As a creative guy and avowed gym rat, I'd like to weigh in here. I think it's unfair to dismiss out-of-hand performance enhancing drugs for artists. The inclusion of testosterone in a carefully designed hormone regimen can improve musicianship and overall well-being.
Renowned sports pharmacologist and awesome guitar player Reggie Parsons claims that adding test to his drugs regimen improved his guitar playing by four notes-per-second. Test has the additional benefit of packing on beef for drumming, and may even enhance areas of the brain associated with spatial cognition, improving time-keeping capacity.
In the other direction, adding estrogen to one's routine can improve upper-register vocals. Sven Jansen of Chain Mailmen reputedly used estrogen to hit those amazing high notes well into his 40s.
Personally, I'd never go near the stuff. I don't work out either - it needlessly stresses the body and ruins the joints.
Anyway, that's my two cents.