Author Topic: Missed PFT by THIS much  (Read 1138 times)

dave from knoxville

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Missed PFT by THIS much
« on: October 29, 2010, 10:52:08 AM »
I am in Nashville on state business that is just about to start. PFT was in Nashville, "guest-riffing" with the Rifftrax guys, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett from Mystery Science Theater 3000. Went to the Belcourt Twin where the simulcast originated. Show was sold out. Drove south about 10 miles to the Green Hills Theater and watched the simulcast. Lots of great laugh out loud moments. PFT was funny, but only involved for a total of maybe 15 minutes. Did a short stand-up bit about scary movies. "I think I figured out why I don't like scary movies. Because they're SCARY." The whole bit, maybe 5 minutes, very entertaining. Then he "riffed" on a short about Paper Manufacturing that was really funny. He fit right in, which is no easy task when you're working with 3 guys that have produced around 600 hours of comedy content together in the last 3-4 years. Paul was not involved in the feature, which with minor topical changes was essentially a live version of the track they had already recorded to accompany House on Haunted Hill. At one point Kevin Murphy delivered a pun that was so bad that the other two booted him off the crew, and drafted in PFT to stand in his place; PFT then made a crack about the character played by Elisha Cook along the lines of "House on haunted hill? More like SOUSE on Haunted Hill" at which point they "fired" PFT and brought Murphy back. Funny stuff.

As soon as the simulcast ended, I hopped in the car and headed back to the Belcourt, and I tried to get people at the only two doors to let me in to try to shake Mr Tompkins' hand, but I couldn't convince anyone that he would have any interest in that (and maybe he wouldn't.) It was too cold to wait around outside, and I didn't have a box of wine, so I returned to my motel, slightly disappointed but thoroughly entertained.