So, Skeevy. Skeevy cannot be scored on a best to worst scale. But it has to be said. No one on Earth deserved Skeevy.
If much of the Best Show is Theater of the Mind, then Skeevy's segment was Theater of the Unwind.
One one hand, the attempt to craft Skeevy on the fly was so fragile, transparent, and combustible, that I couldn't imagine that charming pervy paper bag in the studio doing his thing. There was nothing to cling to... it was repellent to the mind. I made sounds into my hands from my head, but I wasn't sure if I was laughing, crying, or both.
...which brings me to the 110% brilliance of Skeevy. Going one layer out to the observers: Tom being at ground zero, the listeners, and later, Sue P, I can all but imagine what a sight it would have been to see Skeevy's operator try and keep the vehicle going for as long as it did, even if there was barely mileage.
Skeevy's voice, far less confident than it was on Hatch's last appearance on Tuesday, sounded more like someone who heard the *idea* of Ren & Stimpy and tried to do a Ren Hoek impression, mixed with the *idea* of Willie Tyler & Lester trying to do a Lester impression. This is a cruel statement, as I'm sure Skeevy's operator is well aware of both. But it was all about the unwinding. It was a really long 15 minutes. Just unforgettable.