If Tom can create Dutch as a composite of every bad one-man show character in existence, I think the Friends of Tom could collaborate on an idea for a
Juno-style, audience-coddling, surefire hit faux-indie movie about a plucky high schooler who quips his/her way through some sort of crisis. I propose "Plunko" as a potential titular character name (originally I thought of "Plinko" but we wouldn't want to get sued by
The Price is Right). We'll need some self-consciously quirky dialogue, a wispy hipster soundtrack, a marketable video store clerk/stripper backstory for the film's auteur, and some sort of crisis -- perhaps a
Middlesex-style sudden onset of hermaphroditism? I'm sure there are better ideas than that floating out there amongst you, so let's see if we can turn this into something here. Or we can let the thread die a quick death!