Author Topic: Marc Maron  (Read 748501 times)

Pastor Josh

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #270 on: October 20, 2010, 01:10:09 PM »
The one thing of his I've read is the graphic novel Marc mentioned, The Alcoholic.  Really enjoyed it, although I don't understand why it needed to be a graphic novel.  The art was great, but it didn't seem to add anything.
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daveB from Oakland

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #271 on: November 15, 2010, 01:28:57 PM »
The new WTF  episode is fantastic. Marc and a couple younger comedians sneak a microphone into the Creation Museum.

Amongst other things, they learn about the presence of dragons and brontosauruses on Noah's Ark, and also a few of the consequences of original sin: " 1.Plants struggle against other plants for survival and  2.Plants grow where they are not wanted (weeds)."

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #272 on: November 15, 2010, 02:14:40 PM »
Seconded, great show.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #273 on: November 15, 2010, 03:08:29 PM »
I can't wait to hear that one. My wife and I and a few friends visited that place a couple of years back. There was a similar plaque explaining how poison dart frogs weren't poisonous until Adam sinned. A very, very strange place.

The new WTF  episode is fantastic. Marc and a couple younger comedians sneak a microphone into the Creation Museum.

Amongst other things, they learn about the presence of dragons and brontosauruses on Noah's Ark, and also a few of the consequences of original sin: " 1.Plants struggle against other plants for survival and  2.Plants grow where they are not wanted (weeds)."


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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #274 on: November 16, 2010, 05:31:00 PM »
My own experience with Ames is limited.  I've read the short story on which "Bored to Death" is based, a couple of his nonfiction pieces, and the novel WAKE UP, SIR, which I found, if not life-changing, a real stitch.  I also saw him host a Moth evening, where he was quite the howl. I like him quite a bit, but does anyone know of a real knockout punch by him that I've missed?

I thought "The Extra Man" was good. Not quite as good as "Wake Up, Sir" but very enjoyable all the same.

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #275 on: November 16, 2010, 08:43:50 PM »
I listened to the Creation Museum show and while it was really good, I'm surprised(?) he/they didn't pick up on the undercurrent of anti-Asian racism in the place.

Also, no mention of the penguin.

Finally, I'm sorry they didn't have the Noah's Ark exhibit finished yet when we visited.


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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #276 on: November 20, 2010, 04:44:12 PM »
I saw Marc live in Pontiac, MI the day the creation museum episode dropped.    He mentioned the penguin and how it didn't make sense for the climate, and that it was probably meant for a pallate cleanser before the brontosaurus is seen in the garden.

Marc said he was working on a new CD, and will cover the museum in more detail then.
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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #277 on: November 20, 2010, 10:34:39 PM »
I listened to the Creation Museum show and while it was really good, I'm surprised(?) he/they didn't pick up on the undercurrent of anti-Asian racism in the place.

Also, no mention of the penguin.

Finally, I'm sorry they didn't have the Noah's Ark exhibit finished yet when we visited.

Wait, I just went today, what anti-asian racism is this that you speak of?

Pastor Josh

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #278 on: November 21, 2010, 12:38:17 PM »
As good as the episode proper was, I really enjoyed his discourse on faith in the intro.  I don't agree entirely, but I really appreciate a non-religious person trying to take faith seriously.
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Hugman 3.0

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #279 on: November 21, 2010, 02:53:14 PM »
The Paul Scheer episode is sooooooooo good.  So fascinating. 

dave from knoxville

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #280 on: November 21, 2010, 05:45:21 PM »
I am 27 episodes behind!

Steve of Bloomington

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #281 on: November 21, 2010, 05:57:32 PM »
I listened to the Creation Museum show and while it was really good, I'm surprised(?) he/they didn't pick up on the undercurrent of anti-Asian racism in the place.

Also, no mention of the penguin.

Finally, I'm sorry they didn't have the Noah's Ark exhibit finished yet when we visited.

Wait, I just went today, what anti-asian racism is this that you speak of?

There is the little diorama with the creation scientist and the legitimate scientist, and the legitimate scientist is an Asian gentleman. Later, there's the scare film with 100s of Asian soldiers. Unless they don't have that stuff anymore.


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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #282 on: November 21, 2010, 06:27:48 PM »
"Like it or not, Florida seems dedicated to a 'live fast, die' way of doing things."

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #283 on: November 21, 2010, 11:17:23 PM »
Whatever, but can anyone explain to me why Noah has a Russian accent?  I mean, it sounds as if it's really pronounced.
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dave from knoxville

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Re: Marc Maron
« Reply #284 on: November 22, 2010, 06:32:37 AM »
Whatever, but can anyone explain to me why Noah has a Russian accent?  I mean, it sounds as if it's really pronounced.

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