Author Topic: A Specific After Effects Request.  (Read 1225 times)

Tom Scharpling

  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 900
A Specific After Effects Request.
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:59:59 PM »
Hello all -

So many people offered to help with after effects for the DVD. There is a specific thing we need for one of the segments - basically we need to do some basic animation and add some movement to some illustrations.

If that is up your alley and you have time in August to do this in a pretty snappy fashion, I would love to have you on board!

I do need someone who is really good at this and can do it without it turning into an additional project, so if it's not something that you are great at, I would politely ask you to not be a hero. We are in the home stretch on the DVD and this is one of the final pieces!

Drop me a line at if you fit the bill.

Thanks so much!
