Do they keep up with news/politics? I'd be interested in knowing how much they know about the modern world.
I just had a great idea for a movie, don't the Amish do that thing where the teenagers leave for a couple of weeks to find out whether they want to live in the regular world or not?
In my story a Amish woman goes out for her weeks and comes back preggo from a tryst with a black man. But she wants to keep the baby and stay Amish.
"Papa don't Preach" it would be a edgier Under Siege 2 with more laffs.
Christina Ricci as the girl, Anthony Anderson as the one night stand, Jeff Bridges as the tough Amish father.
Different churches have pretty different approaches to things, but in general they don't keep up with U.S. or world politics. They pay taxes, but don't vote or take advantage of governmental services (like welfare, etc.). I looked at the newspaper that my brother-in-law gets, and it had a page or two of U.S. news, but since he's a convert, he is more connected to the world than most of his brethren.
Apparently that whole "Amish in the City" thing, where they go and experience worldly delights is not something that's done terribly often. It's played up in the western media, because it makes for fish-out-of-water hilarity.
They tend to be locally-minded (or insular, depending on your view of things), and despite what I said above about racism, they - especially the children - seem a lot happier than most of us English.