Author Topic: Charles Barkley: Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden  (Read 3083 times)


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 216
Charles Barkley: Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
« on: July 16, 2008, 03:18:39 AM »

"Twelve years prior to the game, Charles Barkley, in an attempt to impress his son, performs a Chaos Dunk -- and inadvertently kills almost everyone present. As a result, basketball was made illegal and nearly all great players were killed in "The Great B-Ball Purge of 2041" (a.k.a "B-Ballnacht")[1].

In 2053, another Chaos Dunk rocks Manhattan, killing fifteen million, and the blame falls on Charles -- who is believed to be the only human capable of performing the Chaos Dunk.[1] With the help of the Ultimate Hellbane, Charles escapes his pursuers: the B-Ball Removal Department. Charles follows him through the B-Ball Catacombs to the tomb of Lebron James, discovering that the Ultimate Hellbane is actually Balthios - the Octoroon great grandson of Lebron James. James contacts Charles from the B-ball dimension, offering him a warning which tells him to "seek the Cyberdwarf."

You can download the full game here:

I've been playing it for ten minutes and I've already seen the funniest quote ever:

Regular Joe

  • Space Champion!
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Re: Charles Barkley: Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 10:48:38 AM »
I played this, and it was the best game ever. I even made ridiculous fan art for it! Here is some of it.