I believe it is this:
September 4, 2001: The Music Scholar [No Archive]
The call is the first track on the CHAIN FIGHTS, BEER BUSTS AND SERVICE WITH A GRIN CD release.
1. The Music Scholar
A simple call from a listener chastising Tom for playing a Rolling Stones record leads to a fascinating peek inside the mind of "the coolest guy ever." Charles R. Martin saw the Beatles at age six, the Stooges at ten, attended the legendary 1973 Rock Writer's Conference in Memphis at age 15, moved to NYC in '74 to bask in the CBGB/Max's scene, and became a much-feared record store proprietor in the early '80s. He eventually tired of rock, choosing to listen to soundless 'air mixes' for the next decade. A chance encounter with modern rock radio has given him a new lease on life.