FOT Forum
FOT Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: JeffertonFromTX on February 19, 2015, 03:55:04 PM
So, I figured there had to be at least a few of you guys who actually play video games and on that off chance I wanted to post my gamertag and what I was playing so I could possibly get a few FOTs to play games with.
I have an X-Box One and a 360 and my gamertag is AGENTofASGARD. Please feel free to add me.
Currently Playing:
-Dragon Age: Inquisition
-Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
-Everything Telltale Games is putting out right now.
I'm also planning on getting the Borderlands: Handsome Collection as soon as it comes out.
sorry, I'm PS4, and so far away from Texas that I cry about it daily (true story).
I've loved the Telltale Game games that I've played on PC, but recently I've read some pretty bad horror stories about the bugs that apparently they all have. it's great story writing though.
personally, I've just kicked a Destiny habbit, but am bound to restart whenever the next expansion hits (seeing as I've paid for it). I usually only have enough time each night to focus on one game, and at the moment, that's Diablo 3.
I played Diablo 3 on PC when it came out, and thought it was "ok", but the expansion really does add a lot. much like the expansion to Diablo 2, it makes the core game seem unplayable without it.
anyways, PSN: floatingslowly, you know, if you live in Oceania and have a PS4 (or if you stay up to gawdawful in the morning, stateside).
ok, back to crying about Texas. thanks for reminding me, you jerk... :'(
I have an Xbox One and a PS4, I believe I am Desert666 on both.
Playing now: Dying Light (XBOne)
Dragon Age [my second playthrough] (PS4)
The Evil Within [3rd playthrough, but got bored and stopped] (PS4)
Assassin's Creed Unity [got kinda bored early on so taking a break] (PS4)
Now that we have video games out of the way, is it safe to talk about Texas? I turned my Australia wife into a Texas, accent and all. There’s nothing more beautiful in this world than a pretty girl who knows her fixin’ to’s and y’alls.
I’m a distant relative of General Travis, and get misty-eyed when visiting the Alamo. That said, if it were me, I would have made friends with all those Mexicans with a well-placed joke about their sisters, and my gold-ribbon slow-cooked pork tacos.
As a less than conservative kind of guy, I prefer Austin, my tiny blue island in a sea of red, but I’ve lived up and down I-35 most of my life. During the mid-70’s, I lived in Wichita Falls, before the tornado tore the town to hell, which consequently caused me to have a life-long fear of tornados; I pace the house like a frightened little girl at the mere mention of them in the neighbourhood.
Every time I leave Texas, I dream about getting back. It’s not something that you can ever get over. I see no way of leaving Australia for at least the next five years, and there’s a good chance that I’ll end up living like Mad Max someday, but there’s always hope of finding a six pack of Shiner Bock at the local bottle-shop (not going to happen, I’ve desperately looked).
Unfortunately, I think that I’ll just have to settle for a “come and take it” cannon tattoo, and get a smoker, you know, so that I can make “real” BBQ, not this shrimp on the barbie crap they got going here.
Anyways, enough about me. I want to hear about YOUR Texas. Are you from the Multiversity where the Nazis won the war? I bet those Nazis could never take Texas.
XBONE. what are you guys thinking????
why is there a smilie in my post? I didn't do that. how did the forum software so astutely simulate my xbone criticism???
Mike, I'll add you on PSN later tonite. you seen like someone who stays up past 2am PST.
I used to have a huge chip on my shoulder about being from Texas because I thought it limited me, as well as making people look at me differently because I'm southern. Like, I thought that they thought that I was some sort of rube, but as soon as I started wrapping up high school I realized that that was all in my head and I started really embracing all the great things about being from Texas.
Shiner, first and foremost. Robert E. Howard. The Last Picture Show. The Mavericks. I now really love being a Texan, even though I haven't experienced as much of it as I should. Like, I traveled around a lot in high school because of my UIL events so I saw the same dozen towns over and over again, but I still really loved it. It was really just a matter of accepting myself and not letting my surroundings define who I am.
