Author Topic: Wally Wackiman Death Scares  (Read 1369 times)


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 182
Wally Wackiman Death Scares
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:23:47 PM »
Hey FOT,
    After last night's show, I was looking to compile just how many times we've gotten false alarms on Wally's untimely passing.  I think the first one was actually several years back, where I called in and played along with it, only for Tom to denounce my doing so.  Any one of you keepers of the Best Show chronicles know what show that might have been, as well as any subsequent ones?  I can only now think of last night and the recent one with Julie and Hayes in the studio, when Hatch called in.  I think there are a few more.  Thanks, in advance, for any assistance with rounding up that info!
