Have you ever thought about lifting?
I'm being dead serious.
Something about resistance training that focuses the mind and spirit in a way that nothing else does IMO.
It's unfortunate more creative minded people aren't into weights, but the Greeks had it right: sound mind in a sound body.
I know you joke around about Henry Rollins, but you have to admit that there is an artist and a man with not only a clear vision of his own creative direction but a kind of quiet strength and sureness of purpose I think comes from a man acquainted with the iron arts.
I'm not talking about mindless cardio and "fitness" which is a complete waste of time and energy but hardcore lifting and resistance training.
If you're interested let me know, I'll point you in the direction of some materials I think can be life changing.
Thanks for all the great shows and great laffs
-Trembling Eagle
Have you ever thought about having some tact?
I'm being dead serious.
Something about being tactful that focuses the mind and spirit in a way that nothing else does IMO.
It's unfortunate more creative minded people aren't into being socially graceful, but Lincoln had it right: Silence is not always tact, but it is tact that is golden, not silence.
I know you joke around about Paul F T
hompkins, but you have to admit that there is an artist and a man with not only a clear vision of his own creative direction but a sense of timing and a clear idea of what is better left unsaid that I think comes from a man acquainted with knowing when to shut the fuck up.
I'm not talking about never posting again and "dropping the act" which is a complete waste of time and energy but actually having some perception of the human condition and finding acceptance for people beyond the meatheads at your gym.
If you're interested let me know, I'll point you in the direction of
some materials I think can be life changing.
Thanks for all the great posts and great laffs
-Regular Joe