I'm glad that I'm not only getting new gamer friends but more Texas friends too. Hail the FOTs.
when they aren't asking if I'm Canadian (I'm told it's the safe bet...American's don't get mad at being called Canadians, but the 'Nucks get bent out of shape at being called 'American', which they are), I get asked about my HORSE and my HAT, of which I own neither. It doesn't help that I'm also a J. Ewing...
thanks to Hollywood, almost everyone thinks that Texas is a flat dry desert, with nothing but big cactus, cattle, and oil wells. I immediately shatter their dreams by explaining that Saguaro only grow in Arizona, and counter by asking if they've enjoyed an oilcan of Fosters' today (at which they only serve back puzzled looks, because not only does nobody drink Fosters, but you definitely cannot buy it in an oilcan), and "where is the nearest Kangaroo is for me to punch" (they assure me that the Roo will win, to which I fervently deny, stating "I'm from TEXAS").
I think that it's easy for anyone who has grown up around massive pick-em-up trucks, shit-kicker boots, and HOWDY Y'ALL's, to feel slightly embarrassed of your perception at what Texas means to you. Frankly, speaking as someone who has been all over the world, and has lived a great many other places, there really is no better place.
thankfully my youngest boy has tri-citizenship; America, Australia, and Texas.
all the great things about being from Texas.
Shiner, first and foremost. Robert E. Howard. The Last Picture Show. The Mavericks.
Molly Ivins, Johnny Winter, The Gourds, Doug Sahm, 13th Floor Elevators, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Butthole Surfers, Flatlanders, Alejandro Escovedo, Jim Hightower...
Stickmen with Rayguns and Stubbs BBQ sauce
I really love that this has become a Texas Appreciation Thread.
all the great things about being from Texas.
Shiner, first and foremost. Robert E. Howard. The Last Picture Show. The Mavericks.
Molly Ivins, Johnny Winter, The Gourds, Doug Sahm, 13th Floor Elevators, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Butthole Surfers, Flatlanders, Alejandro Escovedo, Jim Hightower...
I met Gibby Haynes on the LES in New York. man, did he have a serious set of drug-teef. they distracted me as I stammered out my fawning sweet-god-thank-yous.
personally, I feel that Tripping Daisy/The Polyphonic Spree should be on every great musicians from Texas list (at least they are on mine). The Spree catch a lot of grief for their choir act, but it's infective geniusness, and a joy to see live.
ps: if anyone could see me a Texas flag bumper-sticker for my car, I'd be much obliged.
I love The Polyphonic Spree, even though everyone I know seems to have soured on them. I still remember that performance at one of MTV awards blowouts they did around the time Eternal Sunshine came out. My former roommate had two of their albums and I was always borrowing them like a creep. I ALWAYS forget the Butthole Surfers are from Texas. I'm going to start throwing that around more when I put "Who Was In My Room Last Night" on at my local tavern.
Sadly, I have barely experience any live music aside from a handful of Legion Hall punk shows in my town, a B.B. King concert (also, weirdly in my garbage heap of a town), and an Arcade Fire show at an amphitheater in Ft. Worth that I can't remember the name of. Also, yes, I'm an Arcade Fire apologist. I blame not being in my thirties.
Are we still talking video games? Just got Dying Light and Evolve on the PS4. Dying Light is great, Evolve is a lot of fun if you have friends with the game.
I REALLY want to try Evolve. I figured it would be more fun with friends, but still, I loved playing Left 4 Dead no matter what and the idea behind it really sounds cool to me.
Tell me more about Dying Light. Nobody I know has played it so I haven't gotten a solid opinion on it yet.
Anybody into Dota 2?
I want to get into it, but it seems kind of uninviting in terms of the difficulty.
I'm a PC gamer and not a fan of FPS but I'm still in the WoW machine if anyone is around there, battletag akaJudge#1146. Kudos to Fredericks for mentioning Doug Sahm AND Alejandro Escovedo :) Two of my faves. The thing about Dallas I struggle with is how much people love Tripping Daisy and The Polyphonic Spree, not to mention the goddamn Toadies. Horton Heat and Pantera for me!
