Tom Scharpling

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 900
(everybody can use the writings below to spread around however you see fit! And please DO spread it around!)

Hello everybody! It's Tom Scharpling, the host of The Best Show On WFMU!

WFMU’s 2012 fundraising marathon is underway, and I'm doing my second and final fundraising marathon show this Tuesday, February 28th from 9 PM- midnight EST, asking for your pledges to help keep WFMU up and running for another year. Remember, WE ARE A LISTENER SPONSORED STATION, and the way we make our operating budget is through our marathon. We don't take sleazy corporate grants or shady government subsidies or any of that stuff, and that allows us to bring you freeform radio that is 100 percent free - that's the beauty of not having ties to The Bad Guys.

We've got special guests galore coming down to make the show as much fun as possible. What kind of ‘special guests’ you may ask? For starters we’ve got TED LEO returning to the Best Show airwaves! And JOHN HODGMAN will also be in the studio! And PATRICK STICKLES from TITUS ANDRONICUS is going to be in the building! Unbelievable!

So call and pledge 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at this Tuesday February 28th between 9 PM- midnight EST!!

We work really hard to make your pledges worth it. And this year I have put together a premium that might be my best yet! It’s called the HAMMER OF THE GODS BEST SHOW DEMON SUMMONING PACK. Any pledge of 75 dollars or more automatically secures you a copy. It consists of:

BEST SHOW MAGAZINE – our first-ever magazine! It’s shaping up to be pretty amazing, with contributions from JOHN HODGMAN, DAVID REES, an unreleased “Timewaster Letter” from ROBIN COOPER (aka Robert Popper) and MICHAEL KUPPERMAN! It will also feature my extended interview with MICHAEL NESMITH conducted specifically for this magazine! There will also be an ALL-STAR Q&A with SCHARPLING and WURSTER, with questions from PATTON OSWALT, AMY POEHLER, PAUL RUDD, PAUL SCHEER and so many more!

If that isn’t enough the magazine will include a FLEXI-DISC featuring music  from KURT VILE and THE REIGNING SOUND recorded just for this premium!

And you can only get it by pledging DURING MY MARATHON SHOW!

The pack also includes a CD of ALL NEW COMEDY from SCHARPLING & WURSTER, ZACH GALIFIANAKIS, VANCE THE PUPPET, JEN KIRKMAN, GARY THE SQUIRREL and more! You can’t get it anywhere else!

You will also get a DOWNLOAD of the RADIOVISION CONFERENCE PANEL I was on with IRA GLASS and MARC MARON! It’s a funny and revealing conversation – hear me GOMP an audience member live! – and you can only get it by pledging (and we will make sure this download is available to you as soon as you pay your pledge – no waiting!)

If that wasn’t enough everybody who pledges $75 or more will receive an all new Best Show STICKER and a VANCE STRESS BALL! Unbelievable, right? And the only way to get these things is to pledge DURING MY SHOW on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21st - from 9 PM to midnight EST!

You can pledge by calling 800-989-9368 or online at, but again - you must do it DURING MY SHOW. Once the marathon is over, ALL THESE THINGS ARE GONE FOREVER!

There are pledge levels at  $150, $365, $500, $1000 and $3000, and the station takes care of you big-time with a TON of awesome prizes and shirts and CDs that you can’t get anywhere else. And unlike that PBS or NPR crap, WFMU’s premiums are all top-notch and well made – who hasn’t seen a cool WFMU t-shirt in their travels? And everything is 100 percent TAX DEDUCTABLE!

And anybody who pledges $500 or more gets a COLOR VINYL version of the 2011 premium single RATED GG! It's the ONLY way you're ever going to get one of these!

And if you ever wanted to watch the show live, if you pledge $1000 or more you can come down to watch the show LIVE IN THE STUDIO! All your Best Show dreams will come true!

And if you want to support the station but don't have the money right now, YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY YOUR PLEDGE RIGHT AWAY! The station sends you a bill in the mail and you can take care of it later. You can structure your payments in EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS! But the important thing is pledging and being a part of something Good in a world that is filled with Too Much Bad, especially in These Troubling Times.

IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CALL OR PLEDGE ONLINE DURING MY SHOW, I will gladly write the pledge up myself. You can email me your information - name, address and pledge amount - and I will fill it out myself - but do it before my show!!

And PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS! Put it on Facebook and Twitter and MySpace and maybe even Friendster if you can still remember your password. Post it on like-minded message boards! Tell co-workers and friends and family members and whoever! The station has a huge mountain to climb this time, but we can do it if enough people step up to the plate and pitch in.


Tuesday February 28th 9 PM-midnight EST


CALL 1-800-989-9368 or PLEDGE ONLINE at on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28th between 9 PM-midnight EST and be counted!

Thank you!

Tom Scharpling.