Author Topic: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)  (Read 989764 times)


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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #840 on: June 12, 2009, 12:37:24 PM »
Is that the big library on Kirkwood?  I love that place.  Got a great deal on some mint-condition classical records there last summer.

Whoa, your library SELLS things?  Benjamin Franklin would be rolling over in his grave, if he hadn't discovered that potion that could keep him alive indefinitely.

Unless by "got a deal" you mean STOLE, in which case Franklin approves mightily.
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #841 on: June 12, 2009, 03:33:03 PM »
Yeah, I think we're ruining the thread. If you get another play at the Bloomington Playwright's Project, or are otherwise in town, let me know, maybe we can have an FOT meet-up.

I will check out the write-up.

Also: I really hate those 'Payday Lending' places, and 'Cash4Gold'. Trying to get back to the hate here.

I go to Bloomington at least once a year -- my wife and her whole family are IU alumni, and her parents have a condo there that used to belong to older relatives who died many years ago.  I love it there.  I frequently fantasize about buying it from them and trying to get a tenure-track job at IU, but I'm trapped in the NYC career vortex for now.  I did have a play up at the Bloomington Playwrights' Project in 2004, though -- that was really fun.

One of my favorite bookstores in the world is Caveat Emptor.  My wife wrote about it here:

Wow, how did I wind up being so enthusiastic about stuff on the f. you thread?


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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #842 on: June 13, 2009, 02:08:59 AM »
I go to Bloomington at least once a year -- my wife and her whole family are IU alumni, and her parents have a condo there that used to belong to older relatives who died many years ago.  I love it there.  I frequently fantasize about buying it from them and trying to get a tenure-track job at IU, but I'm trapped in the NYC career vortex for now.  I did have a play up at the Bloomington Playwrights' Project in 2004, though -- that was really fun.

One of my favorite bookstores in the world is Caveat Emptor.  My wife wrote about it here:

Wow, how did I wind up being so enthusiastic about stuff on the f. you thread?

Jason, is your wife a friend of Maud's? Mine too, coincidentally.

On topic, I recently learned how much I hate Philly D. A colleague I respect sent me a "you gotta check this out!" email last week and sure enough it was a link to PhillyD's YouTube archive. Just painful.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #843 on: June 13, 2009, 10:02:26 AM »
I go to Bloomington at least once a year -- my wife and her whole family are IU alumni, and her parents have a condo there that used to belong to older relatives who died many years ago.  I love it there.  I frequently fantasize about buying it from them and trying to get a tenure-track job at IU, but I'm trapped in the NYC career vortex for now.  I did have a play up at the Bloomington Playwrights' Project in 2004, though -- that was really fun.

One of my favorite bookstores in the world is Caveat Emptor.  My wife wrote about it here:

Wow, how did I wind up being so enthusiastic about stuff on the f. you thread?

Jason, is your wife a friend of Maud's? Mine too, coincidentally.

On topic, I recently learned how much I hate Philly D. A colleague I respect sent me a "you gotta check this out!" email last week and sure enough it was a link to PhillyD's YouTube archive. Just painful.

It is funny though to see all the edits and wonder how many hours he had to yammer on to yield a couple minutes of 'material'.


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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #844 on: June 13, 2009, 01:51:09 PM »
I noticed that about the quick cuts. Forget waterboarding, let's get the uncut footage down to Camp X-Ray.

Also, that same colleage linked to this on his blog today -

A really religious guy with an ode to rockstars of the blog world. Magic starts at 2:40.


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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #845 on: June 13, 2009, 02:13:00 PM »
I noticed that about the quick cuts. Forget waterboarding, let's get the uncut footage down to Camp X-Ray.

Also, that same colleage linked to this on his blog today -

A really religious guy with an ode to rockstars of the blog world. Magic starts at 2:40.

I took some psych courses in college, so I'm totally qualified to diagnose almost anyone.  But the "why" of this completely escapes me.  Plus, why is it 6 minutes?
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #846 on: June 13, 2009, 02:17:07 PM »
I hate when people come into the library and say "You know, you should really control the kids in here."
Um excuse me? That's where THE PARENTS come in. This ain't a daycare, SIR.

are you a library employee?

i'm one. and from what i can tell so far, summer has transformed my branch into a daycare. also, what are parents?
Yesh I am a library much as I love the Summer Reading Program (which is to say alot), it also gives us hell on many levels.

On another note, I hate that old ska dance, the "skank". It just looks weird.
"Enough with the bandana, already." -Trace Atkins to Donald Trump


  • Policemans heel
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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #847 on: June 13, 2009, 03:09:27 PM »
I hate the website


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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #849 on: June 13, 2009, 03:14:35 PM »
I hate the website

I'm with you 100%. They're the Maxim of the internet.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #850 on: June 13, 2009, 03:26:23 PM »
On that note, I hate any ska made outside of the 60s and outside of Jamaica.

Except of course, for the ska-influenced track on the classic Rush album 'Moving Pictures' (and the Specials' 1st album).

I hate when people come into the library and say "You know, you should really control the kids in here."
Um excuse me? That's where THE PARENTS come in. This ain't a daycare, SIR.

are you a library employee?

i'm one. and from what i can tell so far, summer has transformed my branch into a daycare. also, what are parents?
Yesh I am a library much as I love the Summer Reading Program (which is to say alot), it also gives us hell on many levels.

On another note, I hate that old ska dance, the "skank". It just looks weird.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #851 on: June 13, 2009, 03:32:49 PM »
I hate the website

I'm with you 100%. They're the Maxim of the internet.

Thirded. Also, I hate the phrase, "just saying."
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.


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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #852 on: June 13, 2009, 03:34:34 PM »
I hate the website

I'm with you 100%. They're the Maxim of the internet.

Thirded. Also, I hate the phrase, "just saying."

What about "just sayin'?"
I really don't appreciate your sarcastic, anti-comedy tone, Bro!


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #853 on: June 13, 2009, 03:50:11 PM »
I hate the website

I'm with you 100%. They're the Maxim of the internet.

Thirded. Also, I hate the phrase, "just saying."

What about "just sayin'?"

That too.
Nobody ever lends money to a man with a sense of humor.

Shaggy 2 Grote

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Re: Stuff you hate (aka: the new f. you thread)
« Reply #854 on: June 13, 2009, 04:48:20 PM »
Yeah, cutout, she is, though I've never met her.  Do you live in NY?

And, just to keep the thread going:

Jesus, this moron is like if PhillyD went right-wing, and started tweeting instead of YouTubing.  I can't look away.
Oh, good heavens. I didn’t realize. I send my condolences out to the rest of the O’Connor family.