My co-worker Nancy, trying to quote "Hereeee's Johnny!" from the Shining: "Here I am!"
"I'm walking here!" - Robert De Niro, Midnight Cowboy
I heard Tom bust you on that one ... Perhaps you were thinking of his final line of dialog from Midnight Run? (That line being "Guess I'm walking"). I liked that movie a lot when I saw it, not sure how much it holds up these days ... I think that was one of the earliest DeNiro self-parodic roles, where he was playing the tough guy for laffs. Before all the Analyze Theses, Thatses, and other things ...
(That line being "Guess I'm walking"). Looks like I'm Walking
"Christopher Walken with ... Christopher Walken! Guest starring Christopher Walken ... in Guess I'm Walken" Looks Like I'm Walken