I would eat lab-grown whatever, in principle. Life itself is no more disgusting than science. When you think about it, all life is disgusting. Life is the source of disgusting-ness. Even trees. But there's nothing disgusting on the moon!
I'm only an ethical vegetarian, though. I would have no problem eating humanely-raised animals that got to live what should be the "typical" life of that animal, if I could be bothered to pay the absurd sums and do the research necessary. I think it is important to remember that domesticated species evolved into the niche of domestication. It wasn't something we did to them; it was a symbiotic co-evolution. (Of course, this doesn't matter to the individual animal. As the writers on evolution like to point out, if what our genes "wanted" mattered we'd never use birth control. Nonetheless, I don't think there's anything wrong with taking the broader view in some instances.)
I also second Sploop's comments about the difference between different kinds of animals. I frankly care much, much less about an animal the less capable it is of what I would recognize as "suffering." I don't care about bugs at all, for instance, and I care about, say, fish much less than I do about mammals. I think everyone draws a line. I think that a lot of meat-eaters would not eat a chimp or gorilla even if they were not endangered, for instance. I think the problem Americans have with eating dogs, even though pigs are just as smart as them or smarter, is just a result of seeing first-hand the fact that dogs experience real emotion. (The fact that dogs have evolved neonatal features and over-the-top feelings of love for their caretakers as a survival mechanism in an environment dominated by human whim helps, too.)
Anyway, lab-grown meat wouldn't raise any *ethical* problems for me. I agree with the people who've pointed out that most people eat way, way too much protein, so the health problems with eating meat and excess calories generally remain. And I doubt it will ever really work. Part of the taste of meat comes from the muscles and what have you actually having been exercised. Just growing some blob that happens to have the right DNA wouldn't taste right.
Sorry for the rambling, I think about this a lot.