This is the LAST time I'm posting about about Ron Paul, it's taking up to much of my life. Plus, I have some Pokemon Recorded on my Dvr that need watching! Can you say chips and dip!!
1. Dear Buffcoat: I'm NOT just cute, I'm F@King adorable.
2. Who cares about evolution? Ron Paul could be Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or Christian ( which he is). It should not matter. Ever heard of separation of church and state? Religion should play NO rule in government. It's a none issue.
3. Global Warming: That link is to some fanboy site with quotes that are YEARS old. During the summer I KNOW I heard him say to a reporter that Global Warming was real, and humans played some rule in it, he only questioned how much. I am NOT tech savvy at all, and I don't know how to create links to web sites, I'm sorry, but I can only give you my word on this.
4. Gold Standard: I belieave our government has proven itself completely untrustworthy of spending with in our means. We have a debt of almost 15 TRILLION DOLLARS. With a partial gold standard, we could not nation build in Iraq and Afghanistan, we could not have 900 military bases in 135 countries. Our economy would grow at a slow and sustainable pace, which would keep boom and bust times from occurring (right now we're in a bust). By the way, this would help with global warming. We could not bail out "to big to fail banks" (who have CEO which should be thrown in jail). If our government wants to increase spending, they should come to us, explain what the want to do, and tell us how much they want to raise our taxes to pay for it. Right now we have a false sense of euphoria, we get tons of government benefits, a massive military, and we don't pay for any of it. Why? BACAUSE WE CAN JUST PRINT MORE MONEY! We have been putting everything on our credit card and the bill is due. Americas credit rating was NOT lowered because we had a debate about our debt, it was lowered because WE HAVE THE DEBT. I don't trust our congress to be rational with the printing press, at least a PARTIAL gold standard would help keep them honest.
5. Abortion: Ron Paul's Pro-Life stance is a PERSONAL belieave. He does not want to impose them on other people, he wants it to be a state issue. He belieaves in the morning after pill in cases of rape, and things of that nature. To say this would hurt poor people is stupid. Do poor people not know of birth control, condoms, the morning after pill? And if that fails, they can give the baby up to adoption. There are LOTS of people who can not have children, and would want to adopt a beautiful baby.
6. Dear Shaggy 2 Grote: I still belieave Haunter is the best Pokemon, but I still have room in my heart for Kadabra and Weeving. What's your fav Pokemon?
Sincerely, Bathroom Boy RON PAUL 2012!!!