Author Topic: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile  (Read 24780 times)

Mo Primo

  • Plantar Fasciitis
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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2008, 12:42:25 AM »
Gee, Regular Joe, it's weird how that clip pretty much epitomizes the forward-looking approach I've been suggesting... the one which everyone seems to be too chicken to actually go out and do, excepting Frank Zappa.

But now.... I want a show of hands.

How many people grew up speaking a language other than English at home? Doesn't matter which one, Polish, Chinese, Pashtun, Lithuanian, Yoruba, Norwegian, Tagalog, Arabic.... whatever.

Of those of you who are left, how many of your parents gave you a name from that language, that is to say, a non-standard-modern-Anglo name? A name that your average Peggy Smith from Dubuque would have kind of a hard time with? A name with no equivalent pronunciation in American Standard English?

Of those of you who are left, how many of you are proud of that name and the hundreds, if not thousands of years of history behind it? How many of you realize that your parents took great care in giving you this name, and placed great importance on it?

How many of you, then, upon contact with greater North America, were forced to adopt some wretchedly common nickname in order to "pass" and "get along" with your peers, to avoid being ostracized and mocked for having such a "weird" and "complicated" and "foreign" and therefore by default "gay" and "retarded" name? In short, to assimilate into the US?

How many of you went to great lengths to practice an appropriate regional pronunciation of your less-easily-concealed surname, perhaps giving it a nasal twang and twisting vowels in ways that would've made your grandparents shudder with revulsion if you did it in front of them?

In short, how many of you went to great, great lengths attempting to fit into American society, forgetting and burying your birthright, your real, true name, your parents' language, your mother-tongue, and go completely head-over-heels modern-Anglo-American?

How many of you, at this point, still feel a bitter twinge of resentment in your gut for the Jessicas and Bettys and Amys and Jims and Jakes and Jerrys, those carefree Americans with their plain and simple names, names that never aroused suspicion or confusion or flat-out hatred?

I asked for a show of hands.

Now. How many of you, after doing all this, after all this trouble, get sick to your stomach when confronted with people who treat names like interchangeable, disposable trash, or as a chance to parade a kind of cheap, pseudo-authentic, seperatist identity?

How many of you watched your parents constantly, constantly struggle to speak good English, and watched them slowly learn and improve, and feel enormous pride for them, and then live day to day with people who take that fine instrument and treat it like a worn and greasy shop tool, to be kicked and tossed around carelessly?

How many people have immediate family that came here, breaking their backs to be prosperous, well-spoken Americans with plain ol' American names, only to see people who have been here for generations treat all that effort to be American with total contempt?
As if the efforts of all recent immigrants to establish a life here were somehow completely invalidated by the things their ancestors suffered?

It's bullshit like that which makes me think about repatriating to where my parents came from. I still speak the language very well. I could get along there. Then I remember... I was born here. I feel an obligation to this country, despite its flaws. My whole life is here. Those are the cards I have been dealt.

How many of you know exactly of what I speak?

I would simply like a show of hands.

P.S. - To the idjits trying to slander me as a Klans-Wizard on crack...  What I have described above is why I voted for Barack Obama THREE TIMES... he knows something about the sacrifices immigrants and their children make to put this country first, to be Americans, and to succeed as Americans. He knows, I think, what kind of crap you go through when you have a funny name in this country.

Regular Joe

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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #46 on: November 18, 2008, 05:16:40 AM »
"I'm not racist, I voted for Obama" is the new "Some of my best friends are _____". It doesn't just have to be for black people anymore!

How many of you know exactly of what I speak?

Not even YOU know what you are talking about. Who on gods green earth changes their name when they immigrate here? That may be common where you live, but I've never seen it and I voted for Obama. Nobody is less patriotic because their name isn't anglicized, the notion is utterly offensive to the fabric of this country. Considering the President we just elected, "funny names" (as you so racistly put it), are now common among the very leaders of our nation. This only further illustrates the fallacy of your argument that people have a harder time going through life with any other name than a good christian name. It just isn't true. The only one who has a harder time is you and people like you, and as well you should. Your dogma is whack and should only serve to make you look like an ass, which (thank the stars) it finally does in this day and age. Free at last.

