Read Rat on Fire. It was pretty good. I'd never come across a book that is 99% dialogue like that. It's an interesting style choice that I might explore further. The problem I had with this book though is that there was little flavor to the language. Maybe the reader is supposed to supply the flavor, which is what I did by making the characters into actors I'm familiar with like the main arsonist was Big Pussy from the Sopranos and the fire marshall was Caputo from Orange is the New Black. The head detective I never got a voice for and I wasn't really buying him anyway. It's quite a bit of dialogue so it makes sense that it's not all top notch, but there are some very flabby speeches in this book. Also, if someone told me George V. Higgins was super racist, I would be like, "Oh yeah, I could tell from that book of his I read."