Hey Petey and FOlks,
I was at the Allentown Fair too. I think WeeN is great and was shocked to hear Tom say he hated them. WOW I will say for once Tom has seriously missed the mark on this score. Ween is the real deal and obviously he's never given them the time of day to see how rediculously talented and good they are. Or seen them live to see how well they pull off their sometimes very odd trippy sound. Poor tommy maybe he's getting old and out of touch with music a bit dohhhhh :O lolol
I was sitting on wall by sound stage with a ween shirt on. I was blown away by how good they sounded and how the crowd was mostly there for WEEN. Ive seen them before and they always rock hard.
DIdn't the 78 traffic stink on the way home? hehe
Ok.. just had to post about Tom bashing WEEN. Maybe Ween is too naughty for the G rated Tommy who wants to spank kids with whips? whats that about?
lol Sorry Tom just teasing ya.
You rule! Your just wrong about WeeN and we are right
listener bobby aka Lollygaggin