In honesty I think you are being just being obtuse so you can troll with your white nationalist garbage, but on the slim chance you really do believe the drivel pouring out of your mouth, I feel obligated to correct you. Nobody cares if their name offends some antiquated notion held by Peggy Smith from Dubuque. Peggy Smith from Dubuque is just as ignorant as you are for wanting to continue imposing her history on everyone else in America. The problem you both share is indicated by the fact that you think being mocked is actually somehow worse than being the misguided mongoloid fuck doing the mocking. You have it 100% backwards, Cochise.

Take this personal example. My last name is the last name the slave owners who owned my dad's family gave us. I have absolutely ZERO connection to the history the name bears, so not only do I not care about this rich anglo-saxon history you simply cannot let go of, I actually resent it enough to want to change my last name to something ridiculous like Cheetos, which would be equally as arbitrary and meaningless as the brand slapped on cattle and a much cleaner start at that. I could probably even get the Frito-Lay company to pay me a ton of cash to do it.

Basically I just really think you should shut the fuck up and stop baiting reasonable people with a ridiculous argument, but far be it from me to make you stop showing up to your Klan rallies to speak your mind. Silence is just another one of those things that we don't impose on other people anymore, just like names, or opinions. You really should have known that already due to your extensive work with the ACLU.

Now get back in your time machine and go kiss a dinosaur you racist. The time of your reign is over, let the future give it a try.


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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #47 on: November 18, 2008, 05:34:03 AM »
Please call in tonight, Mo Primo! Please please please!!


  • Tarsel tunnel syndrome
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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2008, 06:21:31 AM »
OK, maybe I'm missing something here but surely any shit that arises from having a 'black name' (and I truly cringed whilst writing that) is the fault of the person giving the shit/making the insult/denying a job interview, rather than the named?

Anyway, this guy is doing his own show and we're all tuned in. Change the channel!
"How do they see you when there's no light?"


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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2008, 07:59:25 AM »
Not even YOU know what you are talking about. Who on gods green earth changes their name when they immigrate here?

It's not that uncommon in my experience. My pal Kai Ling went by "Kathy" for the first 8 years she lived in N. America. My brother's girlfriend apparently hates her Portuguese name enough that she refuses to let anyone know what it is and goes by "Phyllis".

Regular Joe

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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2008, 08:22:00 AM »
Ok, I'll see you that, I'm sure there are plenty of people who come here with that mistaken impression of some nationally implied pressure to fit in, and change their names for that reason. I just have to add the caveat that I still don't think the pressure on immigrants to strictly use anglicized names, is as widespread as Mo Primo claims, as cultural identity is important enough to most people in this melting pot to supersede all the go-along to get-along nonsense.

So, I'm going to stop posting in this thread now, Gilly is right. My goat was gotten. Piece said!


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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #51 on: November 18, 2008, 09:14:59 AM »
and FOTchan was bad?

No. And in all its incarnations, past and present, people rise to bait far less hastily.


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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #52 on: November 18, 2008, 09:46:10 AM »
Please call in tonight, Mo Primo! Please please please!!

Uh oh. Things will take a dark turn if Tom's scheduled guest starts reading from his lists of hobo and mole-men names.
Use your head, can't you, use your head! You're on earth, there's no cure for that!


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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #53 on: November 18, 2008, 10:51:10 AM »
I do believe that PC will be in next week, not tonight.
Though I may be wrong.
"Son, there's a thin line between crazed and rabid"


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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #54 on: November 18, 2008, 02:03:43 PM »
Ok, I'll see you that, I'm sure there are plenty of people who come here with that mistaken impression of some nationally implied pressure to fit in, and change their names for that reason. I just have to add the caveat that I still don't think the pressure on immigrants to strictly use anglicized names, is as widespread as Mo Primo claims, as cultural identity is important enough to most people in this melting pot to supersede all the go-along to get-along nonsense.

