Author Topic: Music 2024  (Read 829 times)


  • A Recapper/A True Star.
  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2009
Music 2024
« on: January 01, 2025, 03:43:21 PM »
Here's my 2024 list.

1-800-Mikey   Digital Pet
2nd Grade   Scheduled Explosions
ADD/C   Ordinary Souls
Added Dimensions   Time Suck/Hellbent EP
Adrienne Lenker   Bright Future
Adult Human Females   Live at Tompkins Square Park
Agriculture   Living is Easy
Ahem   Avoider
AIHOTZ   Niebla Total
Alan Sparhawk   White Roses, My God
Alcest   Les Chants de l'Aurore
Alien Nosejob   Turns the Colour of Bad Shit
Alienator    Time to Die EP
Aluminum   Fully Beat
Alvilda   C'est Deja L'heure
American Culture   Hey Brother, It's Been a While
American Motors   Content
Amyl And The Sniffers   Cartoon Darkness
Andrew Nolan and Full of Hell   Scraping The Divine
Another Dancer   I Try To Be Another Dancer
Antenna   Antenna EP
Apollo Ghosts   Amethyst EP
Arcwelder   Continue
ARGH   se puse pudrio todo​.​.​. adiosdrio todo​.​.​. adios
Ariella   CryBaby
Ar-Kaics   See the World on Fire
Armor   Afraid of What's to Come EP
ARSE   Kaputt. EP
Artificial Go   Hopscotch Fever
Assisted Living   is Coming
Assistert Sjolmord   Assistert Sjolmord EP
Astrid Sonne   Great Doubt
Ataque Zero   Ciudades
Atomic Prey   Atomic Prey EP
AUS   Der Schone Schein EP
Autobahns   First LP!
Awful   4 Songs EP
AWOL   Tear 'Em To Bits
Axxident   Axxident
Babe Report   Did You Get Better
Baby Tyler Band   Baby Tyler Band
Bacchae   Next Time
Bad Breeding   Contempt
Bad Dog   Into the Pavement
Bad Idea USA   Home
Bad Moves   Wearing Out The Refrain
Bad Shout   Volatile EP
Bamberd?st   "Tell Me You're Safe" b/w "Tell Me You're Safe (Unplugged Demo)" + "Fade The Glow"
Bananagun   Why is the Colour of the Sky?
bar italia   The Tw*its EP
BATO   Human Cancer
Bed Maker   Bed Maker
Bedtime Khal    Eraser
BEEF   Il Manzo EP
Beige Banquet   Ornamental Hermit
Being Dead   EELS
Bella and the Bizarre   Bella and the Bizarre
Belong   Realistic IX
Ben Lee   This One's For The Old Headz
Bent Blue   So Much Seething
Benzin   Treibjagd
Bermuda Squares   Outsider
Best Bets   The Hollow Husk of Feeling
Big Baby   Bigger
BIG|BRAVE   A Chaos of Flowers
Bilders   Dustbin of Empathy
Billiam   Animation Cel
Billiam/REVV   Split 7"
Birthday Girl DC   Dirtier EP
Black Bacon   Every Action Has Reaction
Black Button   Internal Life
Black Cat Rising   "13 Reasons" b​/​w "Birdy Wordy"
Black Pus   Terrestrial Seethings
Blemishes   Ambivert
Blenko   Rebecca EP
Blind Girls   An Exit Exists
Blitzkrieg   Blitzkrieg
Blonde Revolver   "Depleted :(" (demo)
Blood Incantation   Absolute Elsewhere
Bloodstains   Bloodstains
Blu & Shafiq Husayn   Out Of The Blue
Blue Zero   Colder Shade Blue
Bobo   Bootleg
BODEGA   Our Brand Could Be Yr Life
Body Count   Merciless
Body World   Demo 24'
Boeckner   Boeckner!
