I was at the gym last night when a show called The Man Whose Body Exploded came on t.v. It was about a bodybuilder, Gregg Valentino, who lifted weights and juiced and bugged people to lift weights until his muscles exploded and now his body looks like a panty hose full of oranges. It's a cautionary tale I think and it reminded me of this thread.
That guy belongs to a supremely assholish sub-sub culture of the the subculture
funny how people outside of whatever group find an example of the the most nuttiest contingent to paint the whole group/
a small number of dumb assholes who don't want to do the work of training and eating
take a form of injectable vegetable oil and shoot it directly into their muscles, the body reacts to the foreign substance by swelling up the area like its fighting off an infection (infections commonly happen from this too) and these guys get the odd lumpy shape that you see in this idiot. I guess to the uninitiated it may by hard to tell this look from some who actually trains and even say takes actual anabolics...I think it's pretty clear.

Gregg Valentino oil abuser

Paul Dillet actual hard lifter, gifted genetics, definitely anabolically enhanced
Even though Dillet is far more muscular than the average person, lifter or not, the symmetry of his build still matches that of what we know of a human physique.
That Valentino isn't dead yet from his stupidity is a testament to pure dumb luck and his slight fame (as a
self destructive oddity) is a testament to the uninformed's need to have their stereotypes reinforced.