jokingly, as an unemployed FOT, I was going to say a top 100 fictional character would be a Best Show listener who can take advantage of the Wealthfront first 10,000$ dollars are managed for free deal, but with all the FPs listening and so many FOT success stories I am clearly wrong.
The top100 NEEDS a KIDS in the HALL character. Here's a couple to choose from:
Gavin, the dweeby kid with the Zelda cap played by Bruce
Lex, the "slipped my mind" guy aka. The king of empty promises as played by Kevin
ok I was going to add one character for each Kid but I like these characters more:
Jerry Sizzler and his sister Jerry Sizzler, Kevin/Dave
or finally
Tammy, Buddy Cole's pop prodigy and a blueprint for Lady Gaga's to come, as played by Bruce.
Edit: Going back through the thread and yes, Danny Husk is a great idea. Anyone from A T and Love really would be a good fit.