Bola de Cristal   Bola de Cristal
Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Nathan Salsburg, Tyler Trotter    "Hear The Children Sing" & "The Evidence" [Lungfish covers]
Borla   Kordoba Bidea
Boston Babies   Boston Babies
Boy With Apple   Attachment
Boyracer   Seaside Riot
Brandon Monkey Fingers   Brandon Monkey Fingers
Brass Lip   vol 1 + vol 2 EPs
BRAT   Social Grace
Broken Telepathy   Broken Telepathy
Bruce Dickinson   The Mandrake Project
Brume   Marten
Brux   Fills de La Nit EP
Bug S?ance   I'm Right Here
Bursting   Bursting EP
Busted Head Racket   Go Go Go!
C Turtle   Expensive Thrills
Can Kicker   Cassingle ["Refuse To See" b/w "Capacity"]
Canal Irreal   Someone Else's Dance
Candy   Flipping EP
Candy Apple   Comatose
careen   Cycle 3 EP
Cartoon   Nyuck Nyuck Boing!
Cassie Ramone   Sweetheart
Castle Rat   Into The Realm
Cathedral Ceilings   La La La ... Whatever
Celebrity Sighting   .​.​.​They're Just Like Us
Cell Deth   Catholic Guilt EP
Cell\Borg   Smash Blips
CEREMONY east coast   Drowning In You EP
Chain Cult   Harm Reduction
Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean   Sisyphean Cruelty
Chaos OK   Demo
Charles Moothart   Black Holes Don?t Choke
Charli XCX   brat
Chastity   chastity
Chastity Belt   Live Laugh Love
Chat Pile   Cool World
Chelsea Wolfe   She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She
Chimers   Through Today
Chimes of Bayonets   Replicator
Choncy   20X Multiplier
Christina's Trip   Forever After
Chubby And The Gang   And Then There Was​.​.​.
Cindy Lee   Diamond Jubilee
Citric Dummies   Trapped in a Parking Garage EP
CLASS   A Healthy Alternative + "First To Finish Last" b/w "Just A Worm"
Cleanser   Cleanser EP
Cock Sparrer   Hand On Heart
Coeur A L'index   Adieu Minette
Coffer   Coffer
Coffin Pricks   Semi-Perfect Crimes
Common Wounds   All Night Blood
Continuals   Continuals
convulsing   perdurance
Corker   Hallways of Grey
Corredor   Corredor
Couch Slut   You Could Do It Tonight
Croche   Songs of the Red Dragon
Crypt Sermon   The Stygian Rose
Cuir   Album Album
Cusp   Thanks So Much
Cut Piece   Your Own Good
Cutters   Psychic Injury
D.A.R.Y.L.   Rock N Roll High School
D.SABLU   No True Silence
Dancer   10 Songs I Hate About You
Dancer/Whisper Hiss   Split 12"
DAR   A Slightly Larger Head
Darkthrone   It Beckons Us All
David Nance   David Nance & Mowed Sound
David Nance   Don't Take That Way, That Way's A Mess : Outtakes 2020​-​2024
Dazy   IT?S ONLY A SECRET (If You Repeat It) EP + I GET LOST (when i try to get found) EP
Dead Finks   Eve of Ascension
Dead Senses   Dreamless
Deathcharge   Midnight Road
Deep Tunnel Project   Deep Tunnel Project
DEHD   Poetry
Demolition Man   Extended Play (!!) EP
Dereck Higgins   Inner Image
Des Demonas   Apocalyptic Boom! Boom!
Die Verlierer   Notausgang
Dion Lunadon   Memory Burn EP
Dirt Devil   Desert Moon
Dirt Sucker   At the Landfill
Disintegration   Shiver in a Weak Light
DITZ   Never Exhale
Dog Date   Zinger
Dollhouse   I Hate You Don't Leave Me EP
Dom Sensitive   Leather Trim EP
Dommer   "Cemetery Bread"​ b/w "Unless We're Friends"
Donna Allen and Jane Harms   What Are All These Flowers Doing Here?
