Author Topic: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?  (Read 8638 times)


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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2011, 02:03:25 AM »
I just re-watched episode 1 to see if it was as bad as I remember it being.

It was.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.

Shaggy 2 Grote

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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2011, 09:55:11 AM »
I watched half of ep. 3 before the Bin Laden news came out, then I dozed off. Commedia dell'Arte! What unit from an undergraduate theater history class WON'T Sorkin take on? I'm looking forward to the leaking of the unreleased Season Two scripts, when they do bits about Aeschylus and Hroswitha of Gandersheim.
Oh, good heavens. I didn’t realize. I send my condolences out to the rest of the O’Connor family.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2011, 09:59:53 AM »
I wish this show was still on so we could see the episode where Tom Jeter's brother killed Osama while Matt Albie and Danny Tripp argue over a script about Pope John Paul's beatification.
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Paul DeLouisiana

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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2011, 03:35:06 PM »
I watched 20 minutes of episode 1. I just find it unredeemingly bad and I can't relate to hardly any aspect of it. Its like one of those primetime dramas my dad watches(Castle, Law & Order, TNT dramas). I just get mad at them. In the case of the dramas I always think how can the American mainstream be so into this stuff. It's like in your face seriousness from the getgo.


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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2011, 06:27:20 PM »
I am surprised to find Castle compared to Studio 60.  It's as slight, sure, but it doesn't pretend to be otherwise. 


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #50 on: May 03, 2011, 09:06:45 AM »
I just finished The Option Period. I think it's in this episode where Harriet or Jordan or someone says, "It took you 30 minutes to get to the point." That sums up this episode pretty brilliantly.

What a trainwreck this show is. The one sub-plot about "sponsors on the show or 15 jobs are lost" is something that there's no way the general audience member can identify with. This show has as mainstream an audience as one could find -- a heavily promoted network show from the guy who made West Wing. And pretty much everyone in this audience works a "normal" job in which you have to eat shit and compromise your morals constantly -- and the morals for the general audience member are things like, "I have to cancel our trip to Florida because my jerk boss just gave me a new deadline on my project." The only people who could possibly care one iota about the whole "sponsor the show" drama are creative sorts, and the show is so alienating to that audience -- especially those of us who are comedy nerds, who have been told from the beginning that stuff we generally like sucks and we should like Gilbert & Sullivan and "scathing" political sketches -- that there's no one who cares.

The show REALLY just doesn't understand its audience. And then it ends with a happy compromise about the billboards on the set, which pretty much translates to, "You sold out and are making excuses for it."

The other plot about Ricky and and Ron -- I think a show from their point of view would be great. Here you have two comedy writers who were handed a show in some sort of controversy after Matt and Danny quit for the first time. They have a big team of writers they work well with. Ratings and critical acclaim might not be as strong as at one point but the network obviously still cares about the show. And then the producer has a public meltdown -- not of your doing -- and the new network president, whom you've never met, makes the decision to rehire the people who quit in the first place. And these guys hate you because you disagreed with their support of Bill Maher (!) in the wake of the heated political climate of 9/11, in which your opinion pretty much mirrored that of most Americans at the time. And now you're marginalized without any sketches getting on the air so you decide to leave the show with the writers you know and respect. And your parting gift is the new head writer -- who hates you, even though you tried to bury the hatchet -- telling you that your project has no chance of making it.

THAT's a good idea for a show. It's a total underdog story. The early episodes would pretty much start with everyone struggling to find their footing and then it slowly comes together and you overcome the odds.

The Harriet stuff is also pretty fun to watch -- the whole "Believe us, we don't mind seeing you naked but..." is such cliched writing.

This show is so addictive. I really wish it didn't get canceled. I kind of just want to skip to the asinine sounding Afghanistan TRILOGY but I kind of like the mundane episodes more than the sweeping faux-epics.
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2011, 10:44:36 AM »
Art is now imitating art: the tweets, which have returned, have gotten very didactic and preachy with lotsa shit about what comedy is about without actually being funny - just like the show!

"@CalShanley60 Going to want the location where bin Laden was shot to be our main stage. That's the only way the comedy will be best served"
Remember how he couldn't stop his leg?


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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2011, 12:41:43 PM »
I just blew through the entire series in about a week. It was fine for awhile and then towards the end just got a bit unbearable. Seemed quite heavy-handed.

