Author Topic: Humorless Politics Thread  (Read 918141 times)


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #645 on: October 14, 2008, 11:46:50 PM »
Wonkette is like Gawker for ugly people.

SURELY you're not suggesting that politicians are unattractive?!


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #646 on: October 15, 2008, 12:46:29 AM »
I hate to say it, but it does remind me of Gawker too. Gawker is fun occasionally, but so is playing video games and eating ice cream.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 986
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #647 on: October 15, 2008, 01:29:05 AM »
Teddy Rockstar gets interviewed on political stuff, and the Wonkette commenters flail confusedly against it with fists of ham.

Ugh, I bet this dude eats Two Boots pizza and likes it.

 Have you ever tried Two Boots Pizza? Horrifying.
                                 "This must be where buffcoat left his pants."

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #648 on: October 15, 2008, 02:26:09 AM »
man I like Ted Leo more and more
see how he got talking about Palin? That's how I get talking about about any right wing position

No abortion even in cases of rape or incest? *I proceed to lose my shit*

Only difference, I have no talent.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #649 on: October 15, 2008, 03:07:38 AM »

Is that meant to be as sarcastic as it seems?

No! Clever, as in "actually clever"! I just didn't get it at first.


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #650 on: October 15, 2008, 07:18:32 AM »


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #651 on: October 15, 2008, 08:50:31 AM »
man I like Ted Leo more and more

I think it is impossible not to.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #652 on: October 15, 2008, 09:48:42 AM »
Teddy Rockstar gets interviewed on political stuff, and the Wonkette commenters flail confusedly against it with fists of ham.

Ugh, I bet this dude eats Two Boots pizza and likes it.

I'm not familiar with that Wonkette site at all, so I have a dumb question. Who wrote this part:

Quote from: BLargh
Here’s one for the children of Washington, D.C., with Wonkette’s own Liz Glover interviewing famous local hero rock star Ted Leo of the wonderful elitist band Ted Leo & The Pharmacists outside a Black Cat show last week. He talks about some obscure album someone made once, because that is what indie rock people do whenever they hear a fleeting reference to anything music-related. Then Liz asks about Sarah Palin and he gets “all emo” and start talking about “bullets in bellies.” Why does Ted Leo hate the troops?

This kind of writing is T H E   W O R S T, especially coming from someone who clearly doesn't really understand what the fuck they're talking about. Emo? Elitist? Indie rock? It's like watching my parents try to be "internet snarky."


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #653 on: October 15, 2008, 10:19:04 AM »


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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #654 on: October 15, 2008, 11:34:32 AM »
I wonder what Sarah Palin thinks oil is.

Trembling Eagle

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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #655 on: October 15, 2008, 12:09:04 PM »
Teddy Rockstar gets interviewed on political stuff, and the Wonkette commenters flail confusedly against it with fists of ham.

Ugh, I bet this dude eats Two Boots pizza and likes it.

I'm not familiar with that Wonkette site at all, so I have a dumb question. Who wrote this part:

Quote from: BLargh
Here’s one for the children of Washington, D.C., with Wonkette’s own Liz Glover interviewing famous local hero rock star Ted Leo of the wonderful elitist band Ted Leo & The Pharmacists outside a Black Cat show last week. He talks about some obscure album someone made once, because that is what indie rock people do whenever they hear a fleeting reference to anything music-related. Then Liz asks about Sarah Palin and he gets “all emo” and start talking about “bullets in bellies.” Why does Ted Leo hate the troops?

This kind of writing is T H E   W O R S T, especially coming from someone who clearly doesn't really understand what the fuck they're talking about. Emo? Elitist? Indie rock? It's like watching my parents try to be "internet snarky."

Even I got that it was tongue in cheek.


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #656 on: October 15, 2008, 12:18:52 PM »
Teddy Rockstar gets interviewed on political stuff, and the Wonkette commenters flail confusedly against it with fists of ham.

Ugh, I bet this dude eats Two Boots pizza and likes it.

I'm not familiar with that Wonkette site at all, so I have a dumb question. Who wrote this part:

Quote from: BLargh
Here’s one for the children of Washington, D.C., with Wonkette’s own Liz Glover interviewing famous local hero rock star Ted Leo of the wonderful elitist band Ted Leo & The Pharmacists outside a Black Cat show last week. He talks about some obscure album someone made once, because that is what indie rock people do whenever they hear a fleeting reference to anything music-related. Then Liz asks about Sarah Palin and he gets “all emo” and start talking about “bullets in bellies.” Why does Ted Leo hate the troops?

This kind of writing is T H E   W O R S T, especially coming from someone who clearly doesn't really understand what the fuck they're talking about. Emo? Elitist? Indie rock? It's like watching my parents try to be "internet snarky."

They're using over-worked buzzwords. That's why it's ironic, which is what they were going for, knowing Wonkette.

I have more fun on Wonkette than Gawker, probably because they have more of a sense of humor about themselves.  The site that makes me fume on Gawker the most is Jezebel. I used to read it all the time but they do this awful pretentious third wave fun-feminist thing that irritates me sooo much.

We think other gossip blogs are shallow and sexist!! Now we're going to post a picture of Lindsay Lohan for you to judge. Oh and it was cool that Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old girl because she was into it, and there was a Bikini Kill song called "I Like Fucking!" We're the FEMINIST gossip blog. Yeah!


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #657 on: October 15, 2008, 12:29:27 PM »
I get that it's supposed to be winking and ironic, but it's not even good at doing that. The things it chooses to be ironic about are so obvious and boring.

Quote from: Some blurb about a launch party
Comedian Aziz Ansari kind of told some jokes in that indie comedian “not actually really telling jokes” way.

Alternative comics don't actually tell jokes! Ho-ho-ho, that is some scathing satire, Wonkette!

Quote from: Some article about the kid who knocked up Palin's kid
The brave high school dropout who impregnated Sarah Palin’s daughter talked with an AP reporter, in his driveway. He spoke in complete sentences, unlike his future mother-in-law!


This is mom humor!


  • Space Champion!
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Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #658 on: October 15, 2008, 12:49:08 PM »
Todd, your mom is much more caustic and in-the-know than mine, apparently.


  • Achilles Tendon Bursitis
  • Posts: 691
Re: Humorless Politics Thread
« Reply #659 on: October 15, 2008, 12:59:22 PM »
Todd, your mom is much more caustic and in-the-know than mine, apparently.

No but if your mom tried to be caustic, this is how it would come out.

Thumbs down, Wonkette. Waaaayyy down.