Author Topic: Lifelock vs. credit agencies  (Read 966 times)


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3426
Lifelock vs. credit agencies
« on: June 24, 2008, 11:34:35 PM »
On the chat someone (JJ?) was making fun of the Lifelock guy (Todd Davis) for giving out his ssn (457-55-5462) on ads and then becoming victim of identity theft.

Also, the company just does things that anyone could do themselves for free, like putting fraud alerts on your account.  He's being sued both by consumers (for selling worthless junk) and by the credit agencies (for abusing their processes).  They also lie about their one million dollar guarantee, which just means they'll refund the money you paid them, up to a million dollars, if and only if they forget to do something on their end.  Not if you actually become victim of identity theft, and they won't cover any losses you may incur.

So yeah, shady operator.

But you know what?  I'm happy that he pisses off the credit agencies and costs them lots of money.  Because once there's a fraud alert on your file, it means those vultures can't sell your personal information without your authorization.  Screw those guys.  I support anything that makes their business difficult.