I just finished reading their new book Writing Movies for Fun and Profit: How We Made a Billion Dollars at the Box Office and You Can, Too!. I really liked it. It was the kind of no-nonsense, nuts and bolts book on screenwriting and the film industry in general that I've been looking for.
Not only do Ben and Tom have a ton of great work and stories to mine, they are writers who seem to have the same type of ethos as Tom: work harder than the other guy, don't be precious with your writing, etc.
I know Tom doesn't like to dip into his extra-WFMU life on the Best Show, but this could be a great way to delve into the world of screenwriting / production / the horrors of trying to get things made without having to use his own personal examples. Plus, like I said, the book is great and has more than enough stuff in it to spur on a long conversation.
And need I remind anyone, these two are COMEDY LEGENDS, like Tom, and I can't begin to imagine what webs they would weave together.