I don't get why most people feel that way and we don't do anything about it because if we could just drop this us vs. them mentality something really powerful could happen. Politicians aren't willing to stop the divide, but most people really can't stand either party but end up voting for one anyway. Occupy Wall Street had it wrong... once again they made it us vs. them and ended up giving a lot of people who should have been in the "us" camp a reason to stand up for the 1%. The only thing that should matter is that politicians don't work for us, it's a sentiment almost everyone can get behind, and it's a sentiment a lot of people think about every day of their life. If people went to the streets shouting that without a partisan message, a lot of people would get behind that and we'd have some real progress. Maybe we'd still have a two party system, but this us vs. them garbage might finally be put to rest.