Steve even called from the park last night, asking for permission to run on the field, as the Phillies hosted the St. Louis Cardinals, the elder Consalvi said."He said, 'Dad, can I run on the field? I said, 'I don't think you should, son.' ""This would be a once in a lifetime experience!" the son said.
actually, it's quite hilarious. in this day and age, anyone who decides to run out onto a field at a sporting event has to know that, at the very least, they will be tackled. although it looks like the security guys had a chance to take him down with non-electronic means a few times, then said "fuck it" and just tased the guy.last year in Oakland, a belligerent fan got tased in his seat. that was a bit more questionable to me. the guy was being a jerk, but it didn't seem like electrocution was strictly necessary.