I've actually never played that.
I'm a PC gamer and not a fan of FPS but I'm still in the WoW machine if anyone is around there, battletag akaJudge#1146. Kudos to Fredericks for mentioning Doug Sahm AND Alejandro Escovedo :) Two of my faves. The thing about Dallas I struggle with is how much people love Tripping Daisy and The Polyphonic Spree, not to mention the goddamn Toadies. Horton Heat and Pantera for me!
I also forgot about Guy Clark and Townes Van Zandt. Oh and T-Bone Walker and his son Jerry Jeff! Forget it there's just too many.
I REALLY love Horton Heat but I completely forgot that T-Bone Walker was from Texas. I'm starting to see that I may be the worst Texan ever.
Lightnin' Hopkins, James McMurtry, sure there's a ton of all-time greats :)
Sugar Babe - Mance Lipscomb (Live) (
Sugar Babe - Mance Lipscomb (Live) (
I really like the direction this thread has taken.
I didn't like dying light till I got my first agility upgrade then it was way less frustrating. Then layer with another upgrade and the grappling much fun!
Finally got destiny today
I'm still getting a lot of traction out of Destiny, which surprises me. I really love the design and grinding elements of the gameplay. Plus, the first expansion is pretty fun.
I'd play it every night for a couple of hours, much to my wife's dismay. I think after I maxed my rep with Eris, I just sat there wondering what else is there to do (and why am I doing it). I had that same feeling with WoW after the end of the third expansion. where once I would gladly sink hours into mindless (yet therapeutic) grinding, without a care...but then something just kind of......turned off.
I still find the itch to play WoW occurs more often than the desire to smoke cigarettes (which I gave five years ago, along with WoW).
I'll be back to Destiny once House of Wolves drops.
The wife and I used to game together pretty seriously until we had kids. Although our console and offline game playing has pretty much ceased, we've have had World of Warcraft accounts since early 2005, but we've both canceled and re-instated our accounts several since then, so we weren't eligible for that Orc statue Blizzard's been sending to old-timers.
I've gotten back into writing/recording music the past few years, and typically only play WoW when I'm sick or just don't have any creative energy. But I genuinely enjoy it when I do play. Some really great writing and humor in the quests... still discovering fun things to do in-world. Our kids have accounts too and we sometimes play dungeons together as a family on weekends.
Recently had to pull both our kids out of Roblox (it's an ostensibly kid-focused virtual world where players can build their own 3D video games), because all the Five Nights At Freddy's content in Roblox was giving our kids nightmares.
Even though I don't get to actually play games much anymore, my son and I talk about them a lot and watch a lot of gaming YouTube videos. That's our father/son bonding time.
Obligatory Texas comment: We traveled to Texas one summer to watch the bats in Austin and at Bracken Cave. It was hot as s---, but we loved Austin and the bats.
My son and I watched the trailer for that new game Overwatch and it was a big moment for me. My son also really likes watching me play Dragon Age: Inquisition because he tries to talk to the characters along with mine.
I never really got into WoW. A bunch of friends of mine used to be very into it and one even made me character, but I just didn't have the patience for it.
I'm getting to be the same way with Destiny. Like, if a bunch of friends of mine want to play it or do a raid (which I still haven't done) I'll jump on, but I probably won't play much until the next expansion.
wait....I missed out on an ORC STATUE?? sonnnnovaaaa......
I used to be "pretty good" at WoW. they can mark that on my tombstone some day. maybe you'd like to hear about what a massive racist douchebag "Leeroy Jenkins" really is? maybe... I just gained 2 points of rage.
I never did the raid in Destiny either. I think that I'm either a) too anti-social, b) too interested in staying married, c) both.
those bats in Austin will pee on you and give you rabies. give 'em a wide berth imo.
I once forced members of my forensics team in high school to watch the bats when we were down there for a State meet. I loved it.
I once forced members of my forensics team in high school to watch the bats when we were down there for a State meet. I loved it.
