Author Topic: Banned on Twitch Chat  (Read 4342 times)


  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Posts: 49
Banned on Twitch Chat
« on: January 27, 2023, 12:31:37 PM »
Hi last week I didn't love the rank the hanks topic and shared my opinion on the live Twitch chat( Tom has been requesting feedback and I a listener since 2001 gave my opinion)...well the moderator (Dudio I believe) kept putting me in 10 minute time outs. When I made the following statement I GOT BANNED! :
" If Tom had to follow the same rules for the show as I seem to have to follow in the chat then there never would have been ta The  Best Show then or now!".
...I used no coarse language, name calling, hate speech, I didn't threaten or target anyone yet for giving my opinion as requested by Tom I got banned. As I said I've listened for over 20 years and used to LOVE the old FOT chat that was on this site back in WFMU days.
This show has been an important part of my life and I really think my being banned is unfair.
I'm asking FOTs to either call in or go on the live twitch chat and request zzesprobst be un- banned.  Thank you.


  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Posts: 25
Re: Banned on Twitch Chat
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2023, 07:55:19 AM »
You've been GOMChat-ed Consider it an honour.
I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you