I've no proof but I would imagine a name change to fit in might be a regional thing, or possibly depending on the makeup of a specific population.  My girlfriend's parents kept their Asian names when the moved to Chicago from Vietnam knowing that it wouldn't really be a problem.  Recently her family moved to Kentucky and they literally doubled the Asian population of the town.  Their names are constantly butchered and if they had started out in Kentucky instead of Chicago, they most likely would've adopted Anglicized names.

As far as the crazy names go, if the named have a big issue with their name, they can legally change it when they become old enough.

Kim Kelly

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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2008, 01:52:45 PM »
Mo, please call in and discuss Bronx Mowgli Wentz.
Too soon?

Mo Primo

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Posts: 18
Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #56 on: November 22, 2008, 06:55:40 AM »
I maintain that the only one who really went the distance with this was Frank Zappa. Ms. Paltrow and the Simpson-Wentzes are but tattered leaves in the wind compared to this monolith. I mean, beat Dweezil, et cetera. Seriously. The bar was set a long time ago, and a challenger hath yet to approach, or catch up, or whatever.

Also... It's kind of a shame that Regular Joe dropped out of this fecal fling-fest, cuz I get the impression that he was just pissed on account of a pissant like me actually voting more times for Obama than he was legally able to do, as a resident of Washington State. Falling behind on a technicality like that has to sting a little. Also, I'd like to add that in my relatively brief span of active votership, I've probably voted for more black candidates from my district than there ARE black people in the Great Northwest, generally, not counting the Ying Yang Twins or Sir Mixalot.

So, Regular Joe, I'm not without pity on your behalf, you being like a peppercorn in a jar of mayonnaise and all. It's gotta munch nads. I suppose I can see where you might be coming from with your whole C.R.E.A.M. (Crackers Rule Everything Around Me) thing, and seeing as how you live closer to Jim Goad than I do, I can't blame you.... but... eh.... I think thou doth protest a bit much. Also! Have you changed your surname to Cheetos yet?

John Junk 2.0

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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #57 on: November 22, 2008, 08:25:13 AM »
Eartha Kitt - I Want To Be Evil


I wanna be evil, I wanna spit tacks
I wanna be evil, and cheat at jacks
I wanna be wicked, I wanna tell lies
I wanna be mean, and throw mud pies

I want to wake up in the morning
with that dark brown taste
I want to see some dissipation in my face
I wanna be evil, I wanna be mad
But more that that I wanna be bad

I wanna be evil, and trump an ace,
Just to see my partner's face.
I wanna be nasty, I wanna be cruel
I wanna be daring, I wanna shoot pool

And in the theatre
I want to change my seat
Just so I can step on
Everybody's feet

I wanna be evil, I wanna hurt flies
I wanna sing songs like the guy who cries
I wanna be horrid, I wanna drink booze
(I want to be horrid, I want to make news)*
And whatever I've got I'm eager to lose

I wanna be evil, little evil me
Just as mean and evil as I can be

One of the best songs from one of the best songstresses ever.

This is by far the worst thing you've posted.

I didn't read any of the articles, I sorta glanced at the People's News thing and it seemed lame.  Yes, I understand black people wrote it.  I think getting upset that "stupid names" suggest a coming "Idiocracy" belies the idea that you honor names based on religious and ethnic inheritance over names based on cultural associations, secular, pop, and otherwise.  These issues are more problematic for African Americans than most other groups in America for reasons that should be glaringly obvious.  But it's a cultural issue and it's only as important as you make it, insomuch as it's not as important as, say, increasing acceptance of torture as a legitmate means to get information from prisoners.  Therefore, when people say stuff like "you're a doo-doo head" and make fun of how long your posts are, they are justified.  Seriously.  I mean, Moon Unit Zappa has a dumb name, but if she's a decent person who cares?  My father is an out of touch white man teaching in the inner city, and he has relayed some outrageously absurd names to me, and certainly these people haven't really been given a leg up with these names, but in certain circles, your regular-style last name will brand you as a member or outsider of one community or another,and be used as an occasion for prejudice, so in our project to be decent people we should remember that a name is not the measure of one's worth.

