I'm watching Matt Fraction be handsome and charming on Late Night and I felt compelled to start a thread.
Fraction is actually the main reason that I started getting into The Best Show, due to his appearances and tweets about the show (something I've probably blathered about on here before), but even before that he was one of my favorite working comic writers.
I also had a really awesome quasi-interaction with him once where he graciously sent me two (signed) issues of Casanova: Avaritia that I couldn't find in my town AS WELL AS signed trades of the first two arcs and a old Image uncolored HC of the first arc with a note inside that read "I have a box of these lying in my basement. Now this one is your problem."
I've always really loved his appearances on the show and hope he can swing by the new digs in the new era.
Any other Fraction fans out there? Surely a few of you have read Fear Itself and The Defenders appreciate them for what they truly are.