aw, you know i'm joking. I'll be 30 in 6 months, which I believe makes me in the upper echelon (sp?) of FOT
I took no offense, I was just too dense to get it.
I actually hadn't noticed that I was chatting online with a bunch of people about 10 years younger than me on average. But you, know, I really am about 4 years behind in terms of emotional/personal development, and always have been. It was a much bigger deal when I was 10 or 15 or 20.
I pretty much do have the life of a 33-year-old: married, graduate degree, respectable job with benefits and a 401(k), and an emergent artistic career, but still a renter, no kids, and a shitload of debt.
Oh, and Yesno, I watch my neighbor's 6-year-old kid every so often while his mom hangs out with my wife, and I have to say it's awesome to have an excuse to hang out at the playground and skateboard and go on swings and stuff. And everyone looks at me admiringly, thinking I'm a good dad, instead of calling the cops.