Also, if you love cutout so much, why don't you marry him?

John Junk 2.0

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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #58 on: November 22, 2008, 08:50:15 AM »
I maintain that the only one who really went the distance with this was Frank Zappa. Ms. Paltrow and the Simpson-Wentzes are but tattered leaves in the wind compared to this monolith. I mean, beat Dweezil, et cetera. Seriously. The bar was set a long time ago, and a challenger hath yet to approach, or catch up, or whatever.

Also... It's kind of a shame that Regular Joe dropped out of this fecal fling-fest, cuz I get the impression that he was just pissed on account of a pissant like me actually voting more times for Obama than he was legally able to do, as a resident of Washington State. Falling behind on a technicality like that has to sting a little. Also, I'd like to add that in my relatively brief span of active votership, I've probably voted for more black candidates from my district than there ARE black people in the Great Northwest, generally, not counting the Ying Yang Twins or Sir Mixalot.

So, Regular Joe, I'm not without pity on your behalf, you being like a peppercorn in a jar of mayonnaise and all. It's gotta munch nads. I suppose I can see where you might be coming from with your whole C.R.E.A.M. (Crackers Rule Everything Around Me) thing, and seeing as how you live closer to Jim Goad than I do, I can't blame you.... but... eh.... I think thou doth protest a bit much. Also! Have you changed your surname to Cheetos yet?

ugh, I read this post after I posted my totally not-as-mean-as-it-should-be previous post.  Way to brag about having more black people in your town than Regular Joe.  And don't think I don't know you were trying to be ironic.  You failed.  You seem like a real asshole.   

Denim Gremlin

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Re: Toyota/Mylanta/Gondola imbecile
« Reply #59 on: November 22, 2008, 10:38:12 AM »
Eartha Kitt - I Want To Be Evil


I wanna be evil, I wanna spit tacks
I wanna be evil, and cheat at jacks
I wanna be wicked, I wanna tell lies
I wanna be mean, and throw mud pies

I want to wake up in the morning
with that dark brown taste
I want to see some dissipation in my face
I wanna be evil, I wanna be mad
But more that that I wanna be bad

I wanna be evil, and trump an ace,
Just to see my partner's face.
I wanna be nasty, I wanna be cruel
I wanna be daring, I wanna shoot pool

And in the theatre
I want to change my seat
Just so I can step on
Everybody's feet

I wanna be evil, I wanna hurt flies
I wanna sing songs like the guy who cries
I wanna be horrid, I wanna drink booze
(I want to be horrid, I want to make news)*
And whatever I've got I'm eager to lose

I wanna be evil, little evil me
Just as mean and evil as I can be

One of the best songs from one of the best songstresses ever.

This is by far the worst thing you've posted.

I didn't read any of the articles, I sorta glanced at the People's News thing and it seemed lame.  Yes, I understand black people wrote it.  I think getting upset that "stupid names" suggest a coming "Idiocracy" belies the idea that you honor names based on religious and ethnic inheritance over names based on cultural associations, secular, pop, and otherwise.  These issues are more problematic for African Americans than most other groups in America for reasons that should be glaringly obvious.  But it's a cultural issue and it's only as important as you make it, insomuch as it's not as important as, say, increasing acceptance of torture as a legitmate means to get information from prisoners.  Therefore, when people say stuff like "you're a doo-doo head" and make fun of how long your posts are, they are justified.  Seriously.  I mean, Moon Unit Zappa has a dumb name, but if she's a decent person who cares?  My father is an out of touch white man teaching in the inner city, and he has relayed some outrageously absurd names to me, and certainly these people haven't really been given a leg up with these names, but in certain circles, your regular-style last name will brand you as a member or outsider of one community or another,and be used as an occasion for prejudice, so in our project to be decent people we should remember that a name is not the measure of one's worth.

Also, if you love cutout so much, why don't you marry him?

I want to believe that you donned a Lincoln costume plus full prosthetic makeup and took this picture of yourself, john
I was the first guy in hardcore to whip people with his belt.