In my dream I tune into to Best Show just as it is ending. Having missed it all, I drift off to sleep. After a while, slowly, I am awakened by a crawling sensation. I open my eyes, I look at my hands. They are covered with crawling teeming ants. I bolt upright, I get up quickly, holding my hands out in front of me, and run to the sink to wash them off. My hands and wrists covered in ants. As I put my hands under the running water, some of the ants wash away, some of them turn into feather quills, and I have to pluck them out, one by one, like they are left over chicken feather parts. Finally, I am done, and have plucked the last quill from my hands. Then, I really awake, nauseous from the heat and the hand plucking, I look at my hands in disbelief.
I vow to never miss listening to the Best Show again, and to stay away from ants and chicken.