Your high school had a team that solved crimes?
Holy cow, this is way better than my lame joke:
The National Forensic League (NFL) works with middle school and high school students in speech and debate skills to help students become effective communicators, an essential skill typically required by all employers.
I knew what forensics you were talking about. I did not at all know that the National Forensic League used the moniker "NFL."
My son and I watched the trailer for that new game Overwatch and it was a big moment for me.
That trailer is rad as hell, but Blizzard's pattern is becoming pretty clear:
HearthStone: Blizzardized version of Magic: The Gathering
Heroes of the Storm: Blizzardized version of League of Legends (which itself was based on a community mod for an old Blizzard game)
Overwatch: Blizzardized version of Team Fortress.
I'm pretty sure their next game's gonna be their interpretation of Pac-Man.
Blizzard made me a liar with Diablo 3. I once swore to THE GODS that I would never play another Blizzard game, after being told by a customer service rep that "NO" I cannot use my free 10-day expansion trial because it had already been used by a "known exploited IP address in China". When I asked why this "known exploited IP address in China" was EVER allowed to log into anyone's account (who had clearly never logged in from China before), I was told that they "have some businessmen who like to use it while travelling".
but...yeah...I play Diablo 3 every night. :-\ these damn games may as well ship with heroin.
HA! I never connected those dots, but now I want to write a pilot about a high school crime scene forensics team. Like Degrassi meets Rockford Files.
Like Degrassi meets Rockford Files.
I will commit to watching some episodes of this provided the teen (let's face it, 20-something) actors aren't too annoying.
I am back on Lord of the Rings Online and am trying to get together a #HobbitTributeBand. See Twitter hashtag or this thread for details. (
I'm in game right now if you wanna learn to play keyboard lute piano as opposed to piano keyboard.
I'm not a huge gamer but I do enjoy playing the scattered RPG. I recently downloaded "Shining Force 2" for the Sega Genesis.
Shining Force 2 and Breath of Fire 3 were two of my favorites from that era. Landstalker too
Kerbal Space Program is my favorite game right now (other than Magic: The Gathering, which is in a whole other category) and it's also the game I play while listening to the best show (3 hours is a good limit to a gaming session). It's a simulator of running a space program, you design all the ships, then pilot them. The astronauts are very cute little green men. Playing this game will accidentally make you an expert on orbital mechanics.
Looking for keyboard lute bandmates in Lord of the Rings Online to play songs from Spaced Out (Shatner and Nimoy) and any other greatest hits. Find Percabald on Brandywine server most days 9-12 US cst, O to friend, IM to IM. 30 min maybe to new hobbit minstrel with lute.
this is perhaps the most fascinating sig ever used on a message board.
Has anyone tried the mobile game Star Trek: Trexels? I've become kind of obsessed with it. It is kind of the perfect Star Trek game experience that isn't Starfleet Command.
I'm bound and determined that I am going to beat Dragon Age: Inquisition tonight so I can finally make another character.
I was GDC (Game Developers Conference) all day today, took some pics and videos I'll post tomorrow. Saw some pretty cool shit there. "Butt Sniffin Pugs" game was one of my personal favorites. stuffed rear end of a pug doll was part of the controls... :P
Is Butt Sniffin' Pugs available for pre-order?
I was GDC (Game Developers Conference) all day today, took some pics and videos I'll post tomorrow. Saw some pretty cool shit there. "Butt Sniffin Pugs" game was one of my personal favorites. stuffed rear end of a pug doll was part of the controls... :P
You have no idea how happy this just made my daughter.
I just checked out the Butt Sniffin Pugs teaser trailer (, and it is the work of a lunatic.
Any chance someone is still playing Destiny? I just found it and would really like a few non-teen aged, non-garbage people to play with.
I actually am, yeah. I still really like it.
I actually am, yeah. I still really like it.
Awesome! My gamertag is AVSTN (on the 360), if you ever want to play.
I have it on the One, but I'll certainly add you, brother. I still have my 360 and I still play it occasionally.