Hey everybody! Just so you know this site had 588,491 page views in the month of November, an all-time record for the site!Thanks to one and all for making it happen over here. I appreciate it and let's keep it going!Tom.
Quote from: Tom Scharpling on December 01, 2009, 05:16:34 AMHey everybody! Just so you know this site had 588,491 page views in the month of November, an all-time record for the site!Thanks to one and all for making it happen over here. I appreciate it and let's keep it going!Tom.Just confirms what I've been saying all along - TBSOWFMU needs to embrace advertising. All it takes is one little "Friends of Tom Forum - brought to you by Axe Body Spray" popup, and Tom is driving to the cardboard factory in a brand new convertible.
An update: for December 2009, we shattered our past record of page views. The new number is 655,730! How about that?
I will continue copying people's posts and just adding "awesome" at the bottom.