Doubt   Held In Contempt
Drahla   angeltape
Drop Nineteens   "White Dress" (Lana Del Rey cover) b/w "Nest"
Drug Church   Prude
Drunk Mums    Beer Baby
Dry Socket   Sorry For Your Loss
Ducks Ltd.   Harm's Way
Dug Pinnick   Thingamajigger
Dumb Numbers   "In Heaven" [from Eraserhead]
Dummy   Free Energy
Dungen   Otis EP
E L U C I D   Revelator
E.V.A   II
Easers   Easers
Egg Idiot   Best Of LOL
EggS   Crafted Achievement
Ekko Astral   pink balloons
Electric Prawns 2   Hot Wheels EP
Elliot Fullam   Ready To Leave
En Attendant Ana   En Attendant Ana Sings Christmas + "Magical Lies" b/w "Teeny Tiny Tyche"
Enumclaw   Home in Another Life
Ex Pilots   Motel Cable
Excess Blood   Excess Blood EP
EXEDO   The Body Remembers
EXO   Demo
Extortion   Threats
eX-Tradition   The Holy Pervert EP
Eye Flys   Eye Flys
FACS   Maggot Brain 020324 (Live)
Fake Fruit   Mucho Distrust
Fan Club   Down the Street EP
Fashion Change   Seattle WA EP
Fast Johnny and The Slow Burners   "Self Depreciation" + "Dog Eat Dog"
Fastbacks   For WHAT Reason!
Faucheuse   Reve Electrique
Faux Depart   Faux Depart EP
Faze   Big Upsetter
Feeling Figures   Everything Around You
FEN FEN   National Threat
figure eight   figure eight
Finnoguns Wake   Stay Young EP
Firewalker   Hell Bent
Flackside   Useless Eyes
Flesh Tape   Flesh Tape
Fleshwater   "Standalone"
Flotsam and Jetsam   I Am the Weapon
Fly Ashtray   Doggerel
Fontaines D.C.   Romance
Frail Body   Artificial Bouquet
Freak Genes   Delirik
FRVITS    The Great Internet EP
Fu Manchu   The Return of Tomorrow
Fucked Up   Another Day
Fucked Up   Who?s Got the Time & A Half?
Fucked Up   Someday
Fuera De Sektor   Juegos Prohibidos
Full of Hell   Coagulated Bliss
Futuro   Dois Mundos EP
G.O.O.N.   God's Only Option Now
Gatecreeper   Dark Superstition
Gee Tee   Prehistoric Chrome
Gel   Persona EP
Gem   Gem Demo
GEO   Out of Body
gglum   The Garden Dream
GIFT   Illuminator
Gillian Welch & David Rawlings   Woodland
Gimic   We Are Making A New World 7" EP
Glitterer   Rationale
Glueman   II
GMO   repeat/rewind + "Spin A Web"
Gnod   Spot Land
Gnod + MC Sissi   Inner Fucking Peace
Gob Psychic   Rent Payer EP
Godspeed You! Black Emperor   ?NO TITLE AS OF 13 FEBRUARY 2024 28,340 DEAD?
Golpe   Subisci. Conformati. Rassegnati. EP
Gossip Collar   Spinning Silk For Parasites
Gouge Away    Deep Sage
Grazia   In Poor Taste EP
Gruff Rhys   Sadness Sets Me Free
Guck   "IDGAG"
Guided By Voices   Strut of Kings
Guiding Light   Guiding Light EP
Guitar   Casting Spells on Turtlehead
Gustaf   Package Pt. 2
Half Human   Shape Language
Hammok   Look How Long Lasting Everything Is Moving Forward For Once
Harry Sings!   The Schoolhaus Recordings
Haunt   Dreamers
Head Wound/Soft Exit   Split LP
Headcleaner   clown society
Heart to Gold   Free Help
Heather the Jerk   not very motorcycle
Heavenly Ascension   Apartment Living
Help   Courage
Her Head's On Fire   Strange Desires
High On Fire   Cometh The Storm
High Vis   Guided Tour
Hilken Mancini Band   Hilken Mancini Band
Hitmen   Rock to Forget EP
Hits   World of Dirt
Hollow Point   10 Track EP
Homeboy Sandman   Rich II
Homeboy Sandman   Nor Can These Be Sold (At Least By Me)
Honey Radar   Ribbon Factory
Horse Jumper of Love   Disaster Trick
Hot Pursuit   Hot Singles!
