Author Topic: Questions for next week's show from podcast listeners  (Read 1919 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Questions for next week's show from podcast listeners
« on: November 13, 2008, 09:16:00 PM »
I may be going out on a limb here, but as a podcast listener (sorry, I'm often working Tuesday nights) I often have questions I'd like to ask for the next show. So maybe this will take off, or maybe questions will be reserved as a priv-a-lige for live listeners.

For next week:
- For both Tom and John: As a person ignorant of many Jersey towns, I wonder -- Park Slope, Brooklyn (or Brooklyn in general) is to ______, New Jersey?
- For John: As a master of both the literary realm and of knowledge in general, what advice would you give to people working in publishing -- what obscure technology will replace the "book"?
- For John: For people who will be future purchasers of his book, would it be possible to get an audio signature?

That is all.

gravy boat

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 898
Re: Questions for next week's show from podcast listeners
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 09:31:46 PM »
I may be going out on a limb here, but as a podcast listener (sorry, I'm often working Tuesday nights) I often have questions I'd like to ask for the next show. So maybe this will take off, or maybe questions will be reserved as a priv-a-lige for live listeners.

For next week:
- For both Tom and John: As a person ignorant of many Jersey towns, I wonder -- Park Slope, Brooklyn (or Brooklyn in general) is to ______, New Jersey?
- For John: As a master of both the literary realm and of knowledge in general, what advice would you give to people working in publishing -- what obscure technology will replace the "book"?
- For John: For people who will be future purchasers of his book, would it be possible to get an audio signature?

That is all.

I'll field question one, and thanks for the question! Podcast interest is vital to the success of the organization.

Park Slope, Brooklyn is to Montclair, NJ. (Maplewood, NJ is a close second).

Brooklyn in general is to Essex County, New Jersey (both are large, concentrated areas, some are rich, some are poor, interest in environmental concerns is high, Barack signs outnumbered Palin signs by 8 to 1).