Some beefs (SPOLIERS):

- Matt's drug problem. Yeah, let's not even address detoxing from opiates and what that does to a person.
- Ugh, Danny and the "that's my daughter". Please.
- Jordan is supposed to be the President of NBS, but acts like a highschooler.
- The Simon Stiles issue with the young black writer - I didn't really follow what the hell that was about.
- The sketches seemed like they were written by my HS drama class when we did a "SNL" style sketch show.
- "It's MY weed" x67
- Did Tom's parents drive from Ohio or wherever he was from? wtf
- Sure, Jack Rudolph is just gonna take care of the 10 million to get Tom's brother saved.
- Not so much Sting and that overplayed drek, but the dude accompanying him practically making love to the instrument.

-Danny Tripp, Pointdexter as the Director, DL Hughley

Overall it was a fine watch, but I don't think I'll be revisiting it.

Shaggy 2 Grote

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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2011, 02:06:00 PM »
Just finished episode three -- let's play a drinking game where we take a sip of absinthe every time somebody mentions August Strindberg. WE GET IT AARON SORKIN. YOU USED TO BE A PLAYWRIGHT.

I am a playwright. I have met hundreds of other playwrights in my life. We're not smarter than the viewing audience, and we're certainly not smarter than comedians or TV writers. What's next, a fucking sketch based on Aristophanes' laff-a-minute-if-you-live-in-Athens-c.-425-BCE The Clouds? (I really hope he does this. Don't spoil me.)
Oh, good heavens. I didn’t realize. I send my condolences out to the rest of the O’Connor family.

Shaggy 2 Grote

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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2011, 12:14:28 AM »
Also in ep3, I love how the entire fucking network grinds to a halt when they find out that one of the writers stole a couple of jokes.

Just finished ep4.

-Love how Matt and Simon find a black guy at the comedy club who is flopping because he's just as pompous and humorless as everyone on Studio 60 and they have to hire him right away.

-I pegged the old guy wandering around backstage as a blacklisted screenwriter pretty much right away. Anyone else?

-The real missed opportunity of this episode is that they didn't also hire the senile old guy on the spot, making him pair up with the struggling and unfunny young black man.

-Did it just never occur to Aaron Sorkin or anyone else to hire one comedy writer? Even, like, someone who couldn't hack it in Jay Leno's room?
Oh, good heavens. I didn’t realize. I send my condolences out to the rest of the O’Connor family.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #55 on: May 07, 2011, 12:43:32 AM »
Also in ep3, I love how the entire fucking network grinds to a halt when they find out that one of the writers stole a couple of jokes.

Just finished ep4.

-Love how Matt and Simon find a black guy at the comedy club who is flopping because he's just as pompous and humorless as everyone on Studio 60 and they have to hire him right away.

-I pegged the old guy wandering around backstage as a blacklisted screenwriter pretty much right away. Anyone else?

-The real missed opportunity of this episode is that they didn't also hire the senile old guy on the spot, making him pair up with the struggling and unfunny young black man.

-Did it just never occur to Aaron Sorkin or anyone else to hire one comedy writer? Even, like, someone who couldn't hack it in Jay Leno's room?

Mark McKinney was on the Sunset 60 staff. What he actually did is anyone's guest...

The Twitter accounts tonight are from PAKISTAN since they did the show at Osama's compound. I wanted them to go w/ Tom's brother killing Osama.
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  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #56 on: May 08, 2011, 11:38:59 AM »
Dear God... the Christmas episode...
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  • Policemans heel
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #57 on: May 08, 2011, 01:40:43 PM »
I've been rewatching too (thanks, I guess) and I've been kind of struck by how it actually ISN'T as bad as I recall.  I watched most of it when it aired, and I can't disagree with the commonly mentioned flaws - the terrible comedy sketches, the condescending tone, Amanda Peet's "what the hell is she doing performance" - it all manages to be very watchable.  So far, anyway.

I think the biggest problem comes from the sheer amount of repetition on the show, with "Nevada Day" in particular largely consisting of different characters being told and retold the same information over the course of two episodes.  It's infuriating that this show claims to be in favor of smart television yet goes out of its way to repeat its own plot and ideological claims over and over just in case we missed anything.

And as I get later in the run, I can see the hackier ideas starting to set in - quarreling would-be lovers locked on the roof?  Breaking a date, then lying about it, then being caught with another woman?  We can see the outcomes coming from miles away, and it still takes forever to get there.


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #58 on: May 08, 2011, 01:48:45 PM »
Okay, in fact, just about every idea in "The Harriet Dinner" parts 1 & 2 are bad sitcom subplot rejects.

Also, the biggest shock for me so far: one of the most quoted lines from "The Social Network" was actually recycled from an episode of "Studio 60".  I'm forced to assume that Sorkin safely guessed that no one was watching the first time he used it.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Shall We Rewatch Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip Together?
« Reply #59 on: November 14, 2011, 11:47:37 AM »
Looks like, back in the day, AC called it on the Twitter accounts: