I think the banned callers need to look to the humblest, most ignoble of callers, one Larry D. Pervison as their role model. As callers go, he's like a scrappy, three-legged mutt with a skin condition, but he knows how to work his schtick and get in and out without wearing out his welcome. Even his call on this week's show, which had the flimsiest of pretexts, and might have been pure shilling if he indeed is trying to get a podcast started, even then, it was one of the best calls of the night. He gave Tom something to work with, and just left when it had played itself out. Study Larry, Wally! Humble yourself and seek him out as a mentor. See how unfazed he is by Tom's abuse? He takes it all with a good nature and rolls with it.
Also: man did I laugh at the line about how Trip said they let him use a guillotine, as long as he kept it set to five. The Wurster calls have been so good lately. And Archie Bunker's execution by electric chair gets me every time.