House of All   Continuum
Human Impact   Gone Dark
Humdinger   Brother of Monday
Humdrum   Every Heaven
Husbandry   "Drop by Drop"
I.L.L.O.   10 ILL Songs
If It Rains   Demo
illuminati hotties   POWER
Immortal Bird   Sin Querencia
Impotentie   Zonder Titel Deze Keer
Industry   A Self Portrait At The Stage Of Totalitarian Domination Of All Aspexts Of Human Life
Inferno Personale   La scelta ? tua
Innuendo   Peach & Love
Inter Arma   New Heaven
Invertebrates   Sick to Survive
Irked   Irked EP
Ismatic Guru   IV EP
It Thing   Spirit Level EP
Itchy and the Nits   Worst Of
J Mascis   What Do We Do Now
J. Robbins   Basilisk
J.R.C.G.   Grim Iconic ? (Sadistic Mantra)
Jack White   No Name
Jacket Burner   Terminal Depression
Jay Alan Kay   Song Before Work
Jealous Yellow   Czech Vampires
Jessica Pratt   Here in the Pitch
Jim Nothing   Grey Eyes, Grey Lynn
JJ and the A's   Eyeballer EP
Johnny And The Rotten   Freedom To The Goblin Inside My Head
Jr. Juggernaut   Another Big Explosion
Judas Priest   Invincible Shield
JUG   Or Not EP
Julia Holter   Something in the Room She Moves + "The Laugh Is in the Eyes"
Julie Christmas   Ridiculous And Full Of Blood
Ka   Thief Next to Jesus
Kal Marks   Wasteland Baby
Kassie Krut   Kassie Krut EP
Kendrick Lamar   GNX
Kerry King   From Hell I Rise
Kid Congo & the Pink Monkey Birds   That Delicious Vice
Kim Deal   Nobody Loves You More
Kim Gordon   The Collective [Deluxe Edition released on 10/9/24 with "Bangin' on the Freeway" and "ECRP" bonus tracks]
King H?sky   "Running"
Kitchen People   EP '24
Kittie   Fire
KLONNS   Heaven
Knee   Knee EP
knitting   Some Kind of Heaven
Knowso   Pulsating Gore
Krallice   Inorganic Rites
Kriegsh?g    Love & Revenge
KRUELTY   Profane Usurpation EP
La Llama   Negro EP
La Luz   News of the Universe
Laetitia Sadier   Rooting for Love
Lambrini Girls   "God's Country" b/w "Body of Mine"
Landowner   "Landowner Plays Dopesmoker 666% Faster and with No Distortion" [Sleep cover]
Las Nubes   Tormentas Malsanas
Las Tetas   Las Tetas
Lasso   Parte
Late Bloomer   Another One Again
LEMONGRAB   I Spy with my little Eye
Lexan   Demo II
Lifeguard   "Ministry/Energie" b/w "Telepathic Love"
Lifeless Dark   Forces of Nature's Transformation
Lip Critic   Hex Dealer
Liquid Images   Liquid Images
Liquid Mike   Paul Bunyon's Slingshot + "Crop Circles" single
Lithobrake   Lithobrake
Living Gate   Suffer As One
LL Cool J   The FORCE
Locrian   End Terrain
Lohn Der Angst   Untergang vom Untergang
Los Campesinos!   All Hell
Lothario   Hogtied
Lounge Tourist   Sprine EP
Louse   Passions Like Tar
Love Fiend   Handle With Care
Low Harness   Salvo
Low Lying   Low Lying
Lucifer   V
Lucta   Eterna Lotta
Lunchbox   Pop and Circumstance
Lupe Fiasco   Samurai
Lupo Citta   Lupo Citta
Lust Online   Go Outside
Luxury Apartments   Luxury Apartments
mach-hommy   #RICHAXXHAITIAN
Machiavellian Art   Population Control
Magic User   Shadow On The Door
Mala Vista   Fun Time
Malakili   Malakili
Mama Zu   Quilt Floor
Mandy    Lawn Girl
Manic Splits   Manic Splits
Mannequin Pussy   I Got Heaven
Marbled Eye   Read the Air
Marcel Wave   Something Looming
Mary Jane Dunphe   "Fix Me" b/w "Seasons"
Mary Timony   Untame The Tiger +"Curious Tides" [digital single]
Maxwell Stern   In The Good Light
Mdou Moctar   Funeral for Justice
