Thanks everyone.
Excellent advice, but I was actually thinking of eventually going back to school for library science (ha HA). Why are you against it?
it's good in some ways. i guess i just felt pressure to get some practical skills so i could find a stable sort of job while i explore my hobbies on the side - so i didnt have to depend on any of my hobbies a source of income. and so far it has worked fine in that sense.
and it could just be general frustration with my current job, but i do wonder if i needed to put that pressure on myself and go through the whole library education process. like if i could have been happier on the job doing something more creative in the day-to-day, had i been adventurous and explored that route. it's hard to say. i guess there's still time.
there are interesting components to library/archival work, and it's not at all stressful so that's a plus. and the environment is usually pretty laid back, and the people are generally nice. library school is pretty dry though - its basically elaborate theory on how to file things.
if you go this route, i can tell you everything i know about the Rutgers program and job hunting in the field.
oh and there's a librarians party in williamsburg at enids (i know, *groan*) friday- the