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Show Discussion / Re: Why no Ted Leo or Aimee Mann?
« Last post by cutout on November 08, 2021, 09:15:49 PM »
I'm reviving this thread because I listen to the archives all the time and Ted and Aimee were frequent guets/friends and obviously very crucial to the show at one time. Today I noticed Tom doesn't follow either on social media and vice versa. There must be a story there...?
Show Discussion / Re: Reddit has a forum for "The Best Show"
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on October 31, 2021, 12:39:16 PM »
Tried to promote the FOT board on Reddit. Got nowhere.

To the sysop, don't delete this site, it has an priceless collection of stuff on it.
Links / Re: youtube (Now inexplicably featuring 50 other video sites)
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on October 10, 2021, 07:48:33 AM »
This is horrifying:
"The Incredible, Indelible, Magical, Physical, Mystery Trip" (1973); a 45 minute ABC-TV special that introduced "Timer", the cartoon representation of time inside the human body. You might remember him from "Hanker for a Hunk of Cheese" on Saturday mornings ( ). In this DePatie-Freling cartoon with live action elements, Timer takes two drippy kids inside their fat slob of an uncle's body because he is smoking himself to death and eating greasy food. Good for riffing in the "Mystery Science Theater" mode.
General Discussion / Re: Who checks in here weekly?
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on October 08, 2021, 07:12:15 AM »
Five (5) days later, no response.

I'm going to have to fix that.....
General Discussion / Who checks in here weekly?
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on October 03, 2021, 08:25:51 PM »
I am curious as to who is left from the old days still coming to check. Please comment here checkers?

(We need to check up on Fredericks.)

(BestShow4Lyfe channel needs to return.)

(Rock on, "Dammit".)
Show Discussion / Re: Best Show bit that I fully may have dreamed
« Last post by Mark on September 30, 2021, 10:13:19 AM »
OK checking back in with important news on this topic that only pertains to me:

The Wurster mention of seeing Alf at an 80s Cavalcade of Stars autograph signing and throwing ink in his face (because he was being a total jerk) occurs at the 2:05 mark of the 11/8/2011 episode, during a call from Joff in Newbridge.

It's hard to sum up the emotions I'm experiencing having finally confirmed this bit as real. Thank you all for your service.
Show Discussion / Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Last post by JeffertonFromTX on September 08, 2021, 12:38:48 AM »
I am finally catching up now again after a little bit away. I’m on the first part of the crabapple list and I was dying at the BREYTT zinger and how much it cracked Tom and everyone up.
Dear Tom / Re: It Never Ends (no book discussion)
« Last post by Dammit on September 07, 2021, 09:19:43 PM »
I had the very same experience with a white neck brace due to extreme family stress. It was so eerie to read that part of Tom's book. I was transported back to the horrors of middle school.
Dear Tom / Michael Nesmith on Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast] 🅴
« Last post by Dammit on September 07, 2021, 09:17:44 PM »
Michael Nesmith on Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing
Show Discussion / Reddit has a forum for "The Best Show"
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on August 25, 2021, 08:49:45 PM »
For the people willing to tolerate Reddit, below is the "subreddit" (forum) for the show.

Sorry I haven't been around, is the Discord for the show any good?
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