Meamarga   Meamarga
Mean Mistreater   Razor Wire
Meat Shirt   Acid Dove
Meatbodies   Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom
Media Puzzle   Strategic Living
Medicine   On The Bed [The Beatles covers]
Medicine   Medicine
Mediocre   Growth Eater
MEGA X   From The Outside
Megan from Work   Girl Suit
Melkbelly   "KMS Express" b/w "Precious Cargo"
Melvins   Tarantula Heart
Memo PST   Memo PST
Menses Music   Fast Execution EP
Meow Meow and the Smackouts   "'Round Town"  + "Cap Gun Run!!!" + "War of Attrition (Sell Yer Synth)" b/w "Numbers" + Live in Sydney '24
Metro   Modern Art EP
Metz   Up On Gravity Hill
Midnight   Hellish Expectations
Midwife   No Depression In Heaven
MILLY   Your Own Becoming
Miners   A Healthy Future On Earth
Mint Mile   Roughrider
Miracle Debt   Under The Shadow
Mo Dotti   opaque
Moin   You Never End
Momma   "Ohio All The Time"
Monda   VIII
Monda   Ponderous Leviathan
Money   "Freebaser"
Mono   Oath
Mopar Stars   Burning Question EP
Mope Grooves   Box of Dark Roses
Mordecai   Seeds From The Furthest Vine
Mount Eerie   Night Palace
Movie Movie   In 4-D!
Mr. Pescado   Dusty Perils
Mt. Misery   Love In Mind
Mutually Assured Destruction   Hexer EP

(continued in next post)
"Let's have a device-a-thon, just you and me." -- Montgomery Davies


  • A Recapper/A True Star.
  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2009
Re: Music 2024
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2025, 03:44:02 PM »
Continued below:

Nag   Fear
Nails   Every Bridge Burning
Nasty Savage   Jeopardy Room
Necrot   Lifeless Birth
Negative Gears   Moraliser
Nemahsis   Verbathim
Nervous Tick and the Zipper Lips   The Monochromatic Mind Of ?
Neutrals   New Town Dream
New Adults   Listen To New Adults
Nia Archives   Silence Is Loud
Night Fever   Dead End
Nightshift   Homosapien
Nile   The Underworld Awaits Us All
Nilufer Yanya   My Method Actor
Nina Ryser   Water Giants
No Drama   "Papershop" b/w "A City Within"
N? MAN   Glitter and Spit
Non Bruises   II
Norm Archer    Verb
NOX   Iron Knowledge
NRG   A New Career
nunofyrbeeswax   Hablo Raro
Oceanator   Everything is Love and Death
O-D-EX   Breaker + My Pleasure EP
Office Dog   Doggerland
Oh Boland   Western Leisure
Omni   Souvenir
One Step Closer   All You Embrace
Oneida   Expensive Air
Onlooker   "Carpool" + "Sit Tight" + "Wishing Wellaye"
Operants   Mass Monomania EP
Opeth   The Last Will and Testament
Opinion   Horrible
Opinion   Troisi​?​me Opinion
ORYX   Primordial Sky
OSEES   Sorcs 80 + Bonus Live
Other Half   Dark Ageism
Outside View   Outside View
Pack Rat   Life's A Trap
PACKS   Melt The Honey
Pallbearer   Mind Burns Alive
Paprika   Let's Kill Punk
Pardoner   Paranoid in Hell EP
Parsnip   Behold
Paten Locke   Dance on My Grave
Patois Counselors   Enough: One Night At The Daisy Chain [Live]
Patois Counselors   Limited Sphere
Patrol   Patrol EP
Peace Decay   Peace Decay
Peace Talks   Will You Be Next? EP
pelvi$$   Control
Pest Control   Year of the Pest EP
Pet Mosquito   Pre Apocalypse Motorcycle Music EP
Peter and the Skeeters   Demo EP
Petit Bureau   Bear's Brain
Phil & The Tiles   Double Happiness
Picture That   Strum EP
Pile   Hot Air Balloon EP
Pinocchio   Pinocchio EP
Pissed Jeans   Half Divorced
Planes Mistaken For Stars   Do You Still Love Me?
