I was looking for something else and came across this thread:
http://friendsoftom.com/forum/index.php/topic,5626.0.htmlSo, is anyone interested in trying out these strategy/german/designer games online? There are many sites out there that offer free live or play-by-email games of this sort.
For example:
http://www.spielbyweb.com/both seem straightforward and simple enough to use.
http://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/On-line_Games&redirectedfrom=Online_Play offers a long list of options.
Either post here to discuss or message me to set something up. I'm an inexperienced player so don't be shy if you are too.
If anyone does not know what I'm talking about, here is the beginning of the wikipedia entry for "german-style board games", generalizations notwithstanding:
German-style board games, frequently referred to in gaming circles as Euro Games or Euro-style, are a broad class of tabletop games that generally have simple rules, short to medium playing times, indirect player interaction and abstract physical components (wood preferred to plastic). The games emphasize strategy, play down luck and conflict, lean towards economic rather than military themes, and usually keep all the players in the game until it ends. German-style games are sometimes contrasted with American-style games, which generally involve more luck, conflict, and drama.