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Show Discussion / Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Last post by heliumsocket on February 08, 2021, 12:20:23 PM »
It  breaks my heart to say this but the NJ Weed Strain ep from two weeks ago might be the worst episode of all time.
Why? I haven’t been able to listen to the last few eps.
Show Discussion / Re: Favorite Beefheart Song
« Last post by buffcoat on February 07, 2021, 12:44:31 AM »
Fallin Ditch. Also, the only Beefheart song I've ever heard.
Show Discussion / Re: Is the live chat dead forever?
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on February 05, 2021, 02:41:35 AM »
I think a new chat room could be attached to this board as in days of old, but you need to talk to the sysops.
Dear Tom / Please bring back the live chat on FOT
« Last post by zzesp on February 02, 2021, 06:11:26 PM »
Hi- is the FOT live chat gone forever? It was such a cool thing back when....I miss it. I don't use twitter and although I can see how the chat being insular did nothing to promote the was OURS. I would get on 10 -15 minutes before the show started and you could feel the excitement!
i hoped you would start using it again a few years back when you were down on social media.
Please start telling listeners about the FOT forum and if possible bring back the chat during the show. The new listeners have no idea what they missed.
It was a safe place in the Best Show world....I wish it were back. Thanks
Show Discussion / Is the live chat dead forever?
« Last post by zzesp on February 02, 2021, 06:03:39 PM »
Is the chat gone now? I used to love being on there during the show. Pre-twitter it was the only way to communicate with each other and Tom without calling in. And it was OURS...private for although it did nothing to promote the show it was special. When Tom had had it with social media a few years back I had wished he had started using the FOT CHAT again.
I would get on the chat 10 or 15 minutes before the show started... YOU COULD FEEL THE EXCITEMENT.
Show Discussion / Re: The Best/Worst Moments of last night's show
« Last post by Bull Shannon on February 02, 2021, 02:24:49 PM »
Shoot, I forget the name of the caller, but the woman alternately praising and teasing Tom was a grade-a call. I'm glad there are plenty of nice guy callers on the show, but it's always great when someone gives Tom the business.

I wonder if Tom will ever end up moving the show time to 9pm PST; I feel like the late-night vibe is missing from the show and more weirdos might come out for it.
Show Discussion / Re: Is the board really back?
« Last post by Bull Shannon on February 02, 2021, 02:23:55 PM »
...I misposted in the wrong thread.
Show Discussion / Re: Favorite Beefheart Song
« Last post by Dammit on January 30, 2021, 03:28:28 PM »
Here are two items of no interest to non-Beefheart and Beefheart fans alike.

*The Most Ever Company*
Some crazy kids have UTub channel called, The Most Ever Company. I think these kids is amazing.

Here's an impromptu Dali's Car, for example.

They do some Beefheart transcriptions that are, quite frankly, music to my ears. The whole list is here, but some faves are below:

Variations on Hair Pie (Bake One)

One Red Rose that I mean (Beefheart Transcription

Pena [Beefheart transcription]

Next up is the Beefheart Project from Toronto.

*Beefheart Project Toronto*
The pizza may suck iin Toronto, but these geese can fly.

This exegesis on one of Beefhearts song is the most detailed explanation of how Beefheart's music is arranged and played is very engaging. It's an hour long, but worth the time:

Their version of Hair Pie Bake II is...well, just look:

Peaches over Gold, dammit!

Yer Welcomed.
Show Discussion / Re: Crabapples
« Last post by Dammit on January 30, 2021, 03:05:21 PM »
Mike! Miiiiike! MIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!

Get in here...
Show Discussion / Re: Crabapples
« Last post by Krokodil_Gena on January 29, 2021, 04:49:09 AM »
Gary the Squirrel

Gary is sort of like Godzilla or Stalin......a total force of nature. You can't control Gary, even if Tom has his hand up Gary's butt.
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