Anyone who thinks the show is only good if there's a guest is an ass. For me, the best shows have always been about Tom, not the callers (well, except for those callers who all sort of sound alike, if you catch my meaning, if you get my drift).
Weird black-power fist-pump thing he does after getting fired for refusing to censor material in the student newspaper -
Episode 6 of My So Called Life where Roger Rees is the unorthodox, Dead Poets-style substitute writing teacher with mismatching socks who seems really hard on the students but only because he wants to challenge them.
I hate having no electricity at my house since Sunday afternoon with no end in sight. No water either since I'm on a well and the pump needs powert. Toilets that flush are cool. I miss them.I am starting to like working from a Panera every day though. There's a whole crowd of blackout refugees in here every day.
Sorry. I feel your pain. We are without potable water in Maplewood.On a more mundane note, I hate plastic wrap. F you, plastic wrap.
Quote from: Alex_from_the_woods on August 31, 2011, 07:57:24 AMI hate having no electricity at my house since Sunday afternoon with no end in sight. No water either since I'm on a well and the pump needs powert. Toilets that flush are cool. I miss them.I am starting to like working from a Panera every day though. There's a whole crowd of blackout refugees in here every day.Sorry. I feel your pain. We are without potable water in Maplewood.On a more mundane note, I hate plastic wrap. F you, plastic wrap.
Still at the Panera. I'm warning you all that I'm going to keep obsessively posting as long as I'm stuck here due to the blackout. I'm all fired up on caffiene and sugar.