I read this too and immediately thought of TBSOWFMU, because of the references to PFT and Patton Oswalt. (this Largo place sounds awesome). But there was something else, too.
"After [Paul Thomas] Anderson wrote Phillip Seymour Hoffman's part in Boogie Nights -- a sad-sack, thwarted hanger-on in the porn scene -- Hoffman went to Largo and met a creepy regular, who used to approach the artists, stroke their arms and murmur, "Hiiiiii." "Once Phil sized him up, he got a handful of things from him." Said Anderson."
The only logical conclusions are that this creepy regular is Spike (he lives in LA, right?, the "Hiiiii" thing), and that Spike is a main inspiration for Hoffman's brilliant performance in Boogie Nights!!!!
It all comes together!