Author Topic: Inside the World of Online Trolls: article from this Sunday's NY Times Magazine  (Read 13382 times)

John Junk 2.0

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I think I actually totally agree with you about everything, Gilly.

so nevermind! :)


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3426
I just don't see how the internet is any different from real world.

The key difference between traditional libel issues and the internet is that we've passed a specific law telling people they can't sue websites for stuff they host.  I can't imagine a newspaper that would just print thousands of letters every day without reviewing them, but that's exactly what the internet allows, so the law is probably a good idea. It is also an example of "regulation" that treats the internet differently than the "real" world.

I don't know what we're arguing about since I think we all agree that new laws aren't needed.  The current system is pretty fucked, because I hate me a troll, but I have zero confidence that anything can be done about it.  Anyway, people will adapt.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2110


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Wow, I posted this whole thing about my school's policy, and then I wondered whether or not I could get in trouble for it!


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 2110
I don't know what to think about the teacher/student debate. A part of me thinks that teachers should not get involved with anything outside of the school grounds if it isn't affecting their school work and the teacher doesn't think there is a clear threat. If pictures are brought to school or are being looked at on school computers I think that's when teachers should step in. But, I don't think a teacher has any right looking on a Facebook or MySpace site just to take a look or because a student said something.

I can't believe kids aren't tech savvy enough to set their privacy settings right!


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 6213
Kids are stupid.  We just keep inventing ways to let their stupidity follow them into adult life.

Imagine that the most embarrassing thing that happened to you - or that you did - in high school was entered into some corner of the public record for the rest of your life.  I can't begin to.

I would have been one of those jerky kids who refused to put anything personal on his myspace or facebook page.  The other kids would have made fun of me, but I would have known that I didn't want my thoughts about Stephanie from English class getting back to her then, much less being accessible to my grandkids.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!


  • Guest
Oh man yes. I think I got email in like grade 5, and I wince when I even think about my ten-line email "signature" or all the forwards I forwarded. If I'd had facebook then, too...? Urghhhhhhhhhugh.

As it stands, I try to keep my facebook profile really really private and not filled with super-personal content. I've seen enough Semi-Serious Shit Go Down that I'm extra paranoid about photos and who I'm friends with and etc. I'll probably still screw up majorly at some point, though.


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3426
I think I'm lucky to have cut my teeth on BBSs and shell-only internet access for years before heading into the internet.  By the time it became super popular I already had some of those Life Skills learned. 

Recently, I wasn't too impressed with the way that would make it seem like I was way more into grindcore than I really am, what with the albums of 100 45 second songs.  But I goodbyed that timewaster.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 348

Some people just have the ability to look exactly like what they are.

I thought something along the same lines.  But I also felt he looked familiar.  Not in a separated at birth kind of way but something... And then I realized I was thinking of Human Giant's Paul Scheer :

Regular Joe

  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 1015
I thought something along the same lines.  But I also felt he looked familiar.  Not in a separated at birth kind of way but something... And then I realized I was thinking of Human Giant's Paul Scheer :

I'm mortified just knowing Mr. Scheer may reasonably see that comment. Of all the people in the world to be compared to!


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 353
I love that these trolls won't reveal their real identities for the article.

Does anybody else find it highly suspect that a kid that hideous, who spends his time posting hateful stuff on message boards keeps baseball games on in the background?

I'd love to hear Tom's outraged opinion about this on Tuesday.


  • Achilles bursitis
  • Posts: 120
I love that these trolls won't reveal their real identities for the article.

Does anybody else find it highly suspect that a kid that hideous, who spends his time posting hateful stuff on message boards keeps baseball games on in the background?

I'd love to hear Tom's outraged opinion about this on Tuesday.

That V for Vendetta mask makes me pity him for some reason.


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
  • Posts: 258
I love that these trolls won't reveal their real identities for the article.

Does anybody else find it highly suspect that a kid that hideous, who spends his time posting hateful stuff on message boards keeps baseball games on in the background?

I'd love to hear Tom's outraged opinion about this on Tuesday.

That V for Vendetta mask makes me pity him for some reason.

I don't know if Weev is involved in the "Anonymous" protesting of Scientology, but if he was it would explain the mask.


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When Weev weighs in on the whole Colecovision vs. Intellivision debate, it's comedy gold!


  • Space Champion!
  • Posts: 3629