Planet on a Chain   Culture of Death
Plastic Tones   We're All In This Together EP
Pleasant Mob   Pleasant Mob
Pleasants   Rocanrol In Mono
Poison Ruin   Confrere
Porcelain   Porcelain
Pork Belly   I'm Okay, You're Okay, Everything is Okay
Potere Negativo   Benvenuto All'Inferno
p?t-pot   Going Insane
Pouty   Forgot About Me
Power Pants   Singles Club + PP6
Powerwasher   Everyone Laughs
Prim   Move Too Slow
Prints   #1 Hit Song
Prison Affair   Demo IV
Program   It's A Sign
Proto   Maintenance
Psychbike   Psychbike
Public Acid   Deadly Struggle
Public Opinion   Painted On Smile
Public Pleasure   Ultra Cool Charm
Puddled   Puddled
Puppet Wipws   Live at Pompeii II
Punitive Damage   Hate Training
Pura Mania   Extranos Casos De La Vida Real EP
Pust    Pust EP
PYPY   Sacred Times
Qlowski   The Wound
Quarter Conscious   Palette
Queen Serene   2
Quid Quo   Circle Walks in Circles
Quid Quo/Big Drama   Split EP
Quivers   Oyster Cuts
R.M.F.C.     "Tracing" b/w "Nervous Transfer" 7"
RADAR   Extra Arms
Radical Kitten   Uppercat
Rat Columns   "Galilee" b/w "Boyfriend"
Raya   Raya EP
Real Shocks   Demo
Rearranged Face   Far Green Arcade
Recalculating   Do You Like To Laugh?
Reckless Randy   Speed/Babies
Redd Kross   Redd Kross
Reek Minds   Malignant Existence
Regional Justice Center    Freedom Sweet Freedom
Rehash   Aktion Reaktion! EP
Rider/Horse   Matted
Rip Van Winkle   The Grand Rapids EP
Rixe   Tir Groupe EP
Robber Robber   Wild Guess
ROLEX/Grimly Forming   Split LP
Rosali   Bite Down + "Hey Heron"
Rose Chamber   State of Affairs EP
Rosie Tucker   Utopia Now!
Rotary Club   Sphere of Service
Rouge   Rouge
Rowdy   Rowdy
Royal Headache   Live In America
Rude Television   Disconnect EP
Ryan Kidd   Dead In Memphis
S.C.A.B.   Rose Colored Glasses
S.H.I.T.   For A Better World
S.O.H.   Cost To Live
Sacricide   Sacricide EP
Satan   Songs in Crimson
Savage Pleasure   Savage Pleasure
SAVAK   Flavors of Paradise
Scarcity   The Promise of Rain
Schande   Once Around
Schedule 1   Crucible
Schoolboy Q   Blue Lips
Screaming Females   Clover EP
Scuba Cop   Scuba Cop
Scud   Brain EP
Sebastian Bach   Child Within The Man
Sect Mark   Self Obliteration
Seed Toss   Safe and Sound EP
Service Animal   Power Tower EP
SEX MEX   Cold, Not Cute EP
Sgt. Papers   Fuga!
