Author Topic: Lost Johnny Cash Album Released  (Read 1347 times)


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Lost Johnny Cash Album Released
« on: March 26, 2014, 03:22:20 PM »
So, the "lost" album ("Out Among the Stars") has been released.  For those that don't know, this "lost" album isn't exactly a "lost" album in the sense that the Beach Boys' "Smile" was a lost album--by that I mean, as far as I can tell, just about everyone associated with Johnny Cash forgot this album existed.  It wasn't a gem that got shelved by an artist experiencing just kind of...sucked.  A sucky album recorded by a once-classic artist in the deep trough between the crests of 1950's county superstardom and nostalgia-act-turned-"deep"-artist. 

I like Cash.  I like his shaky tenor voice.  I like his imprecision, particularly in light of the Pro Tools In Hell version of country music that comes out of Nashville today. 

This album, eh.  Tom always advocated people digesting art in lieu of immediate reaction.  I think he'd understand making an exception here.