An amazing performance by James Brown on the TAMI Show:
There is a backstory to this video that I am going to get wrong. The Rolling Stones were booked on the same show, and someone thought it would be a good idea for the Stones to close the show. It was up to Mick to deliver the news to James Brown, who said, "Ok" and then delivered a performance that caused Sir Jagger to not want to leave his dressing room. "Welcome to America" is what Mr. Brown told Mr. Stones as they passed each other, one to go rest and the other to go flail.
The Stones closed the show with this awful performance: Anyway, I am messing up a really good story
that one should Google for more information about that particular evening. Credit to Joey "CoCo" Diaz for remembering this video and mentioning this article from the New Yorker on his show -
mystery solved!
Update: Mick shows off his Eaton Riflehood and London School of Economics education on the subject (in French and English, no less):
Bonus! Toni Basil Reflects on James Brown on the Tami Show: <- Such an interesting interview/person!