Shadows Fall   "In The Grey"
Sharp Class   Welcome To The Matinee Show (Of The End Of The World)
Sharp Pins   Mod Mayday 23
Sharp Pins   Radio DDR
Shellac   To All Trains
Shirese   Hardly Cricket
Shonali   One Machine At A Time
Shop Regulars   Shop Regulars EP
Shove   Agency
Showbiz   Act One
Shower Curtain   Words From A Wishing Well
Showroom Dummies   Showroom Dummies EP
SIKM   Now I Must Comply EP
Silverbacks   Easy Being A Winner
Sleater Kinney   Little Rope
Smirk   "Bad Behavior"
Smooth Brain   Demoted EP
Smug Brothers   Another Bar Behind the Night EP
smush   if you were here i'd be home now
Snarling Dogs   Snarling Dogs
Snooper   "RELAY"
Snooper/Prison Affair   Split EP
So Pitted   Clone
soccer mommy   Evergreen
Soft Kill   Escape Forever + Roseland EP
Soft on Crime   Street Hardware
Sooks    Moral Decay
Soup Activists   Mummy What are Flowers For? + Ambrosia and Linens EP
Speccy   Speccy
Spectral Voice   Sparagmos
Spectral Wound   Songs of Blood and Mire
Spectres   Presence
Spiral XP   I Wish I Was a Rat
Split System   Vol. II
SPRINTS   Letter To Self + "Help Me, I'm Spiraling" b/w "Drones" + "Feast"
Squint   Big Hand
St. Lenox   Ten Modern American Work Songs
Starburst   Revolutionary Technology EP
Stiletto   Gut Health
Still Animals   Still Animals
Stomatopod   DrizzleFizzle
Straw Man Army   Earthworks
Street Sweeper   Don't Wait EP
Stuck   "Deep Tunnel" b/w "AITA?"
Styrofoam Winos   Real Time
Subdued   Abbatoir
Success    Second Edition EP
SUMAC   The Healer
Summer Woods   Swing on the Spiral [Tool covers]
Sunnsetter   Heaven Hang Over Me
sunshy   I don't care what comes next
Superchunk & Quivers   "Fire in the Western World" [Dead Moon cover] b/w "Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind" [Yo La Tengo cover]
Supermilk   High Precision Ghosts
Surreal Fatal   Fuge
Surrealistic Pillhead   Surrealistic Pillhead
Swiftumz   Simply The Best
Taking Meds   EXT MEDS EP
Tarantula   If You're Sideways, I'm Upside Down
Taxi Girls   "Rainy" b/w "The Lion's Share"
Teen Cobra   Buzzkill
Teen Line   Collecting to Collect
Teen Mortgage   Teen Mortgate
Teenage Tom Petties   Teenage Tom Petties
Temporary Curse   Beep Thrash EP
Tension Pets   Cubey EP
Terry Gross   Huge Improvement
Th' Losin' Streaks   Last House
Tha God Fahim   Dump Goat 2
Tha God Fahim X Cartune Beatz   Machine Gun Vocabulary
Tha God Fahim X Cookin Soul   Supreme Dump Legend: Soul Cook Saga
Tha God Fahim X Nicholas Craven   Dump Gawd: Hyperbolic Time Chamber Rap + Dump Gawd: Hyperbolic Time Chamber Rap 2 + Dump Gawd: Hyperbolic Time Chamber Rap 3
Tha God Fahim X Nicholas Craven   Tha Myth Who Never Quit 2 + Tha Myth Who Never Quit 3
The Antics   The Antics EP
The BellRays   Heavy Steady Go!
The Body   The Crying Out of Things
The Bug   Machine
The Bug Club   On the Intricate Inner Workings of the System
The Caries Company   Episode 1 EP
The Carp   Knock Your Block Off
The Celebrities   Redd Karpet
The Chisel   What A Fucking Nightmare
The Circulators   Insufficient Fun
The Conformists   Midwestless
The Cure   Songs Of A Lost World
The Dark    Sinking Into Madness
The Divided Body   Some of all Parts
The Drin    Elude the Torch
The Folk Implosion   Walk Thru Me
The Follies   Permanent Present Tense
The Gobs   the gobs + pop off EP + worse one yet EP
The Green Child   Look Familiar
The Hard Quartet   The Hard Quartet
The Jesus Lizard   Rack
The Kitchenettes   Demos EP
The Losers   Storm the Beach EP
The Losers   Land of Opportunity
The MFC   Out of My Mind EP
The Minneapolis Uranium Club   Infants Under The Bulb
The Nest   das nest
The None   Matter EP
The OBGMs   Sorry, It's Over + The Healing [two-track digital single with one new track]
The Obsessed    Gilded Sorrow
The Peawees   One Ride
The Pheromoans   Wyrd Psearch
The Prize/The Unknowns   Split EP
The Protos   Drain In My Brain
The Resonars   Electricity Plus
The Sewerheads   Despair is a Heaven + "Diary of a Priest" b​/​w "Man of Finite Sorrow"
The Sheaves   A Salve For Institution
The Shield   24 EP
The Shouldn'ts   Casket of Ancient Spring EP
The Sleeveens   The Sleevens
The Soundcarriers   Through Other Reflections
The Spells    Past Our Prime
The States   "Carol"
The Submissives   Live At Value Sound Studios
The Triceratops   Charge!
