going on for so long now, I can't remember...anybody mentioned Silent Bob yet?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Lemon Session on April 01, 2011, 03:39:32 AM
I took a second to look at other writers on Monk and found David M. Stern on the list (Simpsons, Ugly Americans...) Tom?
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Steve of Bloomington on April 01, 2011, 01:50:26 PM
Come on, let's not get the guy in trouble with show business.

I figured it out, anyway.
Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: Guy Whitey Corngood on April 09, 2011, 12:35:33 AM
You cracked the code? How about sending a message.

Because I already know who it is so I just want to confirm you had the same guy.

Title: Re: Who is the comedy-hack Tom's been bashing on Twitter?!?! - Official Guess Thread
Post by: heliumsocket on April 21, 2011, 01:38:58 PM
IMDB says he barely writes at all, otherwise my guess after last week's show:
