HAIR - MICKY DOLENZ (Clip One) - MICKY DOLENZ (Clip Two) goodness sakes, I am not typing about the nudie musical. Nope. I am typing about the hair on Micky Dolenz's head. For some, it was the day that Dylan went electric - shocking, unforgettable, unforgivable. That is not a reference point that is accessible to me. But the day that Micky changed his hair? That I can relate to: I was shocked; it was unforgettable...
and it was unforgivable. Thanks for ruining my childhood in your caftan, Dolenz.
...and who the heck asked you to scat?
And tell Tork and his hand tattoo to hurry up with my latte.
It's stir counter-clockwise twice, clockwise fifteen times, and counter-clockwise twice. THEN Serve.