The Unfit   Disconnected EP
The VanCooths   A Sunny Day With Clouds
The War Goes On   Death Wish
Thine Retail Simps   Strike Gold, Strike Back, Strike Out
thirdface   Ministerial Cafeteria
This is Lorelei   Box for Buddy, Box for Star
Thou   Umbilical
Thus Love   All Pleasure
Tiikeri   Tee se itse EP
Time Room   Like A Dream? EP
Titanium Expos?   Disorders
Toadliquor   Back In The Hole
Torrey   Torrey
Torx   Torx
Total Hell   Killed by Evil
Touche Amore   Spiral in A Straight Line
Trauma Ray   Chameleon
Tribulation   Sub Rosa In ?ternum
Troller   "Today" (Smashing Pumpkins cover) b/w "At the Primordial Bottom of Everything" digital single
Tube Alloys   "Evil Angels" b/w "Lizard Kingdom"
Two Inch Astronaut   "Check Please" b/w "Humorist"
Ty Segall   Three Bells
Ty Segall   Love Rudiments
Tyler the Creator   Chromakopia 
Ulcerate   Cutting the Throat of God
Undeath   More Insane
Uniform   American Standard
Unlettered   Five Mile Point
Unto Others   Never, Neverland
Upright Forms   Blurred Wires
UV-TV   The Optimistic Wrench EP
Vacation   Rare Earth
Vaguess   Thanks // No Thanks
Valtatyhijo   Kuristusleikki EP
Value Added   Tell Us Like We Are
Vampire   What Seems Forever Can Be Broken
Various Artists   Palestine Solidarity Compilation Vol​.​2
Various Artists   Born Bad Record Shop 25 Years Anniversary
Velocity Girl   incidentals EP
Verb​?​ten   Verb​?​ten
Verity Den   Verity Den
Vessel   Wrapped In Cellophane
VIAL   Burnout
Vicious Blade   Relentless Force
Vidro   Upp till dans EP
Vince Staples   Dark Times
Vincent Vocoder Voice   Sinthomies
Violin   Violin EP
Virgins   nothing hurt and everything was beautiful
Virvon Varvon   Fours Bars of Hate
Visual Learner   2024 Demo + November '24 demo
Voice Imitator   Of How Hits
VVM   Crucial Burger EP
Wand    Vertigo
Water Damage   In E + Reel LE
Waxahatchee   Tigers Blood + "Much Ado About Nothing"
Waylon Thornton   Return to Cro-Magnon Strawberry
Waylon Thornton   Peppermint Nog
Weak Signal   Fine
Webb Chapel   World Cup
Weegee   Primitive Thrill
Weird Spirit   Rogue Sects EP + "Backstroke" b/w "Spine"
WETFLIX   #2 (Kill My Brain)
Whiphouse   "Sleep" b/w "Dementia"
White Collar   White Collar
White Hills   Beyond This Fiction
White Suns   Dredging Heaven
Whores.   WAR.
Why Bother?   Serenading Unwanted Ballads
Why Bother?   Hey, At Least You're Not Me
winded   Double Single
Winged Wheel   Big Hotel
Wishy   Triple Seven + "Planet Popstar"
wonderglu   GLU2: back on the line
Work Stress   Sever
World News   Escape EP
Wormwitch   Wormwitch
Writhing Squares   Mythology
Wussy   Cincinnati Ohio
X   Smoke & Fiction
X2000   G​?​tico Tropical
Yesness   See You at the Solipsist Convention
Young Hunter   Bleeding Gold
Young Scum   Lighter Blue
Your Old Droog   Movie
Zombi   Direct Inject
Zorn   Endless Funeral EP
Zulo   Una Especie De Extra?a Condici?n
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